Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


If You would like to support My work, My writing and sharing, My PayPal account is:

I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

From just before deciding to drive school bus

This is a rather long post.  It is some emails I sent in the days before I started thinking about and going for driving school bus.  It is quite interesting in retrospect to re-read what I wrote about and was thinking back then.  I had considered driving school bus off and on for several years, All-ways discarding the idea as soon as it crept through My mind.  Until.........

Written 9/2/09
     I've been telling people that I feel like I'm in the alchemist's furnace right now.
    One of the things that is coming up is facing My opposites. A further look into My rejects and cast-aways. I opened the door and invited "them" in, now where am I going to put "them" All?
Written 9/7/09
     I think the point of not trying to DO is very important. It is a state of BEING and We really can't force it and We certainly can not imitate it, tho some try.
     My tendency is when My mind goes guiet, I fall asleep. It took Me a while to real-eyes that this is OK. I fall asleep and I dream. If I believe that My dreams are real (working on that and it is getting more real All the time) then it really doesn't matter if I bring it into consciousness or not. But, just like everyOne I like to experience things is waking. I think if We/I struggle to bring it into waking then it is harder, letting it flow in makes it easier but often seems to take a long time.
     From the first time I ever heard of Lucid dreaming I knew I wanted to reach Lucid waking. so far I have only experienced Lucid dreaming on a few occaisions but more and more I do recognize that I Am dreaming when I Am awake.
Written 9/8/09
     I think many of Us are in the category of doing better than We thought.
     Often We think there is some lofty goal, some "place in the clouds" type expectations. I'm not knocking those ideas, I love being in the clouds. But, sometimes We are All-ready where We want to be, We just don't recognize it. Also, as I have said before, the person(s) living on the mountaintops or in the clouds are not really the Ones who have accomplished much. It is the people living in society (the backstreets, mainstreets and alleys) and being aware of Our spiritual path who have accomplished great things and are accomplishing much.
Written 9/12/09
There is much to be said for being childlike. It's not easy for Us A-dults to allow OurSelves to be childlike, even harder to admit in public.
Written 9/12/09
     It does seem many of Us are seeking more and more quiet. I went this direction over the years, often not even real-eye-sing what I was doing. The noise just held less and less interest for Me.
     There is even One job that I had thought to apply for, I know the manager and had worked with him at another job. What stopped Me was the volume and type of music that is All-ways playing there. It may not actually be angry music, but the volume left Me feeling anger.
Written 9/14/09
      This reminds Me of how perfect Our lives are if We allow it. Admittedly, it doesn't All-ways look perfect. But it is a perfect experience, and for Me that is the whole point, the experience. There have been many times that I wanted to control My experience, but if I had allowed MySelf (My limited Self) this control, I would have sold MySelf short.
     It is the variety that keeps Us fresh. It is the abiltiy to shift back and forth and the awareness of doing this that is new to Me and very exciting.
    For some time now I have said that the utopia which some predict and expect looks to Me like another form of limitation. Sure, it looks like great version of limitation, but I really am over being limited, at least until I want to experience it some more.
Written 9/14/09
     Gaurdians can appear as protectors or as jailors. Maybe there are times that We need (want on a subconcous or superconcious level) a little of each.
Written 9/14/09
     EveryOne gets to have One first time at everything, exciting isn't it??????? And if We are really good at forgetting, We can have another first time.
Written 9/14/09
     Last night as I was dozing off (for the first time ever) I heard chatter on the inner-net or grid.
Written 9/14/09
     I think We're getting pretty good at doing as the earthlings do.
Written 9/14/09
     Isn't it funny how We thought that the A-dult was All We were/are. And, when I first started to open the door to more, I was quite scared of what I saw.  But slowly and gently I began to grow familiar with more, and it became clear that being childlike is amazing.
Written 9/15/09
     For quite some time I have read: "Live in an attitude of meditation". I Am One who never really got the knack of traditional meditation (I don't visualize and I DO fall asleep) so at first I thought I could never attain to "living in an attitude of meditation".
     At some point it dawned on Me that living "in an attitude of meditation" would be different from the traditional meditation I had been told about. So, maybe I could learn to "live in an attitude of meditation". And this is what I set about to do. For Me it worked much better than spending a few minutes or even hours every day in meditation.
     I'm not saying I don't get distracted etc. but I Am learing to take even the distractions as a part of My meditation.
     And there are many times that I go so deep that I just have to stop what I Am doing and go lie down, or bring MySelf back to a place where I can focus on the physical task. There is a time for both.
     As I often say, being spiritual is no longer about living in a monastery or a cave in the himalayas, that is really no big accomplishment. Being spiritual today is about living in the streets and factories, spending Our days in the business places or home attending to Our families, or studying to pass the next exam and still seeking to remember who and what We really are and living as that, while experiencing limiting circumstances.
     It is true that striving is no longer necessary. We are becomming aware that We are All-ready here, We are All-ready who We are.
Written 9/16/09
As far as I can tell from the calendar (and My recall) this is the day I decided to apply
for the job driving school bus but I can't find any mention of it until the 20th.
     Well, I can relate to "it" getting messed up in My head..........................
     When I think I need to do this or that, or even be this or that, then it gets messed up. When I can just flow with the moment, be with the moment then I Am who I need to be at that moment.
     A river has boundaries, but those boundaries change every day, maybe every moment if We look close enough. During a draught the rivers boundaries are very close, in flood season it would seem that the river violates it's own boundaries. Is there anything more perfect than a river?
     How would We ever play Pook sticks without Our river?
Written 9/16/09
     It's walking amongst Our others that is Our challenge. To seek and find Our balance in the ocean of humanity, that is the road less travelled.
     People think that the guys living in caves, surviving on air have accomplished something. "They" don't have to pay taxes, catch busses to work or raise children. We think a tight rope walker has an amazing skill and sense of balance. "They" don't have anyOne trying to push "them" off "their" mark.
     We need Our down time to re-center and seek calm and quiet and just be.
     We are the Ones who make Our lives complicated, that was/is Our choice. We chose to experience this. We could have chosen to live on the mountaintops, but We chose to walk in the valleys because there is soooo much more to experience from here.
     Have You ever stood at the top of a large waterfall and looked down? It's a very awesome sight. But, the true beauty is fully seen from the bottom.
Written 9/16/09
     I for One am glad that My child is more patient than My A-dult.
Written 9/16/09
     Everything is changing and We have the choice of changing and going with this flow or resisting. I want to remember to honor those who choose to resisit (even when it is Me).
Written 9/17/09
     I've been too spacey to type.
     Definately having more and more of the sense of multiple realities, sometimes simultaneously sometimes flipping back and forth. One clear sensation of sliding from One to another. That was a fun awareness/recognition.
     This is becomming more and more familiar, less and less notable. But, yesterday, I simply could not focus on 3D once I got home from work (I wonder how I appeared to people at work???????)
     I think this is safe, just new and unfamiliar. I do know that I too have questioned the safety and sanity of this travelling or whatever We might call it. I think it is part of teleportation and teleportation is part of what We are experiencing. I just flashed on "Dune" how the spacing guild travelled by folding space. "They" didn't "go" anywhere to "go" everywhere.
     I think We are doing the things We have only dreamed possible before. I think it is important to remember that the new and unfamiliar is ALL-WAYS uncomfortable. I also think We should notice and heed these "caution signs" while remembering that a road sign that says "road slippery when wet" does not mean that We must stop and give up the journey.

