Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


If You would like to support My work, My writing and sharing, My PayPal account is:

I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Monday, August 18, 2014

Not burning down the house

Not burning down the house
Wizard's Log Star-date: 06:00:52 AM
Good morning. We wake to play another day.
We continue to wake thinking: “I love You”. We like that. We visited several worlds and met more new friends. The world that We remember the most was quite similar to this world and there were friends from Our waking life there. We are managing a restaurant there. When We woke and went back to sleep We kept returning there. We added love.
Love is Our theme and Our focus and that is as it should be. Shortly after We woke We asked: “What else is here?” and “What does this look like from a multidimensional perspective?” We are reminded that multidimensional is love. We can't explain it, it just is. Our limitation 3D thinking tends to overthink things. Our planning and thinking and figuring things out just keeps Us stuck.
There is another thing to try with Our dragon and We spent the night saying: “We don't know”. We really don't. Thinking will not bring Us an answer. We are checking Our feelings. We ask Our children within and We wait for inspiration and intuition. We really want to move forward and not remain stuck in old thinking and beliefs. We are love and We want to live as love.
Our children within are such a key. We have many visions of how important it is to see everything and everyOne as Our children within. Some are rebelling and acting out and others are scared witless while others try to just maintain and survive in a world without love. We love You and We need You. Our limitation 3D thinking and reasoning does not allow for any of this, does not take this into account and consideration. Our children: All of this being Our children within and Our projection is not even thought to be a possibility much less the major factor. Limitation 3D does not think and believe that love is the solution. Love is THE solution. Changing the outer without changing the inner to love will never bring lasting and positive change.
Several times We have been reminded of Our saying: “Regardless of appearances”. Once again: regardless of appearances love IS the answer. Our thinking screams that this is not possible in this case. In worldly matters We believe that some action is required. That is limitation 3D thinking and solutions. We ARE changing. We are love and We are determined to live as love. We are determined to begin now and remain focused on love.
Are We waiting for a miracle? Maybe. Is so then We are the miracle worker.
The vision of Our children within keeps coming to mind. We feel “their” desperation as “they” struggle to survive and We send “them” love. We care and want a better world and life for “them” and the only way is love. We continue returning to the separation and adding love, saying: “I love You”. We theel that the separation is what is commonly called creation and/or the beginning. Often We think of this as the beginning of life on earth but it is before even that. Time began as a result of limitation and separation with anger and fear. Love has no need of time as We know it anyway. Those whom We see/perceive as struggling and trying to change the world from the outside ARE also Our children within. That is hard to accept at first but Once We decide to accept it: then it begins to become clear.
Once We accept that this world is made up entirely of Our children within who felt/feel abandoned and neglected from/at (what seems/feels to be) the very beginning of life (the separation) then We can envision new answers. Then We can theel how things can (and do) work differently than We have believed with Our limitation thinking. Face the facts takes on a whole new meaning.
From this perspective the possibilities seem far out and woo woo but “they” ARE real. Reality is much bigger than We have ever imagined with Our limitation imagination. That is a great distinction. Usually when We “try” to imagine We use Our limitation imagination. When We “allow” imagination then We access Our limitless and multidimensional imagination. What a difference that makes. Isn't it funny: All this time We have been trying to find words to describe this and just now it comes. More progress.
We have a vision (very vague and foggy still) of where this is going. Our dragon is a turning point, a choice point and a key. Will We let this child within to be a dragon or will We try to force a square peg into a round whole? We ask Our dragon: “what do You want?”. We hope We will honor its answer. We love You AND We thank You. Allowing love is a key. We set it free with love. We are reminded that We do not know (consciously) and that is okay.
As We make Our first trip outdoors (this morning) and We look around We real-eyes that Our thinking and planning and beliefs continue to be limitation. Limitation is still Our default. We ARE in transition and We recognize this limitation default thinking and planning much quicker than ever before. IF We want to change, if We want to live multidimensionally, live as love in the physical then We must continue to change Our thinking and beliefs. We include Our brain in this, We are NOT abandoning or destroying ANY part or pisces of OurSelf. We are integrating NOT rejecting. We love Our children within even the Ones that We find hard to like. We are activating that part of Our brain and DNA that lay dormant. Those are the parts that know and recognize love, real love not limitation love.
