Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


If You would like to support My work, My writing and sharing, My PayPal account is:

I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Sunday, June 9, 2013



Exploring and exposing Our true Self

Wizard's Log Star-date: 04:34:34 AM

Good morning. We are not sure why We are up so early, but here We are. We theel it may be about imaginating. Maybe it's time to get busy, busy doing nothing. Nothing physical that is, but then again it may be drawing what lies beyond the physical into the physical or sorta. Are We making any sense? Well, now You know what Our dreams are like recently. Remind Us to type more about imaginating later.

We had a lot of great dreams. Local starkids visited Us and We were onboard spaceships and We were in Our earthship(s). Yeah, it was busy but not hurried or rushed. In fact it was very laid back. We are still feeling very laid back and We are very comfortable with being very laid back today. We do not feel like We have “to do” something/anything today. We theel like We are up early so We have extra time to relax. Our first thought as We got out of bed was: “Maybe We are getting up so that We can go back to bed”. A worthy cause if ever there was One.

We thought that maybe We got up to imaginate but We are better at imaginating when We are asleep. Maybe today We will learn and practice more about imaginating while awake. In fact, as soon as Our computer woke up We searched for Faerie castles and it looks like We got some interesting pictures.

There are two types of imagining and/or imaginating that We are aware of and certainly many variations of each. We were thinking about this (pondering) before We came fully awake. There is controlled imaginating and free flow imaginating. Probably masculine and feminine imaginating. In controlled imaginating, We pick and choose what and how We imagine and create. In free flow it is like the concepts and ideas come from somewhere else and just sort of drift in and through Our mind and imagination. Perhaps One is Our head and the other Our heart. Free flow may seem to come from outside (not a place or person, but more from the ethers) because We (in this limitation 3D) are not familiar with following and listening to Our heart.

Free flow imaginating is much easier in dream or even waking dream. When awake it is easier (for Us personally anyway) to do controlled imaginating. We prefer free flow imaginating because when We are in control We severely limit Our options and choices and Our imagined creations.

We are going to go surfing for images to aid Our imaginating.

Well, what an education We are getting right away. We found a cool link: The Times of Fae a newspaper for Fae and humans alike.

A knew slogan: “Don't do it. Imaginate it.” We are having fun with this.

We went outside for a bit and for some unknown reason We were turning it into work. We recognized this right away and stopped after doing a couple of things. What We feel and imaginate out there is One-der-full but any doing seems to kinda wreck that at this time. Who knows? What We do know is that We must follow Our heart.

And so, We return to dream.

That was nice. We dreamt of Our galactic friends. We do not know exactly what We did but We enjoyed it. This is another monthly contact weekend and We theel We are experiencing some type of contact even though it is not (yet) clear.

It feels strange to Us to kind of want to do something but feel totally unsupported in the doing. This is different from Our normal not doing or doing nothing. We really can't explain it much better. We do know that a lot of what We were feeling last week was “not Us” (personally) so to speak, it was collective. This may be similar. But then again We also feel that it relates to imaginating rather than doing”. Perhaps it is something new and unfamiliar. Imagine that.

We have identified part of the difficulty We are currently having/feeling. We do NOT like letting go. It is hard for Us to let go. Sound familiar? Of course, We are also very good at denying not wanting to let go.

There is a mental connection between letting go and giving up and/or losing. So, We are adopting some variations on Our mantra: “Letting go of limitation(s)”, “Letting go to have more” and such. To Us (Our mind) letting go is like having to give up chocolate or some such. Whatever We are told We can not have (must let go of) is the only thing in the world that We want. We call this: “forbidden fruit syndrome”. Recently We listened to a song by some current artist or band and the line struck home (One more time): “Tell Me I can't have it and I only want more”. This embodies how We feel about letting go.

The thing is that We do know that We are letting go so that We can fly, so that We can live multidimensionally. Yet, somehow, right now (this week, today) We feel that letting go is giving up something near and dear to Us. Well, limitation is certainly familiar and therefore comfortable. Being limitless is definitely closer than ever before and therefore the unknown, the unfamiliar (and uncomfortable) is looming right in front of Us.

And so, We resist. We try to pull back into Our shell of limitation. We try to “make something happen” rather than allowing Our imaginating to create it. Can We be that powerful?????? We know We are but experiencing it is something else All-together. It is scarey, it is foreboding. It is Us.

We did Our weekly Saturday trip to town and visit with Our local friends. At the swimming pool We experienced another episode of being in a slightly different world. For some reason, We were looking at the sign for the pool fees. It did not mention changing recently (probably because it has NOT changed recently) yet the fees and even the way the sign was set up was just a little bit different than We remembered. We immediately knew We had shifted into a slightly different world. It was cool to recognize so easily and quickly.

At Our friend's We slipped even more out of typical 3D thinking and behavior. We often found it hard to put ideas into words. The idea was there clear as a bell but there were no adequate words to express the ideas. We real-eyesed that Once again We had slipped out of limitation 3D focus. We were not aware that We are comfortable enough around these friends to allow OurSelf to do this to a greater degree than We usually do in public. Though We are not comfortable enough to completely slip out, We are comfortable enough to be in transition. That is important as most of the world is “in transition” but not aware of it. We are here and going through the transition along with the rest of the world, the main difference is that We are aware of it. However, in public We rarely allow OurSelf to actually experience the transition and slip back and forth. Or perhaps We should say that We rarely let it show and with Our friends We are free to let it show.

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