Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


If You would like to support My work, My writing and sharing, My PayPal account is:

I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Dreams #64

Written 3/21/09

It was a knight filled with sex,
and I was the knight in shining ??????? (nothing?)
It was All in My dream worlds of course, in the physical I was never young enough to have that much energy. Yesterday I told a friend I was feeling spring energy, I had no idea. And in My dream realities everyOne was feeling it with Me. It started out about changes and new beginnings and sex, then it turned into All sex, which was OK with Me.
In My first dream I joined a state congress to be and to begin the changes I felt We need. This was obviously a dream, because in My waking world this is the very last thing I would ever "dream"(?) of doing.
The state congress was being controlled by an outside force (possibly the national congress) and "they" were being ridiculed and punished for even thinking about making positive changes that would benefit the worker bees. It would seem that the state congress was very courageous considering making these changes, but really "they" had no backbone because "they" had completely succumbed to the chastisement of the controlling force. This outside force had not needed to use any physical force to overwhelm the state, only veiled threats.
Now, I will state that All this does mirror My 3D opinions of politics, but I totally choose to remove MySelf from this activity. That is My choice and I Am NOT suggesting anyOne follow My lead here. My dream effort would appear much more noble and worthy of emulation.
As soon as I joined congress I moved right in and took over. EveryOne in congress followed My lead and We made a game out of the ridicule that the outside force was imposing. We played this game and turned it into a movement to begin passing laws that were actually for the good of the people. We also began making suggestions that people could choose to follow, or not, rather than strictly mandating behavior.
Then a friend of Mine from junior high and high school showed up. I was very excited because I have often (in the many years since) thought about this friend. I have felt We were both reaching for each other through the years and across space. "They" had been searching for Me and had saved a lot of My writings from over the years. I was very surprised because I had no idea these writings still existed and I remember very clearly SEEING the pages and pages filled with My Own handwriting (if You can call My scribble handwriting). Something else worth noting is that I rarely SEE anything in My dreams and this was One of the few scenes from this series of dreams that was visual.
I asked this friend what "they" thought of Our reformed congress and frankly "they" were quite bored with the whole affair. I remember being perturbed by this and even thought about leaving this out of My narrative. However, as I pondered My writing I real-eyesed that this person mirrored My 3D opinion of politics.
I quickly decided to ignore "their" reaction to My political feat because it was sooo wonderful that "they" had found Me and brought Me these writings which I thought I had lost forever. We walked out into the public seating area (which was like an amphitheater) locked in deep conversation. Leaving congress to it's Own devices.
When We got into the the public area the sex began. Let Me tell You, Rome had nothing on Us!!!! The halls of congress have never been so filled with enthusiastic participants. The backrooms and closed door sessions perhaps, but not the congressional gatherings We see on TV or read about in the papers or even on the Internet news.
I woke from this dream and wondered how I could possibly share this with everyOne. When I returned to sleep, My dreams continued to be filled with sex, lots and lots of sex but it wasn't as graphic as the first dream. Lots of orgies and much public sex still throughout the night, but it didn't feel as graphic. When I woke, I knew this was how I could share, by not being as graphic. For those of Us in the northern hemisphere, I think Your Own spring energy will fill in the graphics quite nicely. For those in the south, I hope Our spring energy will infect You to Your heart's desires.
Happy changes and new (nude??? maybe New-D) beginnings to All. I like that idea, lets make the next dimension We explore the NewD dimension.

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