Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


If You would like to support My work, My writing and sharing, My PayPal account is:

I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Thursday, January 24, 2013



Unexpected meetings

Wizard's Log Star-date: 09:49:31 AM

Good morning. A very fun night traveling and playing. We did not have much to share until late in the morning. We are still unsure quite what or how to share. The night was definitely about many types and races and species working together. It does feel like actions and interactions are amping up.

Here is the part We hesitate about. We generally are not into hierarchies of any type. How to explain, it is not that We do not believe that “they” exist in some levels but We truly feel that in the bottomline All are equal. Yet, We distinctly and clearly felt that archangel Michael showed up this morning. What exactly is the significance of this? Well, if it fits in the pattern it would be about integration. Now that makes sense. Even though We believe at One level that All are equal We have kept certain aspects at bay so to speak. The further extremes on the scale between good and bad. Interesting: if someOne who is as into equality and believing that good and bad are merely judgments and aspects of duality still holds the extremes at bay, how on earth can We expect anyOne else to come to balance.

Perhaps that is exactly what this is All about. After All, We met Our demon and found out through experience that he is not such a bad fellow. Perhaps AA Michael is not such a good fellow as We might imagine. Perhaps he is rather human too. Maybe a better way to put it is that maybe he is balanced.

Balance is really what this is All about, well that and experience. We know that as We experience then We bring that into the collective and it does make it easier for others to experience.

Well, after typing that and getting clearer this may be more fun than We had anticipated. After All the rest of the night was a lot of fun. There were so many players and sooooo much frolicking about it is hard to imagine that We actually got anything done. But that is exactly the point. (How many exactly the point(s) were there?) We were doing what needed to get done in Our play. Work is becoming play. Last night We were focused on Our space port and it is getting very busy. Much is happening.

There seems to be a gate that needs opening or We may have opened it last night.

Our demon showed up several times, doing different things and bringing Us new found friends. This time “they” All seem to be alive. At One point he said that We had not recognized him several times lately. When he showed Us the times it happened We told him it was because he was not wearing his own face. He informed Us that We should be recognizing his energy signature. That certainly makes a lot of sense but We have not yet learned/remembered how to All-ways be aware of All of Our multidimensional senses. We asked for help. After All, We are only asking OurSelf for help. Just like AA Michael is only part of Us and desires to be accepted as such.

How is that for insight? Experiential insight.

As We stretched and pondered some of this We felt the presence of All these other worlds and aspects of OurSelf. We said hello even though We still do not see any of this. We thought: “removing the filters from My eyes”. It felt/feels like there are something like scales or cataracts that are blocking Our vision. We only see what We are familiar with in Our waking world and there is sooooo much more to see and experience. We know We are holding on to the old, to limitation. We are willing to let go and expand.

We are reading Suzanne Lie's latest article LIVING MULTIPLE REALITIES 4 and she speaks about Us not being Our bodies but We are wearing Our bodies. We are reminded that this is like wearing a glove or a pair of shoes. Our entire Self does not fit into the glove or the shoe. Even when We actually get it that We are more than just Our body and are only wearing these bodies We tend to continue to think that We fit (All of Our entirety fits) inside the body. This is just a continuation of projecting limitation. It is very familiar and very insidious. We need to keep reminding Us that We are more. Our body can only contain a very small portion or fragment of what We really are.

Earlier We were looking out Our front window. It is quite lovely. But, what We see is only a small part of what is really here and even that is skewed. What We see is skewed by Our belief in separation and limitation. We are connected to everything We see. Everything We see is energy AND it is alive. This is sooooo different from how We think it looks. We continue to remove the filters of separation and limitation by reminding OurSelves of this.

We keep remembering the space port that is here but which We do not yet see. We also remember All the beans that are here busy at play in the port. We still see (yes an actual picture in Our non-visual mind) the gate that We are opening. Probably many gates but right now We have the picture of One gate and Our demon is there with Us encouraging Us.

As We read and type emails, watch some good vids and read articles We continue having this feeling of shifting and expansion. It continues to feel that We are bringing this reality and others closer and closer together. We are in the process of making “their” co-exist-dance dance visible and perceivable. How cool is that? It is new and it is exciting.

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