Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


If You would like to support My work, My writing and sharing, My PayPal account is:

I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Friday, November 9, 2012


Vibrations, energy fields, energy signatures and maybe more

(From night school last night, and the night before and, and, and.........)

We real-eyes that this is part of a series and ongoing process that We are in. There may be others (scientists, philosophers and even personal experiencers) who may disagree with All or part of this and that is okay. We also real-eyes that We may make some mistakes in Our interpretation of the information We are given and Our experiences. One reason We real-eyes this is that last night We experienced how We had misunderstood some of what went on the night before. This series actually goes back a ways and We think We have All-ready posted some in a previous “night school”. We are not going to try to keep it in perfect order and identify what happened when and We may repeat OurSelf. Consider YourSelf forewarned. We will put it in whatever order seems appropriate as We type and proofread it.

EveryOne and everything has a unique, specific signature. At this point it is probably easiest to describe this as an energy signature whether or not that is completely accurate. EveryOne and everything also has an energy body which may or may not be the same as “their”/its energy field. Everything and everyOne also has a rate (frequency?) of vibration which may or may not match “their”/its signature. The signature is constant, unique and specific whereas the vibration can change and vacillate and is not necessarily unique and specific to any individual or group.

An entire group will have a specific signature for that group (as in the planet, a group/cluster of stars, an area within any of these, etc.) AND individuals within that group will also have “their” own, specific signature. The vibrational rate/frequency is more attuned to the current state of being of an individual or group(s). We think this fairly well describes the differences and specifics as We (personally) understand it so far.

To travel/transposition/teleport to anywhere, anytime, anyOne We (anyOne) just need to match/recreate the signature. (there seems to be some ambiguity here since each signature is unique and specific but apparently it can also be imitated or reproduced???????)

We met a new friend who is a closer vibrational match than anyOne We have met previously. (Hmmmmm, apparently there are different levels/types of vibration.) There is a vibration that matches Our surface state of being AND a vibration that reflects Our core essence (probably closer to Our signature). It is this deep level vibration that this new friend was such a close match to. (We now see where Our confusion about what We did comes from, We misunderstood the idea of matching vibrations, or which vibration We were matching. But, We are getting ahead of OurSelf.)

This new friend was teaching Us and showing Us about adjusting and calibrating Our vibration. We traveled to different areas by matching the vibration (or so We thought). The tricky part was to come close to the vibration without getting sucked in and down to a lower vibration than We want to experience. (Here is where the difference between surface and deep vibration comes in) This: “getting sucked in” is what happened when We entered limitation, physical 3D and We fell in and could not get up.

We can match/replicate the vibration of a person, place or thing (probably the signature) OR We can match the vibration of the/a state of being such as: “fear”. Again, this is where some confusion has come in. If We match the vibration of a state of being, it is very, very easy to make that vibration Our vibration as well. (again: get sucked in) Of course if We match the vibration of Love then it is not so much: “Getting sucked in”. This may be because Love is Our natural vibration anyway. (We think that other vibrations are Our natural vibration because We have lived in those for so long. Once again this is the difference between natural and normal.) Love is natural, fear and lack etc. are normal.

In class We did some of All these different techniques. After matching the vibration of fear and traveling to a place where there was much fear We (personally) thought that was the ONLY way to travel. We missed it that it is One way NOT the only way. We can also cast Our gaze around (known as remote viewing) and find a person/place/time that is experiencing fear (or any other feeling/sensation/state of being) and feel/find (this seems to be a matter of the heart not the head) the signature of that person/place/time/whatever and match that and BE THERE instantly.

We hope that We are being clear. To match the vibration of a state of being is risking getting drawn in to the state of being. It is possible not to get drawn in but it is very tricky. To match the signature does not carry this risk. Even if We did get drawn in, We would be getting drawn into love because that is THE natural state.

That's it about traveling/trans-positioning without movement and without time. So far anyway.

Now, energy fields. These (energy fields) surround everyOne and everything. These fields can be different from the energy body. These fields can insulate Us, protect Us and enable Us to live in harmony and in tune and in union with nature and each other and everything else. It is from these fields that We can (and unknowingly do) replicate, manifest, and create anything and everything. In limitation 3D We turned off or greatly dimmed down (dumbed down????) Our energy field. This was necessary to experience limitation and separation. Our energy field is Our projection of Our energy. When everyOne is projecting these fields, We (as physical and even energy bodies) easily and casually cross and intermingle Our fields. Mixing and sharing Our actual bodies (physical or energy) is much more conscious choice and intimate.

We can open up or close up these energy fields even though “they” can not be completely turned off. We can turn (or dim) “them” down to All-most non-existent (as We appear to have done in limitation 3D) but there will All-ways be a trickle of this energy. We are made of energy, that is Our energy body (or sort of, kind of, maybe). We can deny it and ignore it but if We exist, Our energy body exists. We can pull in Our field so that it is (All-most) only the size of Our physical and energy bodies. Again, this is what We have done (or think We have anyway) in limitation 3D.

In class We had a lot of fun playing with and intermingling Our energy fields. (Imagine how much fun it is to tickle each other without causing any discomfort and how it would feel to enjoy being tickled) Because Our energy fields hold/are energy (DUH) We can (and We did this in class) calibrate/adjust the vibration of some/any of the energy to become whatever form of matter We desire. It is easy to see why it is important to be aware of what One is doing and why so many of Us fear this ability. Here is the thing, if We live and act from (and as) love, We are incapable of misuse or causing harm. Most of Us are quite unfamiliar with being and acting from/as this type/level of love. It is natural BUT it is in no way normal (yet).

We (personally) recognize that We are only beginning to be aware of and experience these energy fields. We may be mistaken about and/or misunderstanding some of the information. We will continue to learn and grow as We continue to explore.

What We do NOT want to do is forget and deny what We really are. We are love.

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