Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


If You would like to support My work, My writing and sharing, My PayPal account is:

I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Monday, August 11, 2014

Actual super full moon day

Actual super full moon day
Wizard's Log Star-date: 06:25:51 AM
Good morning. We wake to play another day.
Our dream ventures were different and even though We remember several from throughout the night “they” are not as clear as is usually the case when We remember. Perhaps that is the point?
There was another world where We are catering but it was not about catering so much as interactions with Our latest dream friend and child within who did actually work for Us sometimes in catering. Like We said: not clear. There was at least One world where We were buying a restaurant again and faced with the All the pressure AND it is mixed with a current local friend who was offering Us a gold mine. This friend IS a gold miner in Our waking world. There was a slightly futuristic world where We are connected with school busing and the school buses are fifth wheel trailers. We were showing this to someOne who was somehow trying to control Us.
We really have no idea what these were about except that throughout the night and when We woke We were focused on everything and everyOne being Our children within projected holographically onto what We think of as the world. Guess We have some interesting children. There was also something about Our children whose projections We really do NOT like. Some it is the personality We experience others it is Our judgment of “their” physical appearance and behavior.
We did (and do) pony hop Our judgments and dislikes. We send love and We added “I love You”s to All the worlds We visited. We went back to the separation and added love and then moved forward and added “I love You”s to All the segments and lives We visited.
It theels like We need to take a break and just be for a bit. Back soon?
Back now for a bit anyway. As We walked outdoors We are reminded that when We watch movies: We keep reminding OurSelf that the discord and greed, etc. is what happens when We do not have love. We keep thinking of how some people (again: some of Our children within but We often forget that) are trying to build a better world without changing people's hearts and minds. We are often reminded that We are a healer of hearts and minds. Of course no One can mandate that inner change. We can mandate other outer changes and for most of Us that feels more like action than changing Our own hearts and minds and then allowing everyOne to make “their” own choice. True leaders can only lead by this example but the world rejects that and that world IS Our children within. What an insight. No Oneder Our dreams were not clear last night.
One thing is certain: We ARE changing. We feel this current change and We can only pony hop Our old thinking and beliefs and behaviors AND open to this change as We set Our old ways free with love. Love truly is the key and it is Us (All Our parts and pisces) that We must love. It Us that We must set free with love.
There is this feeling of sitting at Our communication center (on ship) viewing All this unfolding. We theel a bit like the Wizard of Oz behind the curtain, frantically pushing and pulling levers to make things happen. Without love it is pointless EXCEPT to show Us the need for love.
Again: We are reminded to allow and stay in the now. This is how We can create change: by getting out of Our own way. (We notice that this phrase is becoming more and more popular). We have All-ways tried to plan and figure out and build expectations of what Our future, Our growth, Our evolution will look like. This only limits Us and keeps Us trapped in limitation. Sometimes it is a better looking and feeling version of limitation but it remains limitation All the same. We want more so We pony hop, set it/Us free with love and allow love.
We are getting several/many insights, intuits and reminders; some are major and some are minor; some remembered and some forgotten but registered in Our unconscious. We continue to remember, focus on and send love to Our children within.
It feels like We may be receiving inspiration to add to Our autism website.
We had thought that yesterday was the full moon but it is today. Not surprising that We were feeling the affects a day or two before.
As We walk around outdoors again and do a few small things We are aware that We are getting familiar with being multidimensional and in multiworlds. The only way to get familiar is to practice, repeat and be aware. This is NOT something We direct, force or even intend but it IS something that We have to allow in order to benefit from it. Otherwise We resist. Resis-dance is kinda like strangling Our children within.
We did a lot of clean up and put away and maybe even organize outside. We went very slow and gradual and there was some undo and redo to what We did do. As You might have guessed We are/were NOT focused in limitation 3D. As We have said many times before: 3D is NOT going away and even limitation is only being set free. We really do NOT know (or have much of a clue) how this will turn out (and that is probably a very good thing) so We just do what is front of Us and what We theel inspired to do. We are happy to have most of Our winter preparations done ahead of time. Also: part of what We are doing is more preparation for not being here for prolonged periods of time even though We do not theel that We are going anywhere. This ties into All time is now and All space is here.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

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