Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


If You would like to support My work, My writing and sharing, My PayPal account is:

I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Growing in love

Growing in love
Wizard's Log Star-date: 06:29:09 AM
Good morning. We wake to play another day.
Lots of “I love You”s and pony hopping as We visited many times and worlds and played with many friends. This is how life is meant to be: playing with friends, teleporting through time and space adding love to All Our experiences, loving everyOne and everyOne love each other, everyOne being equal and sharing with each other and doing it everywhere and everywhen. What used to be just a longing and a philosophy is becoming Our reality.
As We wake We remember and repeat: “I love You”. We bask in the beauty We encountered and enjoyed during Our nightly adventures. Looking deep into the eyes of strangers who are now new found friends and finding love for Our others and OurSelf. We forgive OurSelf for Our judgments and condemnations that We projected onto the world and We project love and complete acceptance.
This process is truly changing Us. The outer evidence is scarce but it is also growing. We can really feel how We are changing and how Our cherished memories of limitation and separation are losing “their” hold on Our life. We remember that We can return here any time We want. Without this We would still be hard pressed to set it free.
It started raining again last night and it is still raining this morning. It is still nicely warm but not hot. The sound of the rain on the leaves is like a lullaby.
When We went outdoors We are reminded of a place that We have visited several times in Our dream adventures and We visited it again last night: it is set in a forest: there is a river with a small beach on either side. Close to the river the forest is sparse enough for people to lounge among the trees in whatever fashion “they” desire. Children play freely on the beach and in the forest. It is a tranquil yet exciting setting. We really enjoy visiting here. Often We are only an observer here but sometimes We allow OurSelf to enter this reality and play too.
Funny thing: the more We shift Our focus, the more Our focus changes. Imagine that. We are very grateful for Our progress: for the shift in Our thinking and beliefs.
We choose to allow OurSelf to drift around (while awake) in and about other worlds and times and lives. It is fun to be able to do this while awake and to recognize the progress We are making. It helps Us to be awake and aware that this limitation world is NOT Our only world and not even Our only waking world. We are choosing to shift Our world of choice, Our primary reality. It helps Us to not feel stuck and to feel less scared and limited. It is good for Us to practice. We are certain that this will help Us to become comfortable with doing things with Our mind more than with Our body. We have known for some time that We can but We do not. We were unaware of what blocked Us but now We think We have found Our answer. Okay: We All-ways knew that it was Us that blocked Us but how and why? As We add love to Our memories and set Our fear and judgments free with love We become able to face and allow OurSelf. Then as We grow more comfortable and familiar with OurSelf then We can allow more of OurSelf to come out of hiding.
The results and the progress are exponential. Baby steps add up to giant steps over time or with repetition. Our fear of running out of time or being late shrinks as Our familiarity with OurSelf grows.
Another thing that came up last night (this makes Us theel there was night school but We do not remember it, yet) is how much We plan and how much that holds Us back, keeps Us stuck in limitation. This morning We are setting Our planning AND Our expectations free in love. “They” are related and connected and both limit Us. We are reminded to check in with Our children within. “What do You want/desire?”
There is a scene from last night that We are holding in Our awareness. It is a passionate scene and it holds feelings that We want to remember to apply to Our imaginating.
We are noticing how much Our old thinking, taboos, ideas of being productive, etc. held Us back from expanding and going multiD. Not All this holding back was bad, it was for Our own benefit but it still amazes Us how much what We thought was necessary and required for life on earth was really a trap that We set for OurSelf.
For some reason We have not been able to get back to full dreaming today even though We are definitely in waking dream state, multiD and multiworlds. We are pony hopping, saying: “I love You” and grateful. We are experiencing. Our dream encounter keeps coming to Our awareness and We enjoy it. It is more than remembering, it is re-experiencing. It is how the world works when We start with “I love You”. Many times We have returned to the original separation (and other points along Our journey known as other times) and added: “I love You” to the experience.
The world where We can't, where We are limited, restricted or prohibited is only One of many worlds and those limits etc. are only placed upon Us by OurSelf. This is hard to comprehend, hard to embrace and hard to live because it is sooooo opposite from what We have All-ways taught, been taught and believed. The only out is through and that is exactly what We are doing and where We are going.
It is easy to think (and even believe) that We are making a big mistake and that We will fail and suffer greatly BUT We know that those thoughts are only Our head, Our fear and only beliefs NOT facts. We feel a lot like We did when We (personally) first began to get it that We (collectively) are God. We are All set to dodge lightening bolts and fall of the edge of the earth. However: We know that ain't gonna happen.
Accepting that We do NOT know what will happen is also hard. We like to know the options but that is not (yet) possible. Our unconscious knows but it is too Onederfull and too vast and too unfamiliar for Our conscious head mind to comprehend. We accept this (kinda) and We ARE grateful for the awesomeness that awaits Us.
The familiar/waking/limitation world/reality is no longer Our primary world/reality. We still spend a lot of time here but as We have been typing We are rarely (any more) focused ONLY in/on limitation 3D. This is easier when We are home alone but We are also learning how to do it while out and about in the workaday world. As We have often said: it is no great feat to do hidden away on some mountain; the challenge and achievement is to do it in the streets, the workaday world. Doing it in what is called (and We used to believe it is) the “real” world. However: the real world is limitless, everything and everyOne is connected and it built on, from and with love.
It is said that when We name a thing correctly then We take away its power. That is what is happening with limitation world(s). We ARE taking back Our power from the inside out. We are sorry that We gave Our power away, We are sorry that We judged and condemned OurSelf and We seek forgiveness from OurSelf AND Our others. We seek forgiveness from any We have harmed and that includes Our subconscious and Our super conscious. We love Us unconditionally and We thank Us. Powerful.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

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