Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


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I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Thursday, August 2, 2012


We are the Ones

Wizard's Log Star-date: 09:01:59 AM

Good morning. What a fun, wide variety of dreams last night. We theel “they” are All connected. “They” were about waking to Our multidimensionality and meeting and recognizing Our space friends and family in the here and now. We recognized that We are galactic humans, We are from the stars. Many are waiting for first contact and the arrival of the Galactics on Earth, We are All-ready here and that is something We humans need to real-eyes. We are the Ones We have been waiting for.

We met several space friends and had much in common with some and less with others but We could appreciate each and every One. It was indeed a fun night. Space people like to play too.

Then, as I began to type this and was thinking about My day, We got it (Once again) that there is sooooo much that We cling to which ties Us to One reality, One exis-dance. To fly One must let go. It has All-ways seemed very hard for Me to let go. I theel I Am getting closer.

We (the people or most/many if not All) are actually space beings as well as humans. This is gonna shake up a lot of people when it comes out. Being multidimensional is hard enough to swallow. It is connected to being space beans but not exactly the same thing.

What a tangled web We weave. We have certainly gotten very entangled in Our own deception.

In the evening We were processing being the Ones We are waiting for AND being the Ones We are trying to escape.

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