Written 9/17/09
     These are great things for Us to be aware of. For so long We have believed that what We see is the only thing that is real. The Reconnections tell Us that THIS is the only actual illusion.
     "Everything is real, everywhere it exists. There are no lies, no falsehoods, no deceptions. There are only purposeful OMISSIONS of certain facts and information, within certain universes, so that FOCUS can be achieved. The only illusion possible is the impression that is given that what appears in a certain space is the only thing that exists in that space."
     To begin seeing and accepting and believing that We each create and live in Our Own version of reality (the world) is major progress.

Written 9/17/09
     When is it NOT My Shadow messing around??????????????????????
     I know what You mean about not getting enough sleep, I could sleep and dream forever it seems.
    Some of the dream stuff is coming through into 3D, I guess that's what happens when We start sleeping less???????? And the veil gets thin.
Written 9/17/09
     This reminds Me of something We haven't talked about in a while.
     Many of Us manifest being sick in order to take a break. It is a learned practice. As children: when are We the most pampered????? And when are We excused from school and Our chores? And later, when is it ok to miss work?
     We have trained OurSelves that is not okay to play hookey, yet how many of Us long to do just that?????? And why can't We honor that desire?
     We need to give OurSelves breaks. We need to learn to allow OurSelves down time.
     This is One of the reasons that parts of Our process feel uncomfortable, because We are often required to slow down to process and many of Us simply do NOT know how to slow down.
Written 9/18/09
     It continues to amaze Me how You experience love. What many of Us would view as theory and/or philosophy, You are living and expressing as an experience.
     I do think this is part of the "now" age. Many things that were talked about as ideals/theories etc even just a few years ago are the topics We are talking about living in Our daily lives.
     This is a gift, a gift to be cherished as it is shared.
Written 9/18/09
     I agree that these things are important. It is soooo easy to lapse back into old thinking that We must rush and everyOne must agree and must, must, must...................
     We really do have eternity, whether We choose to spend it in One body or many or different forms.
     Important to relax and real-eyes that We are free.
     Relaxing, taking life slow has been (and continues to be) a huge lesson for Me. As I Am going through some changes in My physical life/activities it has come to the forefront again.
     Remember "The 59th Street Bridge Song"?
Written 9/19/09
     The energy is on the move and much change is happening.
     Sometimes, it is hard to distinguish Our stuff from "their' stuff (for Us empaths). It helps to be reminded that some of what We feel is coming from Our others.
Written 9/20/09
     The different parts We play. We are the antagonist and the protaganist. And the paganist and the pianist.
Written 9/20/09
     I Am changing jobs this week and because I will be working a split shift I may find MySelf doing more reading. At least this is certainly One of the possibilities for using that time between shifts. I Am currently reading the Sword of Truth series by Terry Goodkind and really enjoying it. I was wondering what I might wanna read when I finish this series.

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