Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


If You would like to support My work, My writing and sharing, My PayPal account is:

I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Saturday, August 24, 2013





Wizard's Log Star-date: 03:22:38 AM

Good morning. We woke without Our alarm this morning but We wanted to remain in whatever world We were in. We are reminding OurSelf that We are no longer trapped in limitation (actually We never were) and this is also an expanded world that We are waking to. It is up to Us. AND, We get to go play with the kids soon.

It is raining and We are drifting. Also, We do not have to fully leave Our dream worlds. That is part of the old programing: thinking that We have to fully wake up and zoom in (focus completely in) limitation 3D. We can if We choose or We can spend the day in the world but NOT of the world. Open, let go and allow.

We are noticing the habit of old thinking and programing trying to reassert its hold on Our mind. Our head tries to cling to it and screams if We try to let it go. We reassure Our head that We will not die AND that We will take it with Us into expansion. It still can not quite conceive of a life of ease rather than struggle to survive. We are trying to be patient with Our head but NOT give in. We let go and stay in the now.

We are bing reminded of the apparent progress We are making with One of the gradeschoolers. We are trying to get him to talk rather than yell. We feel strongly that he yells because he feels no One is paying attention. We theel this is fairly common with youngstars. We ARE paying attention to him and yesterday afternoon We had him talking instead of yelling. We enjoy listening to him and learning about him.

It does seem that being with this driver is also important. Remember, We dreamed about getting his route before and he sat across the table from Us at bid day. It is not like We had made friends prior to that. We had barely met before that. He and Us and both fairly quiet at work and around strangers (and We are both pretty strange). He is quite negative but not in a way that brings Us down. We would say he is malleable. He had probably learned to be negative as much as actually feeling it. He does feel that his life is lousy but certainly does not see that he created it. He is watching Us work with the students he does NOT like. Before this he probably did not even know that is an option. He even made a bit of conversation with the boy We are working with (focusing on) that he does not like. We also have a girl on the same section who yells rather than talks and We are paying attention to her too but she does not talk constantly like the boy does. When We ask her questions about herSelf (her likes and dislikes she is rather surprised).

We are still pondering getting the Nook or Kindle. We will probably check “them” out in local stores before deciding for sure. We found out that WalMart sells kindle and there is a Barnes and Noble across the street from WalMart. It looks like the only thing that We can not do on the Nook (which We like to do on Our breaks) is add to Our posting here every day. That is a big consideration since We do not want to spend a lot of time on the computer in the evenings after work. It would be a lot lighter and less bulky to carry with Us every day and We do have a long break between afternoon sections that We could spend reading. We are going to check into downloading books onto Our laptop.

We got a haircut (happy with it) and went to look at Nooks on Our break. It turns out that the local store has the same pricing (and $20 gift card offer) as online and it really does look like We will be able to do everything that We normally do on Our laptop during Our breaks and maybe it will entice Us to get back to reading more. Plus, it will be so much lighter and less bulky to be dragging around All day. Yes, We bought One.

We were able to pay attention to Our afternoon students and continue to deepen Our connection. The gradeschool girl that rides in the afternoon was upset about something but did not seem to want to talk about it. We sent thoughts of care and concern.

We did not really obsess on Our new Nook until We got home. We are having some difficulty learning to use it and though We tell OurSelf that it is defective and must be destroyed, We theel it may be operator error.

We stayed up three to four hours longer than normal trying to learn it. Now, We go to dream.

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