Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


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I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

More letting go and experiencing



More letting go and experiencing

Wizard's Log Star-date: 03:45:19 AM

Good morning. Lots more worlds and lots more friends. It just keeps expanding. There was some information but what We remember is playing. We are much more playful in other worlds but then again We feel much more free in those worlds. We are beginning to feel more free here too.

Actually, We feel another subtle shift this morning, something is different but nothing We can put to word right yet. Perhaps it is more freedom that is something One (or many) really does not see, it is felt. Something We noticed yesterday is that We are being less demanding of OurSelf. We are relaxing more, not as rigid, giving OurSelf a break in more ways than One.

Learning to live as love in these bodies. We remember now that in waking dream (early in the night) We thought We might type up a night school about that. We probably will (as it is emerging more and more) but probably not this morning. We are certainly in the midst of learning and expanding. Many are waiting for abundance and We feel that We are living in it. We are learning to live as love in/wearing physical bodies and living in 3D and doing 3D stuff with the power of love and using Our 3D bodies. Yes, We have learned (been learning) how to live and do 3D and physical bodies for eons but before We were pretending We are NOT love. We were pretending We are limited and separate. Now, We are doing it (and learning how) as love, as connected and limitless beans. That is how We slide into expanded 3D.

Limitation 3D is seen and lived from the perspective of being only 3D and lower. Expanded 3D is lived from a multidimensional perspective. We have All, All-ways been multidimensional, We just pretended We are not. We pretended so well that We forgot what We are and believed OurSelves to be what We are not.

In ways We are learning and in ways We are remembering. As All time is now We have All-ways been but yet We have never been Our true Self in a physical body before. Or, We should say: We have never been aware of being Our true Self, experienced being Our true Self in a (or many) physical body(ies).

Wow, this is All-most turning into a “Night School”. We had better stop. This is what We were theeling last night in waking dream but We theel there is more to come before We type it up as an actual “Night School”.

Another thing that We recognize is that We are learning to trust OurSelf. Yes, Our head cringes and whimpers that We will die (or at least hurt OurSelf severely) if We trust OurSelf but notice We typed whimpers not screams!

We had a good time with the students and enjoyed meeting the new Ones. We had some difficulty with One teacher's agenda for a new student. He wants to put the kid in a box, train him and this is not a kid that needs training. Yet, the student handled it well. Again We connected well. This is continuing with All Our students. It pleases and amazes Us. We have One new student that is supposed to start today. The Day Care told Us that We will love him. We wanted to say that We love “them” All but We just said: “Cool”.

On Our breaks We were focused on Our chariot. It seems to improve and then revert. We know it is Us. We are practicing acceptance, letting go, remembering it is perfect and NOT going into fear and panic and not worrying. This is growth for Us. We are learning to trust Our abilities and intuition. Learning but not yet perfect.

We are love. This keeps coming up. It really is important before All else. We continue to see and feel that others try to put other things/issues/agendas in front of remembering that love must come first. Without love the rest is just chapped lips. The thing is that none of Us really has a clue what this type of love is even though We are it and it is Us.

New territory for sure. Again, We try not to judge other's journey. We do not need to try to force “them” into/onto Our path. We just need to love “them” and send “them” love. We do not want to force the kids into a box. Why do We have a harder time with the A-dults?

After We got home, We had an interesting thought: “Our life seems to be taking up a lot of Our time”. It certainly is getting a lot of Our attention. We are referring to living rather than philosophy. Something a bit different.

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