Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


If You would like to support My work, My writing and sharing, My PayPal account is:

I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Friday, June 7, 2013



Dream a little dream

Wizard's Log Star-date: 05:34:08 AM

Good morning. This was the most clearly We have been aware of living in other/alternate realities/lives. In One We are younger (YAY) and Our parents are still alive and We are living at home. That is not All good by the way. The thing is that this is not a new world/life to Us. We recognized it and not because it was remembering Our youth. This was very different from how We grew up AND it was definitely in the NOW. We even discussed 2012 and how 2013 is evolving. It is evolving quite differently in that world. We even have active memories in Our conscious awareness from that life. And, clear memories from other lives as well.

This is very exciting for Us. It is moving forward and experiencing expansion. Our awareness is expanding. We are having waking and dream experiences and awareness of other worlds and lives. We continue to be amazed at how many versions We are aware of and every day and every night We find more.

How to explain the difference last night????? It is like in the passed We had flashes and glimpses and then last night We really were living there. Many theres.

Letting go is working. We are being reminded and shown how it works and how important it is. Again: We are not losing anything. We are not letting go as Our life drops into some dismal pit. We are only letting go of Our belief in limitation, separation, suffering, lack, pain and such. Even those things can and will still exist but We are not attached to “them” (negative/positive attachment) and We are not trapped/stuck in “them”.

We get it that Our life (waking 3D life) is changing and there will be times and ways where this shows and other times and ways where it seems like the same ol', same ol'. It is NOT the same. There is so much to be gained by letting go of Our attachments. Our head is getting better with this. We get it that stopping is not failure. For Us it is about changing direction. We may be giving up plans or just postponing “them” or accomplishing “them” in a new way. Perhaps We will explore using Our psychic abilities more?

Releasing expectations is also an important part of this. We will let You know how We do with that part. Hehehehe. Having expectations is NOT letting go, it is holding on. That is what We are changing. It is not easy, it is simple but not easy. We do get it that Our expectations are truly limitations. Our wildest and most excellent expectations are far, far short of what is possible and available. We really do want to slip into something more comfortable.

Much of what We are experiencing and intuiting is really hard for Us to put into words because it really is new to Us (to Our waking awareness). We do see that Our recent discomfort is based in Our fear based thinking. Fear based thinking is how We have lived for eons, it is not easy to slip out of. It is belief in lack, belief that it is possible to lose something/anything.

We are getting it (being reminded) that the faerie castle, the hobbit house, the earthship that We desire to experience is All-ready here. We do not have to build, grow or create it/”them”. We only need to become aware of it/”them”. There is a balance between participating and being a part of these and trying to: “make it so”. We can NOT force it. We can accept it.

Our plans and projects are based solely on/in limitation 3D thinking and beliefs. This is because We still live (or are at least focused mainly in/on limitation 3D). We need (for Our own peace of mind) to let go of this. We may still do these things, but from a different perspective. We may wake to find that We have shifted Our focus to a world where We All-ready live in the manner We have been moving towards and All these projects are All-ready done only betterer. Who knows? We certainly don't and We really do need to let go of trying to know. It is the adventure. The thing is that We really need to stop beating OurSelf up for needing to stop and doing so. Again, that is old thinking. We are in the new, might as well enjoy it and relax.

We made a short trip to town to do a workshop that unemployment requires. We just love learning how to be unemployed. (NOT) When We got home, We promptly went to dream.

We did read that many people are feeling these energies the same or very similar. We had dinner and went back to dream.

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