Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


If You would like to support My work, My writing and sharing, My PayPal account is:

I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013



(From night school last night)

Yeah, it has been a while. We have commented several times that We theel that the reason We have not been remembering too many dreams or any night school classes for a while is that the information and activities are just too advanced for Our waking mind to remember, process and translate. That relates to the information We got and are continuing to get in class tonight. 04:12:37 AM For most people, this is still night. We got up because We theel that We can actually put this into words and that more information will come out as We type and process (We are still in class). This class is not only a download of new information (to Us anyway) it is also a compilation and putting and pulling the pieces together. These pieces come from night school classes We have not yet remembered AND Our waking experiences.

Isn't that how life works? If that were the only message, it would actually be enough on its own but that is only a small fraction of what We learned and are learning in class.

Once again, night school started with recess and most of the night was spent playing in other worlds with new-found and long-lost and (even some) familiar friends.

We theel We should insert a disclaimer here: We real-eyes that there are a lot of generalizations here and the insights, information and statements may NOT apply to everyOne but that “they” are certainly “generally” correct or at least a possibility worth considering.

Recently someOne shared some information about many companies having real-eyesed that autists are often very good at computer work. People who work with and around autists have known this for years but generally not why or how deep this goes. Autists can often solve computer problems that teams of “experts” have given up on. Here is the information that shocked Us into waking: “they” (autists) understand and easily process binary code. That statement is pretty clear and simple. “They” also understand and can use DOS. How many of Us can say either of those statements about OurSelves? Even most/many computer programmers and other computer professionals can not say this.

Our computers have advanced sooooo much that programmers can write programs in English (or whatever language and it may even be in math, yes math IS a language) and the computer translates it into binary. It would be very difficult (if not impossible) for most of Us (commoners) to figure out how to access DOS on Our computers (much less the binary codes) and if We did, We would be clueless what it said or meant. We could NOT translate it into anything meaningful.

That also relates to many of Our (everyOne's) dreams. That is what We (personally) have known: that when We do not remember Our dreams it was similar (could not translate it). We just never considered that We might be dreaming in binary or DOS????????

We (most of Us) could actually dissect and translate binary (if We needed to) with a little tutoring. However, We (at least personally) would quickly lose interest. This too is what happens with autists in many social and educational settings. “They” lost interest. Teachers and parents and others lose patience with autists because “they” are not paying attention or doing the rote exercises We (whoever We may be) have decided “they” need to do to learn something/anything. While it is true that the autist may not be paying attention, it is not due to being stupid or rebellious.

The reason is that “they” are done. Unlike children who have been socialized and mainstreamed, when an autist is done “they” are completely done and it is nearly impossible to get “them” to return. Why should or would “they”? “They” are done and have moved on. It is like telling someOne who has completed the move from New York to San Francisco to return to New York because “they” left a roll of toilet paper in the apartment in New York. “They” left that roll of toilet paper as a courtesy. Think about this and think hard.

If We (most of Us and even computer experts) were to try to unravel a problem in binary code it would take a long time (at best). An autist can unravel it in a relatively short time. It is kinda like “they” are thinking at light speed. Again, We (outsiders) may think “they” are slacking or not behaving properly when in fact “they” are simply done and moved on. (Where “they” went when “they” moved on is probably incomprehensible to an outsider.) We can NOT believe or even comprehend that “they” could be finished as We stand there in “their” dust. We could be a genius and still get left in an autist's dust.

We (outsiders) could easily be trying to teach an autist 2 + 2 when “they” are designing (and flying) space ships and/or non-polluting hovercraft. Again, please think about this and All the ramifications. All this information also applies to Our dream lives.

Okay, back to binary. If someOne spoke to Us in binary or DOS, it would sound like gibberish. Remember this the next time an autist speaks to You.

Most people who work with computers and computer problems are thinking in a language other than binary and DOS. IF the problem resides in the binary and/or DOS programming/codes that person will probably not be able to find it, understand and/or repair it because “they” do NOT speak (or are not speaking and/or thinking in) the language. An autist “gets it” because “they” can and do speak and think in binary (probably/maybe DOS also).

We (outsiders and YES anyOne who is not autistic is definitely and outsider) observe and (sometimes) try to work with and interact with autists from Our perspective. Usually that is a surface perspective. Our perspective is like looking at a computer program but NOT having a clue about binary code. This perspective works (approximately) 99% of the time in Our daily lives.

We can easily apply ALL of this to multidimensionality and probably ETs and galactics.

We were/are reminded of a story: We were working with a downs boy All-most every day. We had started working/playing/spending time with him in September. (Working is really NOT the correct word but it is familiar and fits the normal perspective) We took him to a Halloween party. As soon as We walked in he took off his shoes and put “them” off to the side. A lady there said: “I see he still has the same problem with his shoes.”

We responded (quite emphatically) “He does NOT have any problem with his shoes. When he comes inside he takes off his shoes. His mom taught him that.” (It is fairly common here)

The lady responded in shock. “OMG. I worked at his school and We could never get him to keep his shoes on. We never knew.”

We (personally) thought is was simple and obvious but apparently noOne at the school (or at least his class[es]) got it. Can You say: “DUH”??????

This is just One small example. We are certain that anyOne who has spent any time around autists or other special needs people could and can give many examples of how We judge and demean and try to correct “them” (and doesn't this actually apply to many, many situations?) when “they” are simply coming from a completely different perspective and refuse to be molded to Our perspective.

It is like telling (or trying to force) a rocket scientist to write One hundred times: “I will listen in kindergarten”. A person with a PHD rarely sees any need to print words with a pencil the size of a tree, color inside the lines (what a terrible thing We teach Our children) or play with colored blocks or take a nap. Actually, these things would be greatly beneficial for All A-dults to practice but few need to learn how. We just need to remember.

Our world is getting more and more computer based and dependent yet few of Us (everyOne even the “experts”) understand and/or can work with/in the basic language of binary code and DOS. It is natural and common for autists.

When We meet someOne/anyOne who is speaking and thinking in a different language perhaps it would behoove Us to NOT judge “them”. Just because “they” are not processing at Our level does NOT make “them” inferior. When We hear someOne speaking “gibberish” maybe “they” are speaking in binary or DOS.

Again, this is information that came to Us in night school (dream). We theel (think/feel) it applies in many, many situations both current and future (and would have been beneficial in Our passed). The information was specifically about autists but it applies to many, many others.

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