Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


If You would like to support My work, My writing and sharing, My PayPal account is:

I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Kids are helping



Kids are helping

Wizard's Log Star-date: 02:26:22 AM

Good morning. We do not remember what We did last night but We woke with more clarity. This is a process and We are progressing. We are determined that to open, let go and allow is a key. Our world is very different from how We see and perceive it. The way We see and perceive Our world and Our life (at this time) is completely based on/in separation and limitation. Nothing more and certainly nothing less. It is impossible yet We created it and made it real. This is important too. Often We (everyOne that We are aware of) asks why We would create suffering and pain, etc. We created to experience it AND to help/force Us to take back Our power and remember what We really are. It kinda backfired and so far most of Us (everyOne) is afraid to remember and take back Our power.

However, it has begun. Baby steps, but steps none the less. We are seeing (especially this morning) how easily We give Our imaginary world Our power. We do it easily and very willingly and then We scream because We hurt, because We think We are suffering and have a shortage of everything We want. We have abundance. We just bury it and deny it. Making this change is not easy, that is the way We designed this game. It is easier sitting at home but We must also do it out in the world We created. We are learning to be in the world but not of the world but it ain't easy.

It is a fine line balancing act being in and experiencing the physical without giving away Our power but We are learning how. Step by step and/or slip by slip. Being limitless in a limited world and in the same life and body which We used to perceive as limited is quite the challenge. We have begun and We are learning.

We are getting sooooo many flashes and insights about this process that We simply can not get it All down. Some are at the forefront of Our awareness others are filed for future reference. Letting go of Our old habits and beliefs is certainly the challenge of the day. It is living and being in limitation 3D that makes this a challenge. It seems like it would be easier in a completely new environment. Perhaps that is what We are doing in dream?

We just read today's quote from Abraham-Hicks:

There are as many different worlds as there are perceivers or Beings or individuals. You are not here to create one world where everyone is the same, wanting and getting the same. You are here to be that which you want to be, while you allow all others to be that which they want to be.


This is exactly what We were just pondering before We read it. We still tend (not a strong enough word really) to judge those who are doing it different as wrong. We see many/most clinging to the old ways and We judge that. We really wanna stop doing that. “They” are doing “their” part in “their” own way.

Sophia's latest blog entry also speaks to what We are personally experiencing: click here to hear it, she did not write it out today We are creating evidence and confirmation of Our new. No longer do We only create evidence of Our limitation beliefs. This helps and is another part of Our moving forward, gently and gradually.

Everything that We think and do (currently) is based on/in and made up of separation and limitation. We are learning to do and be differently but it is brand new. Trying to think of and/or imagine how this is going to look and be (even just the very next step) is impossible because We have no frame of reference. Still We try and All We get is something from the old. We are reminded to be gentle with OurSelf. That is another hard part. Being hard on OurSelves is part of the old and this too is firmly rooted in Our false identity which We totally relate to at this time.

Talk about a frog in a blender. Yet, We feel calm and confident. We know We are making real progress and We certainly are NOT suffering or in lack in any way except maybe in Our head. Even Our head is getting quieter.

Our head still tries to think, plan and even worry but the recognition of this and telling OurSelf to let go, that this is old thinking and belief and mindset is coming much faster.

Most of what We are reading confirms what We are intuiting and living. It is interesting that some things We are trying to read are NOT loading on Our computer. This kind of computer thing used to upset Us. Even then We knew it was Us blocking out something that We did not need, that would not resonate with who and where We are. Now, it is not as frustrating and We know even more strongly that this is Us blocking out something that We do NOT need.

         We are trying a new way of doing Our daily posts because We can not (yet) use OpenOffice on Our Nook.  We could use MS Office that is available for free on Our Nook but We would still have to merge that with Our OpenOffice entry.  It seems easier (when We remember) to paste Our typing from before We go to town here and then add to it on those days that We feel like typing something while in town.  Looks like it will work and when We forget We can do like We have recently and type here when in town and then add that to Our OpenOffice file and then post it.  We see that there is still a difference in the appearance of what We type here (on/in Our blog) and what We type in/on OpenOffice but this is closest We can get it so far.

       Our highschooler continues to work on showing Us his world.  There is soooo much more beyond limitation and We are remembering that what We see is only a limited version of reality.

      The middleschoooler is talking more and more.

      We continue to be reminded that Our world and life are very different than how We see it, believe it to be and even experience it.  These are All based in/on limitation and separation.

     Stuff keeps coming up, Our head wants to grab onto it and We quickly remember that it is All make believe.  It is Our hologram.

   It's kinda funny, We are smiling a lot today (at least on the inside) at things that used to frustrate Us.  We get it that it is Us doing it and We can smile at that.  Things that We used to think were important are only Our imagination at work.  Boy is it ever at work.

  Our highschooler took Us way deep into dream on the ride home.  We were kinda amazed.  There is just so much.  Our head seems to react in fear at sooooo much.  Its a bit like standing at the edge of the ocean thinking that We have to swim to the other side.  That is NOT what We have to do.  We do not have to do anything.  We get to explore whatever part We want.

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