Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


If You would like to support My work, My writing and sharing, My PayPal account is:

I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Saturday, January 19, 2013




Wizard's Log Star-date: 09:25:30 AM

Good morning. We spent most (maybe All) of the night with the Fae. It was very interesting. The Fae are also very playful. At One point (when We woke during the night) We wondered if there is a connection between this visiting the Fae to such a degree or depth and Our demon. We theel that there is. We can see a clear connection between demons and the Fae. Even though many people view the Fae with more acceptance and positivity than demons, there are still those who view the Fae as evil and there certainly have been times when the Fae where very vilified. We were reminded of how certain species of Fae are still regarded as evil and villains.

The night was focused on integrating Our world/reality with those of the Fae. It feels like this is something that is happening (though slowly) in Our waking world. It was like being on fast forward in Our dream life. There was an interesting mix of characters from Our remember passed in different roles. A lot of it seemed nonsensical yet We know that it made perfect sense if viewed as the transition.

Much of it was so odd that We can not even remember what it was. Even though We do remember that it happened. Some things We have memory of but no words.

Once again, it feels like was the introduction and there will be more that will clear up Our confusion.

It will be fun.

Shadow woke several times and was nervous. We got the impression that he is not familiar with such a strong Fae presence exerting itSelf into Our life. Even though there has been a Faerie castle here and many Fae in “their” world and dimensions “they” have not merged and emerged this strongly into Our world/dimension before. It seems the veil and the borders are definitely thinning.

Just before We woke We felt the emphasizing of the word: “evoke” coming through very strong. We did not know why. One of the first things We did upon arising was Google “evoke”. We did not find much that We are not All-ready familiar with. We did not know why the focus on this word. Then, One of the first emails We read (keep typing dread) was completely intended to “evoke” feelings of desperation, fear, anger, hopelessness and victim-hood. The complete opposite of the transitional dreams We were having. We were dreaming about the word “evoke” when the email was being sent. Now that is a lot to ponder.

We just read a message from John Smallman (that was actually posted yesterday) which gives another explanation for: “Is it real?” click here to read

We theel We are experiencing (in dream and in waking) what many foretold about the end of 2012 and what would follow. Many of these predictions seemed contradictory and perhaps impossible (which “they” probably are from a 3D perspective) but it resonated with Us.

We are seeing All-most (or completely) opposite worlds and realities co-existing in the same time and space (that time and space being “now”). We see worlds uniting, blending and merging while others seem to be fragmenting yet We remain as One. Definitely NOT a 3D concept.

Many are kicking and screaming and demanding to hold onto “their” victim-hood. We honor and allow this while sending “them” love. It will quite interesting to see/experience how this All settles out.

Something that came to Us that We are processing, integrating and expanding now is that We are coming to a further point of remembering more of what We really are. We were saying All of what We really are for a while but We think that is a bit of a tall order, at least currently. We theel that more is more appropriate. As We move into this more Our identification with Our physical body is going to have to transform. We theel this is the cliff We are standing at now and it is very difficult for many. For those of Us who cling to the belief that We are only Our body (which to some extent is most of Us but some cling more tightly than others) this can look/feel/sound/smell/taste like losing what We are. This makes a lot of sense really and therefore where We are and where We are going can look quite traumatic.

Some of Us get it that We are much more than Our physical body, yet that is All We are familiar with and accustomed to. So, even for those who believe We are more but have not really experienced much or any of this more, We too are at a scarey place. At best it is unknown and unfamiliar even if not scarey.

Here is the part that few of Us have even considered: We have All-ways been this expanded, multidimensional, spiritual being. Our physical body has All-ways been merely a vessel or tool to experience and fully explore physicality. As We expand We do not have to lose the tool. We only think We do because We are sooooo accustomed to thinking We are only Our bodies AND We are accustomed to the belief in death. Not too many of Us have any real, experiential knowledge of what happens after death. Most of Us are really only familiar with life.

Of course, We know that life does not really end at death, but We have not experienced that (most of Us anyway).

Some, out of shear fear (or whatever reason) are choosing and will choose death to avoid what We fear: losing OurSelf. This method will actually deliver to Us what We fear most: losing Our body. Whereas if We face Our fears and walk boldly into that which We fear then We can expand and still use Our tool (Our body) whenever We choose.

Now this is a pair-a-docks indeed. Reminds Us of somethings Jesus is quoted as saying.

What is really cool is that if We allow this expansion, not only will be able to keep the use of Our tool, Our body but We can do so WITHOUT thinking it (Our body) is All that We are. We never again have to return to that forgetting, that pretend separation, that isolation, that limitation.

Again, if We try to cling to Our body as All that We are We will lose the very thing that We love so dearly. The thing is that even that choice is not so bad as it might seem. We get it (now) that the reason the question of: “Did Our demon push the boy from the train?” is actually irrelevant is that if the boy had not chosen to die, then he would not have died. (It does seem weird that We still do not have a name for the boy but perhaps he can represent more of Us without a name.) And now that the boy is in his energy body he is more alive than ever before. He just can not experience being physical, at least not until he acquires another body. That may be an undecided possibility. In his energy body he is able to interact with people (like Me) that have physical bodies but not as freely as if he had a body. His contact and interaction with “them” tends to be more dreamlike.

We have no idea if any of this makes sense to anyOne besides OurSelf. It is perfectly clear to Us, it is something We are feeling and experiencing.

As We move forward (expand) We gain sooooo much. We gain what We fear losing the most. We can All-ways go back if We go forward. Yet, We feel fear (at least to some degree) because We hold onto the thought/belief (no matter how tiny it is now for Us) that We are only Our body. If anyOne reading this can say that I Am wrong I welcome that.

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