Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


If You would like to support My work, My writing and sharing, My PayPal account is:

I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Recognizing resisdance



Recognizing resisdance

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 5:15 AM

Good morning. We wake to play another day.

We really did not want to get up this morning but We were definitely awake. We are mostly in multiD but Our head resists and tries to believe in and project limitation 3D. Our night was about transition and reality. Sometimes We get confused about reality. It is All real (or not) it is just that reality is sooooo much more that limitation seems unreal.

It is the edges. We just flashed on that AND that some time back We discovered that We are NOT afraid of heights: We ARE afraid of edges. Interesting insight when We connect the two.

We are remembering that We are learning to play in multiD while awake and that limitation is only a game. We really want to be fully in multiD and not distracted by limitation. We need happy thoughts and adventures this morning. Now We are smiling.

We get it that Our head is resisting Our transitioning. We are experiencing some of what We read yesterday (whatever that was). Now: We are remembering that the idea of teleporting has been coming up a lot. We misunderstand teleporting and therefore when We try We try from this misunderstanding. Is it any One-der it does not seem to work.

We must remember that We are actually doing everything that We long/want to do. That confuses Us too. The thing is that Our understanding of Our abilities (and All things multidimensional and limitless) is based in Our limitation thinking, beliefs and mindset. So: Our understanding is messed up. We think that teleporting is moving through space but space is an illusion. It is actually (Our best description but still from limitation) more of matching the vibration of whatever/whoever We want to visit. It is still right here because here is All that there is.

This does seem more important than it may appear. Our head is resisting so that means that We are probably on to something big. This is not something that is actually new to Us but it IS something that We have yet to live. Our current program tells Us that We do not really know something until We are living it and that resonates with Us. We also real-eyes that Our transition and evolution is a process. We go from being completely lost and unconscious to being aware and limitless in steps. Knowledge comes in steps and phases. Perhaps the next step is living in reality?

Isn’t it interesting that finding and matching the signature, frequency vibration of something seems/feels much easier than traveling through time and space to find (get to) that something? Our first thought was: “even though We have never done it” but then We real-eyes that We do it All the time. We have just convinced OurSelf that We are moving through time and space. That is what We have never actually done.

Another thing that is coming up is that We are experiencing Our transition IF We allow it. We try to “figure” it out and that just ain’t gonna happen. We can feel and experience it but Our physical brain is NOT gonna “figure” out multiD. We are reminded to stay in the now.

As We allow OurSelves to stay in the now AND drift in multiD We feel the fear that Our head/brain/ego feels. We do Our best to calm and comfort these parts, pisces and aspects of OurSelf. We pony hop and forgive and love OurSelves. We ARE sorry that We have given OurSelf good reason to fear venturing into the unknown. We wrote a terrorfrying script (way back when) about doing it and suffering greatly for it. Then We fell into that story and could not find Our way back out. Our head and brain and ego kept Us alive through that sojourn into hell. Now: it seems that We are venturing into someplace that is possibly even more terrorfrying and dangerous. It is NOT of course. It is returning to Our true nature. The thing is that it has been so long since We left (or imagined/pretended that We left) that We have forgotten All about it. Anything unfamiliar seems unsafe and now Our true nature, Our natural state is very unfamiliar. So: We cling to Our limits and boundaries and edges. What a tangled web We weave.

Our head is really resisting this morning and raising All Our old beliefs, doubts and blocks. We can practice being delighted with OurSelves for being aware of what is going on. We are not giving in but neither are We fighting and resisting. Those would be the old ways. We treat Our head with love and kindness. We pony hop. We forgive OurSelves.

We are experiencing and walking through mindtraps. This is part of the process and not fighting and not resisting is real progress for Us. Part of what Our brain is hitting Us with is the end of Our vacation and returning to the same ol', same ol'. We know that We are NOT returning to the old. We have made progress. Our head is not hitting Us with the now. It is hitting Us with images of Our future based on Our passed. We have no way of know what will happen in a few minutes much less in a few days. We clearly see the mindtrap and THAT too is progress. It brings a smile.

It feels like We are at/on the threshold of a breakthrough and Our head, brain and ego are very afraid of crossing over. We nurture and console and continue pony hopping OurSelves, Our children within.

One of the things that We noticed is that: In dream We travel to many worlds without going anywhere. This is what We need to remember when awake. It All happens within Our mind but since We project it outwardly We think it happens “out there”.

We are reminded to be gentle. Many things that We read make Us feel sad. Not about Our world and governments etc. No, We are sad for the people. Those people who continue to blame and judge and We tend to judge “them” in turn. Yes: this is All Our continuing projection of Our judgment of OurSelves. No Oneder it makes Us sad to continue to see it. So: We honor these children within. We may project “them” outward but “they” most certainly come from within. We ARE sorry. We forgive Us. We love Us and We thank Us. This is We cure Our wounded world. Our process is gentle and We MUST be gentle with OurSelves AND Our projections. Love truly IS the answer regardless of the question.

We are reminded of the mood swings of a pregnant woman caused by the internal changes. That does seem to be what last night and this morning are like. Even though Our changes are not so much physical as mental (mindset) there may be more physical changes (as We evolve) than We are currently aware of. We have had several insights and Our head, brain and ego continue to be frightened and resist. Even though these are really not uncharted waters that We are headed to (as We are returning to Our true nature) the no man’s land in between appears full of monsters and pitfalls of the greatest degree.

We went to town. We stopped at the post office and Our wireless keyboard and mouse has arrived, then to the pool. After several delays (during which We did the other things We wanted to do in town) We met up with Our mechanic at his shop. He did the few things that he had left undone/unfinished since it was sooooo late when he got done last week. It turned out to be a little more extensive than he had anticipated because some of the old parts and pisces were in dire need of maintenance. We are happy to have it All done and We still got home around the time that We would have if We had visited Our friends that We usually visit on Saturdays (“they” are sick today).

We did not do much when We got home as We were more in multiD than focused and/or aware in 3D. The natural thing to do is go to dream.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

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