Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


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I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Thursday, October 25, 2012


The first time for a request

(From night school last night)

As We were heading into dream We asked to meet with someOne(s) from a conversation about Our previous “night school” to resolve Our misunderstandings. We felt there were some cultural and linguistic misunderstandings and miss-communications on both sides. Perhaps some errors but We feel that what appear to be errors are most often differences in perspective and experience and choices. These are matters of the heart and We feel “they” are best resolved in dream as that is where (We feel) the heart can instruct and lead the head most easily. This is the first time We have made such a request about Our dreaming so it is All a first time experience for Us. Generally We prefer to just let Our higher Self (heart) take Us wherever it wants Us to go and/or knows We are capable of handling. However, this felt different somehow.

All-ready there is something that We wanted to put in the opening statement that We have forgotten. We hope We will remember it later as it seemed relevant. Perhaps We will forget most of what We wanted to type as We wake. We are hoping to remain somewhat in dream/trance state to retain as much as possible. However, typing being a 3D activity it does tend to draw Us into 3D. We will see how this goes from here.

We began the night with much of the usual adventures and such. Then We received what seemed like a sending and We felt (and still feel) that it was in answer to Our request. This dream involved Native Americans and horses, but it was vague to Us and seemed All-most empty or hollow. However, it was not that the dream was empty or hollow (this was only Our perception) it was that We were unable to fully access the dream. We knew that it (or OurSelf) needed to be activated. It All faded away (or went into the distance) and We were comfortable that it would return with clarity when We are ready.

We returned to typical dream activity. It is rather amazing that what seemed incredible and remarkable a few years (and even only months) ago is now “typical”. We found many friends (old familiars and several We had never met before) and We played in and amongst and with the stars. We had some planet side adventures which seem to have led Us (personally and collectively) to what follows:

We had a panoramic view which required panoramic vision far beyond typical human sight. In this dream We (personally) could see (unusual for Us) and feel (normal for Us) equally (very new). Neither sense was primary or dominant the way We usually experience. We are unsure about the other senses.

We stood on a vast mountain range of incredible height looking out upon an even larger plain or valley. We felt/feel the sight was that of an eagle's. We surveyed the entire area before Us from end to end (for miles upon miles) and All the way across and up to the peaks of the snow-capped mountain range on the far side. Then some tiny movement caught Our attention. We visually zoomed in on the movement. It was a person waving “their” arms (holding a staff or lance of some type) to attract Our attention. Obviously “they” succeeded.

This person appeared to be an elder of some type or clan or culture or ????????? We saw a path which seemed to begin at the elders feet and lead across the valley.

We flew(?) (traveled somehow and instantly) to meet the elder face to face. It seemed that We changed form but this was so natural, common and normal for Us in this state that We barely noticed the shift.

Do You choose to walk the path?”

In the book and movie “Children of Dune” “they” speak of the Golden Path. There are probably references and traditions in other stories and cultures etc. but this is the One that comes to mind. We have never been completely clear about what it is and/or represents. We can tell that others feel it is very important and significant but it has never held any real meaning for Us.

We hesitate to answer. We are unsure of a single path and choice. We are certain that it is right for You and seems (to You) right for Us but We have many questions and doubts about “only” One way or path. We will ask Our heart and get back to You.”

With that We departed in the dream and from the dream. (Dreams within dreams is another new awareness for Us)

We went within and communed with Our heart. In the interim We repeated and felt that We heard (were told): “We are love. We are exploring and experiencing All that love is and does. We are love.” Repeated over and over. We expected this to take some time yet it seemed instantly (after a very deep and lengthy communion.... go figure) We were back facing the elder. This is where We had thought We would begin the telling of this “night school”. Obviously We changed Our mind(s).

We choose to fly the path.”

To fully experience the path One must walk the path.”

Yes, to fully experience the path as only human then One must walk the path. Our choice is based on much consideration. We choose to experience the path as human and leopard and rabbit and wolf and eagle and falcon and more. As much more as We can possibly imagine, even as fish and dolphin and snail. Also, there are seven billion humans upon Gaia and countless beings within. We wish to experience as All of these. We recognize that Our choice is not a common One and it snot for everyOne.”

The only safe way to cross the expanse is to follow the path.”

With over seven billion humans alone (not counting All the other beings and plants and rocks and and and) it (the path) is going to get a little crowded. How can We expect seven billion people to make the same choice and follow the same path and if “they” did why would We need seven billion of Us to explore the exact same thing from the exact same perspective? Even if only One billion (which is really a fairly large number) choose the path does that mean the other six(plus) billion are lost and abandoned? We see/feel it otherwise. We wish to honor You and Your knowledge and views AND We wish to expand beyond any limitation be it only a perception or real. We will fly the path where We can observe Our others crossing the expanse. When We desire We will land (on and off the path) to join someOne(s) at that place (where 'they' are) and experience from 'their' perspective.”

There is only One safe way to cross the expanse. All others will perish.”

Then We must (and will) find a way to make other ways and other choices safe for those who desire safety. Many may choose a path or journey fraught with danger and turmoil. We must also find and make a way for “them” to survive. EveryOne and everything, every choice and every option and every possibility and even impossibility must make it to the other side and live. All must be included in the All for it to be whole.”

You are young and foolish.”

Yes, and this is Our choice.”

You have Our blessing. Fare thee well. The path will All-ways be here if You desire to return here and walk the path.”

We will. And We will tell You of Our journeys and explorations and adventures and successes and apparent failures (We said apparent because failure is really an opportunity) and All Our bruises and skinned knees and glowing smiles. When We meet again We will sit around the blazing campfire of the ages and reminisce about All of it and You will tell Us what You experienced while You waited and watched for Our return.”

And Your point of arrival will be the point of Your departure. You will draw the extremities into the middle and then expand the middle into the extremes. Nothing will ever be the same again even though nothing will change. You are young and foolish and reckless and We bless You for this. We (You and I) will breathe the world (the All that is) in and out together.”

So it is and it is so.”

We are certainly not certain if this cleared up any of Our misunderstandings or not but it was definitely fun, intense and informative. We get the strong impression that there is more to come, more meetings to follow to clarify more for Us.

We are love and We are sending love into the grid, the net, the matrix, the expanse.

We are happy with how this (the remembering, experiencing and typing it) turned out.

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