Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


If You would like to support My work, My writing and sharing, My PayPal account is:

I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Playing in the hologram: part(y)ing the veil



Playing in the hologram: part(y)ing the veil

Wizard's Log Star-date: 06:23:14 AM

Good morning. We are really enjoying the variety of lives and worlds that We are exploring and experiencing in Our dream time. There is (at least usually) more freedom, more honesty and no misunderstandings. We are also getting information and insights and experience into and about Our transition. We really feel it is hurtling down on Us like a speeding locomotive. There is just sooooo much.

Early in the night We got some information that relates to Our letting go and staying in the now. We do not remember the specifics though it was very clear in dream. We felt it will be coming out as a night school just as soon as We have rehearsed it enough to be familiar. We are learning to do this. We are love and We are learning how to live as love. Each person has “their” own piece and purpose.

Again, We are saddened to see people disappointed as dates and promise go bye unfulfilled but that too is “their” choice. We are not that special or gifted or charmed. The information We have is being shared by others too. We may be ahead of the pack but We are NOT in an exclusive club. We do not ask everyOne to agree with Us or live like We do or be Our disciple (God NO!!!!) but We would like to see more people take back “their” power.

Ah, now We are remembering more: We have mentioned before about the veil being the screen that We project Our beliefs onto and create Our holographic image of a world based in separation and limitation. We experienced walking around in this hologram but not being ruled and controlled by it. The hologram remains and We interact in and with it but it has no control over Us. We can manipulate it and play with it and change it. In this way We are available as a living example for others AND We get to experience something brand new. We have never explored limitation and separation from this perspective.

It is fun to walk around in the hologram, play in it and NOT be affected by it. Knowing that We are much more than this character in this drama. We have wanted (for a long time) to see through this veil. We got it that knowing that We can, opening Our mind and allowing it to imagine what may lie beyond the veil IS seeing beyond it. What a shocker that is. We have been looking through the veil for quite some time without real-eye-sing it.

Once again, Our expectations got in the way. We are changing and opening and beginning to experience being what We truly are. We are learning to live as love. Our love can and will radiate out as a beacon to others without Us doing any promoting. We will be as a magnet. (Hopefully a low powered magnet locally.) Acceptance truly is the key.

We can play in the hologram but not be ruled by it is such a mind blower. We truly are masters of the game and All-ways been We were just swimming in De-Nile. Now, We are beginning to experience the game from this new perspective. It is changing Our world. It will be interesting to see how it plays out. We real-eyes there may be times of discomfort as We fall off Our bike and skin Our knee. We may go running back to familiarity crying. Hopefully, We will not choose to fall back in to limitation and separation. Returning is One thing, it is fine and We actually hope to visit often. Falling in again is something else All-together.

We do feel that this choice which We have made and are making (about money) is a key. We feel that most are choosing in a nicer version of limitation. We must allow and honor that choice. We gotta stop trying to find and use words to convince “them” of the limitation “they” are buying into (quite literally). That is NOT Our job and it is certainly not Our business. Our part is to observe and be aware (maybe even participate in some way) while remaining unattached and multidimensional. It really is possible that “they” are creating and exploring a different path to waking and living multidimensionally. Just because We do not see it does not mean that it does not exist.

Remember, it is no longer a One size fits All world and Our strength (and magnificence) is in Our diversity.

We do still hold the vision of walking around in this hologram that We believe is reality (and most think it is the only reality) in Our energy form (which looks just like Our current body because it is) and interacting in that way. Awesome. The only thing that is really changing is Our perspective AND recognizing Our freedom. Did We mention it is awesome?

We are remembering more of the vision We had/have of some of the world(s) that lie just beyond the veil of forgetfulness. We will probably try to type it up, soon. We also got some ideas for beading Our bamboo when We restring it. This will give the chore a more play-full feel and enhance the appearance of the shade. We remembering to stay in the now and let go.

We theel that We got “Night School” typed up from last night. We are letting it set a bit as We go about doing some things that We want to do and practicing what We experienced last night. We are also watching more Simon and Garfunkel YouTubes.

We successfully got the shade restrung (after frustrating OurSelf needlessly several times). Once We surrendered to Our intuition and let go it did go much easier. BTW, doing this is working off an extension ladder about twelve plus feet above the ground. We did string some beads on the two draw strings and We like the way those look. We may wanna add more beads before We die. Or, We may wanna die before We add more beads. As it is the two strings are color coded with beads at each end so We can tell which is which. Not being able to tell which is which has been a frustration ever since We first put the shade up. The beads hang down in front of the window when the shade is up and in front of the shade when it is down. We likes it.

Simon and Garfunkel are doing a very nice job of entertaining Us on Our breaks.

We even got more done underneath the cabin. We think We have prevented the jam up problem in the future and made more room in the second half for plants and/or whatever and got some more wheels stored under there. We have been collecting wheel to put under tables etc. that We like to use during the summer and want to be able to move easily. That really helps. Oh, We got the tomato that was in the sawhorse green house tied up (he likes it) so We can use the boards for a cover to prevent ice build up on the back corner of the cabin (or not) and put the sawhorses where We think We want “them” so “they” are ready to use next spring. Lots of progress and most of it fun and lots and lots of breaks.

Oh yes, We even remember to look/feel through the veil/hologram several times. Like now. Now is good.

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