Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


If You would like to support My work, My writing and sharing, My PayPal account is:

I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Friday, August 2, 2013





Wizard's Log Star-date: 05:53:36 AM

Good morning. Last night We experienced and had visions about Our transitioning and transitional world/life. There are some really great possibilities waiting for Us to remember. We were reminded how important it is to stay in the now. Our beliefs are so vitally important because “they” do create Our reality, Our world and Our life. The real world is sooooo completely different from what We experience and believe is real as to defy comprehension.

We know, We are convinced that We must let go, stay in the now and remember (in the moment) what We really are. This has been the driving force in Our life for many years, perhaps forever. There were many times and many years that We pursued other goals but it All leads to this. This is Our purpose, this is what waking and assension are All about: remembering and letting go of Our imaginary limits. We are destined to awaken and We are determined to fulfill Our destiny.

It is simple but it is NOT easy. We are well programed to remain in this game. Every morning We wake to play another day and We are surrounded with evidence that We are stuck in this loop of limitation. We create the evidence and therefore We believe it. It is false evidence appearing real to the nth degree. We are not trapped or stuck. We are here by choice. Making that choice is part of what We have forgotten. This game is designed and set up (by Us) to make it very difficult to stop and exit. Plus, there is still something (maybe many somethings) that We wish to do and experience and learn and whatever.

The possibilities that lie before Us are incredible. Each person will experience something a bit different. This is no longer about a group consensus reality. That was part of limitation and separation. We can visit other people's realities and play parts in “them” but We will live in Our own created and chosen reality. Perhaps that too will only be a construct and not actually the fully real that is possible. If that is the case then it is and will be a step towards the real. Either case is possible as We ARE creator gods. Denying this does NOT change it.

We must stop trying to impose Our choices on others. This is a critical point. It is even a breaking point, the deal/game breaker. A very hard concept to really grasp. It does not mean that We will be alone and/or separate as We fear. It is rather funny. The very thing that We think will make Us alone and separate is the very thing that keeps Us alone and separate. Clever Us: We set this up really well.

We returned to dream and when We got up We saw/sensed an ephemeral/ghost image of OurSelf (or another energy version of OurSelf) sitting in Our computer chair. This is thrilling to say the least. We had to lay back down for a few minutes and it seemed like We needed that time to reintegrate these two versions/aspects of OurSelf. It will be very interesting to see how this unfolds over time (which does not actually exist).

We will be going to town in a bit. We thought We might do some physical stuff beforehand but it looks like not much will be getting done in the physical. We are finding that doing in the physical feels less and less important. We theel this is part of the transition that is going on.

We are definitely in multiworlds today.

We made it a very short trip to town. As soon as We were done with what had to be done We headed directly home. We had planned (hehehe) about three more stops but We decided that none of those were needed and that We “needed” to be home. We knew before We left that We were not focused in limitation 3D and it became more and more obvious the longer We were in town.

As soon as We got home We went to dream and Shadow even stayed inside and joined Us. We do not know what We dreamed except that it is about being multidimensional. We know the current energy is doing its do. We are integrating and allowing. We get it that less and less (“stuff” in the physical) is important. More and more is free of matter and needs to be released and IS being released.

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