Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


If You would like to support My work, My writing and sharing, My PayPal account is:

I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Learning to live as love



Learning to live as love

Wizard's Log Star-date: 07:00:56 AM

Good morning. We dreamt of expansion and transition again. We remember that We had fun and met more new friends but We do not remember any details. We just real-eyesed another reason for not remembering: We are still holding onto limitation and old beliefs. As much as We are releasing and letting go, still We cling to the familiar. We are assured that this just fine as it enables a gentler transition. We are learning. We know that. We are progressing. We know that too. Sometimes We get impatient with OurSelf and We continue to be reminded to be gentle. We have been giving OurSelf a lot of treats.

This is a pivotal time for Our world and everyOne on/in Gaia. We remember that We are on ship AND We are on Gaia. Also, Gaia is a living space ship but We also inhabit another ship that can land and dock on Gaia and become part of her. This is a slightly expanded piece of the puzzle. In Our hologram We keep everything looking and feeling mostly the same whether We are in orbit, flying through space or docked on Gaia. We are only slightly becoming aware of anything other than being docked on Gaia. This may be true for everyOne, only a few or only Us. That part We do not know and it really is not any of Our business and really NOT important in Our daily life.

We do keep trying to make plans and worry, at least Our head does. Our heart is doing a good job of taking charge, slowly and gently and more and more. We know everything is perfect. We are reminded that if We look at outer signs, events and stuff for evidence that is weak support. Everything outside is fickle and changes for no apparent reason. It is NOT a good gauge. However, We have trained OurSelves very well that seeing is believing. It takes a bit of reenforcement and repetition to believe that seeing is deceiving. We remind OurSelf but We could remind OurSelf more.

It is a bit of a fine line We are walking and tweaking. We want to experience this transition AND experience being multidimensional. That really is part of being multidimensional. However it is new to Us. Doing this and doing it with Our physical bodies is different. It takes practice. That is what transition is. Step by step and/or slide by slide, slip by slip.

Everything is perfect and that includes Us AND Our process. Believing this is new.

There have been and continue to be several times (this morning) that We started to do something and forgot what it is. EveryOne has experienced this from time to time. It used to be really frustrating and even still We have to remind OurSelf that it is okay. It is a sign that We slipped a reality and if We slip back We will remember and do it. Pretty simple really but clinging to trying to remember is another way of keeping OurSelf locked in One reality. We used to want to do that and experience from that perspective. Now, We want to expand and experience from many perspectives. This is taking a lot more adjusting than We would ever have imagined.

We are having a lot of insights and experiences about All this this morning. We do not really have words to describe it and if We did it would make it seem much less than it is. This is because We set it up that way to keep Us in the game. We are continually astounded at how well We set All this up. Going to the next level is no easy task. We had the thought: “stay on target” and as good as that sounds it is actually another trap. The best (sounding) advice is part of the limitation/separation game. Go out of focus is much better advice if One wants to expand. It is a choice. We are not going anywhere (as Our fear tries to tell Us and then tells Us that We are abandoning everyOne and everything.)

One thing that keeps coming up is learning to do things with Our mind. We get confused because We expect to be experts Our first try. We are reminded that Our conscious mind does NOT have a clue what is best for Us and when We “try” that is where We are trying” from. Acceptance is Our best tool right now. Acceptance and then doing what is front of Us to do and let go of worrying that We are missing something, failing and about to step off a cliff into the eternal abyss. Our head can certainly be a drama queen.


We have started doing a few things outside but it is still cold out there. We are going slow and gentle. We are reminded that We are learning about balance and doing things both mentally and physically and following Our (in the moment) intuition which is still a bit of a struggle.

We seem to have kinda fallen into 3D today. We got several things done but took lots of breaks, watched videos We have waiting to watch and experienced some slightly different worlds. Even though We have been mostly focused in limitation 3D it has not All-ways been the same limitation 3D.

We considered going for rock for the truck this evening but We really do NOT feel inspired to do so. Our head is trying to tell Us to push and do it, go against the flow or We will suffer some dire fate. That (of course) is a lie.

We are going to go dream soon.

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