Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


If You would like to support My work, My writing and sharing, My PayPal account is:

I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

And even more dreaming



And even more dreaming

Wizard's Log Star-date: 09:45:27 AM

Good morning. Where to start? We are mostly awake and have been out of bed for a bit reading and semi-processing some emails. We are definitely not “here” much. We like it there”. Less turmoil there”.

There is sooooo much old energy in limitation 3D. No surprises really, it is afterAll limitation 3D. But, it is easy for Us to get sucked back in. It is that balance thing. We are not leaving limitation 3D behind (not exactly anyway) and it is hard to learn to be both in AND out of limitation. We are simply expanding but limitation is not really compatible with expansion. It seems to be One of those things that will be better understood and explained in hindsight. But, then again, it can NOT be really understood, explained and defined because that would limit it and it is about limitlessness. All very confusing to a limitation mindset.

We had lots of dream experiences visiting other worlds. Contact with some students from waking and another version of Our dragon. We are not clear if there were any messages or simply experiences. So far We are taking it All as experience. After All, that is what it is regardless of what else it may be.

In truth, We really only got up so that We could go back to dreaming and so that is where We are headed since We are pretty much sitting up dreaming anyway.

So far it looks like We are just gonna stay home and dream. Our favorite type of weekend. We do not have a lot of words right now so this may be a short post.

Once again: We are changing everything. Very few of Us (personal and collective) get it how much of everything, everything is. We are letting go of the old and that is pretty much everything too. What We are not letting go of is often being taken away to make room for expansion. What We often do not get (in addition to just how much everything is) is that it is possible for everything to look the same yet be changing. When it All looks the same (or seems to anyway) as it has day after year after lifetime then We rarely get it that it has changed and is changing.

When We step on the same ol' sidewalk We do not expect to be stepping on a conveyor belt. If the ground looks like the same ground as yesterday We expect it to be solid. This can be metaphoric or literal. Personally We are living in a little (or a lot) of both.

The world is changing. Sometimes a little, sometimes a lot. If We try to stop it, or keep everything the same while hoping it will All be different that is like standing in front of a tidal wave. Whatever We believe, very few of Us believe in OurSelf enough to believe We can stop that tidal wave and those who do don't want to. We All want change, change is All-ways a constant but We do NOT want Our comfort zone to change. Guess what?

We are standing on shifting sand thinking it would make a nice foundation for a lovely mansion. Of course it will, but it will be a shifting, changing castle and most humans are not comfortable with that.

It is time to be open to possibilities and those possibilities may well be nothing like what We expect. We may wanna hold onto Our hat or toss it to the winds of change. As We have said before: looking at physical things and conditions for evidence of success and failure is a fickle meter. As a friend says: “One day chicken, One day feathers.”

These are amazing times but not quite what most of Us expected. There really is nothing to fear unless We try to resist. Fear is the mindkiller. Simple really. Nothing, absolutely nothing is as We see and think it is. We can let go of Our old ideas/ideals or watch “them” be ripped from Our trembling hand(s). It is Our choice.

Time to go back to Our dreams.

Open, let go and allow. We want to do more and We want to do better. We can only do what We are able to do and that IS enough. We are changing and THAT is the key to everything.

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