Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


If You would like to support My work, My writing and sharing, My PayPal account is:

I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Another day changing Our thinking



Another day changing Our thinking

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 6:31 AM

Good morning. We wake to play another day.

Some very interesting worlds and lives and friends. It was like We were transitioning at an accelerated rate. It was a lot of fun and We felt like We have never felt before (in Our physical life). We could tell that this was Our natural state, Our true nature. It was exhilarating. We could tell that this is a future Us. This is NOT a silly fantasy. This is real. Our waking world is the fantasy and pretend world. We are pretending to be what We are not. We have begun to be what We really are. The only thing that can stop Us is Us.

Our head tries to return to Our old, limitation thinking but We console it, and treat it tenderly. We ARE moving forward and We are doing it as a team. NoOne left behind. We are theeling the change. Sometimes gentle and subtle and that is what is best for Us. We are reminded that All things work together for the best for Us. Stay in the now.

We do look ahead to when Our vacation is over (at least Our head does) and Oneder????? What We know is that We have no way of knowing how much We will have changed by then. We are changing Our thinking. Changing lifetime and lifetime worth of built up disorders and beliefs. There is noOne to blame: not even OurSelves. We chose this AND We are choosing to transition. We ARE choosing to experience changing up the game.

When We go outdoors We can tell that it is above freezing and there was a little bit of freezing rain last night. We do not plan to go anywhere for several days so the freezing rain won’t affect Us unless there is a lot of ice buildup on the roads. We know that We are responsible for this warm weather. That sounds absurd but until We stop playing victim to the world and nature We can NOT evolve. We are creators NOT victims: not even victims of the weather. We really do need this complete psychic change. Everything We have thought, believed, taught and been taught IS wrong. Everything up until We started to question limitation and even a lot that followed that.

There are a growing number of people teaching and encouraging people to take a look at (and hopefully begin to change) Our limiting beliefs but even “they” still believe in many basic needs and limitations. We All believe that there are some basic limits that are just human. BULLSHIT. Plain and simple. Of course: as long as We believe in Our limits then sure enough: “they” are Ours.

Changing these beliefs is not easy because “they” are deeply entrenched after lifetime after lifetime of believing “them”. Now “they” are familiar which means comfortable. Our head, brain and ego want to keep Us safe and comfortable and will do everything possible to prevent change and discomfort. We are funny beans: We seek adventure, horror and being terrorfried (in small doses and even in large doses sometimes) yet We resist real change because it is uncomfortable. We would rather go to war than experience a bit of change.

A lot of this came up and out last night in Our dreams. It was probably a “Night School” and who knows: We might type it up that way. Or not.

We theel that as We really get it and experience that We ARE changing Our world and life by changing Our thinking then We will appreciate Our daily, waking life more. The more We spend Our waking hours in multiD: the less We will hate leaving Our dreams. We are reminded to stay in the now. That is such a huge key.

We feel and theel different and that is what really matters: how We theel about Us and Our life AND Our world. Transition is NOT comfortable and so We do the resisdance time and time again. Now: We are embracing change. We treat Our resistor kindly, gently, with care and lovingly. This is a part that is missing from many programs and teachings AND that too is Our projection. If it is Our mission/plan/duty/purpose to create and typo (We had to leave that and it is even in Our spellcheck as okay) up another program then We will do that as inspiration leads. We are open if not completely willing at this time. We will allow it but We will NOT force it. We have made a start of collecting ideas before. We theel there is still way too much missing to go there.

Again: We do Our best work in Our dreams. Part of that is that in Our dreams Our subconscious can include All the stuff Our conscious is missing. Another part is that part of Our transition, what WE ARE after is doing this work, making these changes, helping OurSelves and Our others with Our mind and psyche. Doing it only at the physical level is part of Our limitation mindset. We are at a loss for words but We clearly theel this. Our doubt comes up and that too is part of Our limitation thinking, beliefs and mindset.

Here is a common limitation belief that keeps coming up for Us: Money is a necessity for life. We know that that is ONLY true for humans and now We know that it is a lie even for humans. However: We still hold some belief in it. EveryOne MUST earn money in some fashion even that means stealing it. Another lie and One We totally believe (or did up until recently). We ARE creators. Money (like All matter) is energy. Money is neutral (neither good nor bad). Money is merely a unit of exchange BUT it is not used equally and fairly and THAT too is Our creation and projection. We love money even when We hate it. We cling to lack of money. We have for a long, long time because We remember being rich and powerfull and misusing money. We judged OurSelf and projected that judgment and condemnation onto Our world and sure enough “they” reflected that back on Us and did Us great harm. Of course: “they” could only harm Us because it is Our reflection. This goes very deep.

In Our dreams last night We are in a world/life where this has been corrected and We live as Our true nature, Our true Self, Our true essence and are free and happy BECAUSE We allow OurSelves to be. It really IS up to Us and We are NOW willing to own this. We are the One that We have been waiting for and this is no longer an empty platitude.

Thank Us.

We added a new page to Our opening tabs when We open Internet Explorer: it has two modern ho'oponopono prayers which We want to remember to use. That is One of the things about how We are transitioning: We combine many techniques whereas most teachers recommend and follow only “their” own or maybe a few others. We use whatever We can and file the rest for future reference.

Today’s affirmation reminds Us to stay in the now. How appropriate.

Recently: We have noticed that several people/teachers that We follow online and use to assist Our progress and transformation are now saying things that We have said for years. The thing is (for Us) that We have not completely believed and lived these sayings. We have known that everything We need is inside but sometimes We need an outside source to jog Our memory. Or something like that.

We are playing in multiD alot both in dreaming and waking. Both Our waking and dreaming continue to be about Our transitioning also. We are doing some reading email and from “A Bug Free Mind”. We continue to gain insights and intuits. We ARE changing Our thinking. We find that We are going into multiD whenever We are awake and usually go so deep that We can not stay awake.

We are also continuing to learn how to be functional in 3D while focused in multiD. In other words: We are having quite a variety of experiences and “they” are All about transitioning.

Today Our process/program is talking about designing a life (We admit We are a little lost in his words but We know that We will get it) where it is impossible for debt to exist. This reminds Us of Our world(s) where it is impossible to do harm. We know he is talking about the same thing. The answer is raising Our consciousness. Perhaps We are trying to over complicate it and that is why We get confused. Can raising Our consciousness be as simple as theeling happy thoughts? Of course it can. Finding and holding better theeling thoughts is the/a key and Our old thinking tells Us it has to be harder than that. Debt and harm only exist in fantasy and imaginary world(s). We just need to get Our mind out of those worlds. Oh boy are We doing some resisdancing here.

Now: We will spend some time theeling Our paradise world.

Our head (old thinking and mindset) is trying to argue and figure it out. Well: that has NEVER worked before. Why do We think it will work this time? Loop, loop, loop. Feel the result of theeling happy thoughts. It works.

As We look in Deviantart for faun pictures to add to Our slideshow Our head is (Allmost) yelling that this is NOT going to work. Our feelings tell Us that We are right on target. We kinda fell in to faun pictures. Fun.

There has been a lot of shapeshifting in Our dreaming recently and that may be what inspired Us to get faun pictures for Our imaginating slideshow.

Time for dinner and Netflix and then dream, dream, dream.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

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