Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


If You would like to support My work, My writing and sharing, My PayPal account is:

I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012



Removing Our blocks

Wizard's Log Star-date: 08:10:28 AM

Good morning. A rather different night. We were woken suddenly from a deep sleep and dream. We were very definitely and clearly experiencing the dream but now We have very little memory of it. It is hard to really explain but Once again it was experiences that are still quite different from what Our limited 3D consciousness can accept and process. We are certain that it was similar to what many remember as abduction dreams. The thing is that We were an abductee AND One (or more) of the abductors. Try to muddle that One out with 3D logic.

Right away We felt that this dream is confirmation and experience of what We have been feeling the last few days. We have going through intense and farfetched (by 3D standards) experiences and transitions in dream and integrating those in waking. We are being transformed. Of course, this is nothing that is being forced upon Us. We asked for this wholeheartedly even if a bit ignorant of the extremity of what We were asking.

What We are aware of (so far) is having blockages removed from Our minds that have hindered Our progress and freedom for eons and even longer. We are also removing these blockages from others. This process could easily be seen as violation of free will. The thing is that no One is being forced to have these blocks removed even if “they” are not aware of having asked for this in “their” waking consciousness. Another thing is that Once the blocks are removed it is up to each individual how to proceed. Any person can continue living life exactly as “they” have been the only difference is that We will be aware that this is a choice and not a requirement.

The final thing is that these blocks are artificial implants (and yes We each agreed to this beforehand but most have forgotten that agreement) which were intended and agreed to be removed after the desired experience was complete. We could probably debate whether that time has long passed or has arrived yet. It seems that Our watcher Selves have decided that now is the time.

And that is part which is hazy but coming clearer. These aspects of Us that are in limitation 3D and those that are in multi-D and All the myriad versions of that. It is Us that are prisoners (so to speak) in the game AND it us that maintain guard to insure We do not escape early or unable to cope with what We find. It is those blocks which limit Our ability to comprehend All this. With the blocks removed it seems more possible and even feels familiar but the habitual thinking and beliefs and living patterns are deep rooted habits that take a bit to release.

This is why We are in process of integrating this expansive thinking and beliefs. It does feel to be in conjunction with the recent portals and gateways AND the current full moon lunar eclipse activation.

These are awesome times indeed and it really does feel like the process has been kicked up several notches. Notches in intensity and speed.

As We wake holding on to Our multidimensional Self, more of the message from last night is coming through. These blocks are often called: “the veil”. The veil of forgetfulness, perhaps many veils. Like sheer curtains that We interpret as being solid, impenetrable concrete and steel walls. Now, We have begun to see these veils, these gauzy curtains blowing freely in the winds of change. Soon, if We choose these veils will blow right off Our walls and We are free. It is Our choice how to live this freedom. It is something beyond Our wildest dreams and imaginings and We can imagine quite a lot.

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