Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


If You would like to support My work, My writing and sharing, My PayPal account is:

I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Monday, August 5, 2013

Drawing Our worlds together



Drawing Our worlds together

Wizard's Log Star-date: 05:52:20 AM

Good morning. We continue to learn about being multidimensional, living in multiworlds and staying in the now both in waking and dreaming. This definitely continues to be a learning experience. It is actually Our natural state but it is NOT Our normal state. We have been so well programed and indoctrinated to live in limitation and separation, We did such a good job of setting up this impossible, imaginary game that it is hard to slip out. There is no One to blame, We chose to play and We played well. We took the prize and now We are having a hard time waking up.

Open, let and allow. We are love. These mantras keep running through Our mind All day and night.

We played in some fascinating worlds with One-der-full friends. We observed OurSelf living in limitation and separation and did what We could to give a leg up to Our physical, limited Self. We know that We are moving towards being physical (in some form and/or way) without being limited. We know this is a first and We are having to experiment to find out how to do this. We are not really frustrated but sometimes We are pretty baffled.

Another thing that We forget is that We are feeling the angst and confusion and All the other feelings of Gaia and All her inhabitants. Is it any One-der that We are confused at Our feelings and emotions at times. We keep reminding OurSelf to let go.

We are getting better at letting go of planning and thinking: “I'm going to.......” and shoulds and such-es but it continues to come up. It is so inbred that it goes deep, very deep.

Suzanne Lie (and a few others) keep reminding Us that a big piece is letting go of time. We can see this and it too keeps coming up. We continue to substitute let go when We try to think and state what We are going/planning to do.

As We are posting yesterday's “Today” We are reminded that what We are doing is not for the feint of heart. EveryOne is part of this and experiencing it but probably not in the intensity that We are. We are a wayshower and a trailblazer. In ways this is easier and less frightening than what many are going through and in ways it is much, much harder or at least more intense. The path will be a little easier to follow. There are many others blazing a somewhat different path. That is good. This is not a One size fits All world that We are creating. That was part of limitation and separation. It is kinda funny that a One size fits All reality (or belief in that) was part of separation. We theel it was only a belief and expectation but never an actual reality. We fought many wars trying to enforce it but We never succeeded. Yet, most of Us still cling to the idea.

It feels like a day to do a little of this and a little of that. We are wandering around doing just that AND (more importantly) feeling” the expansion and allowing Our imagination to run free far beyond Our limiting beliefs. We feel it and that is All We know.

Today, We do this piece and then wander off to do that piece. We have done stuff that way for years but never before have We recognized what a good thing this is. This is being in the now, following Our intuition and releasing plans and shoulds. We are sooooo programmed to follow an agenda and that too is part of keeping Us locked in the game. We are allowing OurSelves to be free. Even the idea of setting OurSelves free is part of the limitation/separation game. We are All-ready free. Now We allow it and play in it. Speaking of which: Our swing is calling Our name.

We spent a little time swinging It is good.

We have done quite a bit, remembering to keep it play and take lots of breaks. We got the first upright install for the new shed, the One that is a piece of tree We cut down years ago. We are real happy with it. Our brain tries to tell Us We did it wrong, All-ways does that. Our brain just does NOT trust Us. We theel We did good. Regardless it is exactly what and how We wanted. So there brain!!!!!!!

Got the One tomato plant moved and if nothing else it will be much easier to water. The added sun really should make a difference over the next month. If not, We are sure learning. We also started staking up the plant in the greenhouse so We can take some of that apart soon.

We got the top boards off the greenhouse and put away. We also tied up the tom a bit more.

It definitely feels like We are done playing outside for the day. We will probably start dinner soon. We may take some more tree pieces from the truck to Out fort as We go back and forth but We doubt that We will bother trying to finish unloading it today.

There is certainly the feel of continued shifting and transitioning going on. Multiworlds getting closer and closer together.

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