So far We are enjoying drifting, envisioning some less limited worlds and doing a few small things inside. We keep thinking (a bit) about whether or not We want to do anything with Our dragon today. Maybe We do and maybe We don'ts and that is okay just the way it is. Rules and “shoulds” no longer apply. We ARE clear on that unless We aren't. We keep getting the message that it doesn't matter and that message really feels right on.
It IS important to stay focused in/on love and remembering Our children within. After that the question is: “what do We want to do now?”. Only now. Next or later can be chosen next or later. Simple lessons AND huge lessons.
We are reminded that Our life and world are VERY different from the way We have Allways thought and perceived and experienced. “They” are more AND everything is actually Our children within. It is All Ours and Our projections. Whenever We hate, blame, are angry with (or any number of emotions) Our others, Our surroundings, etc. then We are projecting those emotions onto/at Our children within. This is a pretty sobering insight. And We wonder why things seem to go wrong and be fubar?????? Several teachers (now days) are suggesting that We deal with Our others, Our world and Our inner child the way We would deal with a five year old child in pain.
This might be a good place to insert that part of Our dreams last night was about Our inner child being a conundrum, a myriad (a legion if You will) of beans. It is One and also much more than a single individual. That is why We like to think of “them” as Our children within. What We see and experience is only a holographic projection on a screen which We call: “The real world”. Again: if We ask: “Is it real or not?” the only possible (correct) answer is: “YES”. We forget. We forget a lot. Please forgive Us. We love You and We thank You.
We went to the spring to get water and the nearby gas station to get gas for the Buick. We are just going slow and gentle and still not sure what All We will do today. One step at a time. We are remembering to include Our children within, to add love and to repeat: “I love You” a lot.
So: the Buick is NOT an answer. We added gas and got it running NOT knowing that it was spraying gas onto the engine. By the time We real-eyesed this and turned it off it was too late. We called 911 (without even having to look up the number) and the fire department got here and got it under control before anything (except the Buick) caught fire or was damaged. We were a bit perplexed that “they” were using water on it even though We clearly told “them” that there was gas in the mix. “They” did add foam after a while and in time. The fire truck was at the top of the driveway and “they” could not hear the captain calling on the radio for foam. The very wet conditions surely kept the forest from catching fire but the gas was getting into the leaves that have accumulated. It was more excitement that We had been looking forward to. Our Buick is toast quite literally. Oh, none of the toys We have inside it were damaged.
So: We put the battery charger on the dragon. We probably will not fiddle with it any more today, unless We do.
The second paragraph of this article sure speaks to what is going with Our dragon and Buick. We are not surprised (and it is what We have been intuiting) but the confirmation is great. It is easy to doubt OneSelf. We are in transition NOT at perfection except that everything IS perfect, even Our doubt. That is a hard One to grasp. We did send out an email letting folks know what is happening and the confirmation in the article.
The thought popped into Our head that perhaps One (or more) of Our children within is acting out. Certainly a possibility and We certainly have had quite a few fires in Our life/passed. However: it is not exactly that. Sure: there are probably children within, castaways and rejects, orphans who still hold fear and anger towards Us but this feels much more like We were trying to “fix” what We need to allow. We are certain that Our children within are playing a part in Our experience but NOT maliciously. “They” are being helpful. On the surface it might not look that way but it definitely feels that way. We love You AND thank You.
If this had been malicious in any way it would have been too easy to burn the cabin and forest. If the accumulated dead leaves and the trees around the Buick had been as dry as normal (this time of year) it would have been a very different story. We did not time the arrival of the fire department but We were rather amazed at how long the fire burned and did not spread before “they” started spraying it with water. We are still kinda amazed that the fire department would spray a gas fire with water. We have never watched a fire ride the water before and watching the fire get right up next to the cabin and watching the water (that the fire was riding) going under the cabin AND Our heating oil tank was a bit unnerving.
This was more about: “Sit down and shut up” meant in the kindest, most loving way. It is about learning to trust and NOT trying to fix what is not broken (even if it appears to be broken). Once again: “regardless of appearances”.
The cool thing is that We are not just repeating nice, nice and philosophy. We really feel what We are typing. Yes, fear tries to come up but that is old paradigm and limitation thinking and beliefs.
Lots of pony hopping and “I love You”s and “thank You”s.
Oh: We Allmost forgot to mention: after the fire men left We did go looking for Our fire extinguisher. There is was, right where We thought We keep it. We had looked right at it and totally NOT seen it. Whadda Ya think of that??????? There is just sooooo much to this experience.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

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