Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


If You would like to support My work, My writing and sharing, My PayPal account is:

I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Adventure in experiencing

Adventure in experiencing
Wizard's Log Star-date: 05:18:46 AM
Good morning. We wake to play another day.
A much more pleasant night last night, at least as far as We remember. We do remember visiting several worlds and lives that we do not remember any details from. Towards the end of the night there were two or (One that was quite varied) where We remember meeting a couple more new friends. These friends were more shy than usual but “their” worlds are closer to Our waking world and not as free as many that We visit. In One We had somehow kept the friends work keys and had to take the keys to “them” at “their” home and “they” (timidly) invited Us in to visit since it was a very long drive. The other was at a very lovely house but some of it was falling into disrepair and We All wanted to get into gardening.
It does feel like there is a deeper level that We are slipping into which is not yet clear to Us. We theel that We are closer to experiencing using more of Our natural abilities.
We continue to pony hop, to add “I love You”s and to acknowledge and pay attention to Our children within. We theel strongly that We do not know a lot and that We need to set more and more free with love.
For some reason We got up earlier than usual for a non-work day. We theel there is/are something(s) for Us to learn/practice/experience about balance and being here AND there. We know that We need to set expectations free with love. Our expectations have hindered and/or blocked and limited Us for far too long. It is Us, Our expectations and memories that keep Us (seemingly) stuck in limitation 3D. We want to set those free with love. We want to be/become okay with: “I don't know”. We pony hop.
Some computer issues have come up which We have tried to resolve before and some new communication glitches too. We real-eyes that part of this is from being in slightly different versions of Our waking world. These versions are sooooo similar that We think We are in the same version over and over. It does take a lot of adapting of habits, behavior and thinking to function in multiD and multiworlds after sooooo many eons of only being aware of limitation 3D. Practice and repetition seem to be required.
The cool thing is that We have changed enough that this does not frustrate Us. We are okay with NOT knowing the outcome. We set it free with love. It keeps coming up and becoming more and more obvious that “I love You” is critical for achieving what We desire. This is much more than any form of limitation love. Hard to explain but simple to proceed and increase by simply saying it from Our heart and then say it some more (out loud or silently does not matter). We are experiencing more and more of Our latent natural abilities but LOVE must be Our focus if We want what We want. Anything less is just chapped lips.
More insights are coming (or are these more reminders?): We acknowledge (more and more and continually) that everything We see and perceive ARE/IS Our children within and We must keep telling “them”/Us that We love “them”/Us and continue setting “them”/Us free with love. We can NOT overemphasize this. Love is required to get where are going and to be what and who We really are.
Again: We are reminded that the world and even OurSelf are much different from how We have Allways believed and perceived “them” to be. We no longer need to feel burdened by survival. We will survive: period. The question is will We be open to All possibilities or remain focused primarily in limitation? We do have a mission, a goal, a purpose and it is up Our higher levels (beyond just Our physical body and mind/brain) to keep Us able to function when and where We are needed. Therefore: We can more easily accept setting Our survival, Our finances, Our transportation, Our abilities, Our questions and answers free with love. That is what We need to do, what We need to remember, etc. Open to love, set free with love and allow love.
We returned to dream for a while. We do not know what We did but We woke with a smile.
The rain/drizzle stopped and the sky is clearing. We put the new sensor in Our dragon (easy) and We are waiting for the battery to charge a bit before We can start it up and see what is happening. Our brain is trying to think of All the possibilities of disaster and the end of the world or perhaps something a bit less dramatic. We are certain that these thoughts are fear and NOT intuition. Regardless: We (physical Us) are not in charge. If We are supposed to use Our dragon for transportation then it WILL happen. And if not?????? We do not know and that is the way it is. It is not (yet) possible for Us to know everything, not with Our physical brain anyway.
No real change with Our dragon. We can do a bypass with a switch and turn the fan off and on and it looks like this will keep it running at the right temperature. We are not sure that this is the way We want to go or not. We are going to sit with it a while and also check Our repair manuals again. We also real-eyes that part of the problem may be that what We really want is to levitate, fly and teleport rather than use Our vehicles. We could very well be causing All this to block OurSelf from settling for less than what We want. We do that. We know We do that and have done that for a long, long time. So: what do We do with that? We do want to make sure that We ARE doing Our part and what is in front of Us to do. Also: We know that Our children within play a part in this. We love You. And another also: We would love to fly and ride Our dragon instead of drive it. Remember too that We have several dream experiences of Our dragon being a shuttlecraft and that could also figure into this. We are grateful that We are not stressed and frustrated with All this. We ARE open, We set it free with love AND We allow love.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

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