Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


If You would like to support My work, My writing and sharing, My PayPal account is:

I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Sunday, June 2, 2013



Processing and doing and not doing

Wizard's Log Star-date: 05:46:46 AM

Good morning. Having an interesting morning. Lots of great dreams that We don't remember but We sure do remember having fun. We remember something in One seemed really odd. We woke early and did go check on Our seedlings and took the roof off so that “they” can get good light. Now, We feel rather different, maybe more multi-D than We are used to? We may be heading back to dream.

One thing is All this letting go. As a human We are used to thinking, planning, doing and fixing (whether anything is broken or not). Letting go and just letting everything flow is new (at least to this extent). Being in multiworlds is still new too. Change is rarely comfortable. We are feeling change. It is change that We want and We asked for but it is still new and unfamiliar.

We reviewed yesterday's post and are reminded of a couple of things: some (maybe a lot) of what We are feeling is NOT Ours (specifically). It is not personal. This time thing is a biggy. We want to relax and play and be playful in All We do BUT Our head is screaming (muffled screams????) that We do NOT have enough time. We must keep Our nose to the grindstone (wouldn't that hurt????) and Our hand on the plow. Yes, We are going through change and any “doing” is not nearly as important as letting go. To have what We want, what We are after We must let go of limitation. Again: We cling to limitation and separation because it is familiar.

This current experience is also about not pressuring OurSelf. Most people do pressure “themSelves” and We personally used to do it a lot. It is still a work in progress to NOT pressure OurSelf. It is still a bit unfamiliar. We made a lot of progress around work now We are making progress and in process around Our free time.

We keep finding articles talking about what We are experiencing. Perhaps it can be summed up as growning (yes that is a typo but We likes it) pains?????

We transplanted Our largest and oldest tomato plant and it does NOT look happy. We may have waited longer than We should have and We did knock of some lower branches which would probably need to be pruned soon anyway but it was a bit much All at Once. Hopefully, as the sun comes around and he gets some nice direct sunlight (and if We can NOT fuss with it) he will perk back up.

There are a few other little things We will probably play at. The front ground is dry enough to put up the tarp. We were not planning on doing that today but maybe a bit more getting ready will happen. Need something to distract Us from fussing with tom. We turned him so his main leaves were facing the window and opened the window and left the shade up while We went to town thinking he needed some good sun.

We did Our normal Saturday trip to visit Our local friends. We took several seedlings to “them”. We did some shopping and went to the pool. We even bought a lavender plant. Our friends gave Us a clump of bluebells or something similar that We have wanted to plant here. “They” are a wild plant but We don't seem to have any growing around Our cabin even though there are quite a few along the road.

They” had also bought two citronella plants and told Us where “they” found “them”. We stopped on the way home and bought two for OurSelves. It was very hot in town.

When We got home Our tomato plant was terribly wilted. We felt really bad and dropped the shade and closed the window. We wanted to “do something” to help but knew that the best We could do was let it be. Even though there are lots of leaves out and that keeps the cabin cooler during the morning and afternoon, in the evening the sun still shines very, very bright and intense through the front window.

We had dinner and went to dream.

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