Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


If You would like to support My work, My writing and sharing, My PayPal account is:

I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Thursday, September 5, 2013





Wizard's Log Star-date: 02:56:51 AM

Good morning. Very interesting lives and worlds last night. Versions of OurSelves as We change and expand. Some real surprises, some old stuff that We thought We had left behind coming up again to accept and own but maybe not to send packing like We would have expected. Expectations sure are blocks. And We sure still have some.

We keep meeting new friends, some touch Us sooooo deep and then seem to disappear. We One-der about that. We do not seem to miss “them” when “they” disappear and We Oneder if We have integrated “them” or what? Does it matter? As long as We have not forgotten or rejected “them” it probably does not matter. “They” are part of Us.

This expansion continues to surprise Us. It is sooooo different, so much than We would have guessed. We knew it would be more, that is what expansion is. We are letting go, maybe that is what surprises Us. After spending lifetimes clinging to the familiar, clinging to everything even that which seemed to harm Us, it feels odd to be able and willing to let go but here We are. Our head still resists and wants to cling but Our heart is comforting and reassuring. We really feel that everything is perfect even if Our head doubts, Our feelings and intuition are sure.

We notice again how connected Our head and Our fears are. We continue to finish most thoughts with: “let go”. This really is a lot of change.

We are changing. This expansion and letting go feels good, a bit exciting even though it is new and unfamiliar. Our head still has trouble trusting and wants to plan and worry but Our heart comforts Us and reminds Us that if We want to experience being multidimensional, We must let go. It truly is the planning and worrying that keeps Us in limitation. We have ways of arguing for and clinging to Our limitations that baffles the imagination. Talk about law of attraction. One of the reasons We struggle so much with watching others clinging to limitation is because it would be easy (and it appears so enticing) to revert to that OurSelf. We are kind of teetering on the brink (so to speak).

We are reminded that We are learning AND remembering. We added embrace to Our mantra: “Open, let go, allow and embrace”.

It has been an interesting day on several levels. One high school boy said hello for the first time. We have thelt that We are connecting with him but he is very shy and quiet. It felt nice to hear him say hello. Our morning schedule is messed up so We were late most of the morning which is a bit stressful. We finally met the newest rider and now “they” have changed Our route for that section so We won't be seeing him again or the other students that We know from last year. We will be meeting three new students tomorrow because of this change. The change does not affect Our late mornings. That change will not take affect until Monday. We will miss the students We are losing but Our bus was getting too crowded. We know that We made a connection deeper than physical with those students and We will maintain that connection whether We see “them” in the physical or not. We also know that it will be good to connect with the new students.

We will also be getting a new highschooler starting tomorrow, the brother of One who is All-ready on Our bus.

The connection with All Our students is growing stronger and We can feel it. It was easier for Us to let go today and just be in the now. Several times We are reminded that We are slip, sliding between many worlds and in multiworlds simultaneously. This has a lot of affect and We still tend to think from a One world mindset which just does NOT work when living multidimensionally. We are learning.

There is something else We wanted to mention but We were having difficulty remembering it. We found out that the gradeschool girl whom We thought was crying One day probably was. It seems she is very emotional and sensitive. She easily changes from One mood to another (happy to sad) when events (or thoughts) occur to her. Things that would seem small and insignificant to others are momentous to her. Also, it seems that her mother is out of town a lot and during those times she is even more sensitive. She is very independent and Self sufficient (or so she appears) so this extreme sensitivity is not what One might expect.

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