Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


If You would like to support My work, My writing and sharing, My PayPal account is:

I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Friday, February 22, 2013



Leaving limitation

Wizard's Log Star-date: 09:26:32 AM

Good morning. Our dreams (last night) seemed rather odd, even bizarre in some cases until We got it what We were being shown. We were Once again experiencing how this life/reality is All lies and illusions. Sure, it may contain elements of truth, most lies do but it is a far, far cry from the real and the true. Try not to get too confused here, the truth is never stagnant and most of Us expect the real and true to be stagnant.

Our dreams were nearly typical 3D lives but very out of character for Us yet obviously it was Us doing these bizarre things. Going against Our nature so to speak. That is because everything in these dreams and Our waking if false. There is really nothing here to be true to. There is so much more in reality. We think that We are limited and capable of being harmed. Only Our illusory Self is capable of such things. The real Us watches these games and shakes its head in One-der. Yet, it was that Self that asked the question: “What would it be like if We were separate and limited?” It set about imagining such an impossible state of exis-dance. No actual or real rules applied because the whole thing was/is impossible anyway. So, We were free to break any and All rules. Therefore: We imposed rules that were totally inane and unfair and even unimaginable.

Why do We believe All these illusions and lies? Because We are the One imagining it and telling the lies.

The dream of the faerie castle with the room that opens into forever and everything is probably One of the closest images to the truth that We have ever perceived. The rest has been preparing Us to expand/open into All the really is. There has All-ways been bleed through of the real into Our dreams. That served to remind Us of what awaits Us upon Our waking, even if We do not remember, or know that We remember.

When it All gets too confusing We can simplify to: Open, let go and allow. We can remember that We and Our world are much, much more than We ever imagined.

And so, this morning, as typical fears and doubts try to arise, We face “them' and say: “That can not happen. That is impossible.” The only reason anything fearful ever seemed to actually happen is because We gave it Our belief.

We are reminded how easy and subtle it is to get dragged back into believing in limitation and separation. It is All around Us and We created a preponderance of evidence to support it. We created and filled a world with proof that We are what We are not.

We are connected to All, We are source energy. We are limitless, creator beings. We are sooooo powerful that We can even create a believable illusion of the impossible.

We are free. We are love. Love is Our true nature, anything less is a lie.

Some reminders: there is All-ways plenty. There is All-ways more than enough.

Lack and scarcity are only beliefs.

This is an excerpt from an email We sent today: The other night I started having a dream about the faerie castle that overlays My cabin. In (at least) One room there is a side that opens onto everything. It is quite amazing and gorgeous. I've read from others about the real, true colors Once We get beyond 3D but this is My first experience. It is amazing. This is becoming One of My ongoing dreams where I keep returning. Today, We were acting as bees pollinating the fields of potential in Our New earth from the fields, meadows, forests and flowers of this faerie world.

We are reminded that in order to have what We desire (a world of love) We must let go. Our thoughts, plans and expectations are based on,in the lie of separation and limitation. At least All that come from Our head which remain the most common. Our heart has an entirely different agenda. What We try to hold on to usually comes from Our head. Our heart is open and free flowing. It really is hard to hold on to the flow.

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