Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


If You would like to support My work, My writing and sharing, My PayPal account is:

I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Monday, February 11, 2013



Calling a lie a lie

Wizard's Log Star-date: 08:11:04 AM

Good morning. Another interesting night getting used to living multidimensionally. It is an adventure indeed. We also got some great insights into Our dreams from the night before and the events of Our day.

Our ET contact group click here to check it out had its monthly contact focus yesterday. We are going to try to type up a report of Our experiences as We said that would try to do that this month. We thought about that before We went to dream and thought We had nothing to report (forgetting that the event goes midnight Friday to midnight Saturday. We had contact during Our dreams and some new experiences plus We were shown how the previous night's dreams were contact and an event during the day was a visit from a star being.

So, We will start typing up Our report and get back to You after that.

Okay, back at Ya. All typed up and now We will let it sit and settle a bit before We proof read it. A lot of expansion going on for Us. A lot more awareness.

We are definitely getting the sense of expansion. Our awareness is expanding. There really is sooooo much more here than meets the eye and We are really starting to notice it.

Once again We are finding that when We are NOT focused in on limitation 3D, many familiar tasks do not come as easily as when We are zoomed in. This used to be frustrating. It makes it especially difficult when One is trying to keep to a typical hectic schedule. Now, it is welcome. It is a small price to pay for expansion. We would much rather become familiar with how to live multidimensionally rather than remain focused in limitation.

We wish We had adequate words to describe what We are experiencing today, the expansion that We are aware of moment to moment. The “contact report” that We posted tells a big part of what happened and is happening. We allowed and We are receiving. Our questions and doubts are part of the lie programming that All-most everyOne is subject to. We faced the lies, We are facing the lies and naming “them” what “they” are. When You name something/anything You take away its power. There is truth hidden in myth and faerie tails. (typo intended)

We are asking to remember how to live the truth, the connection and the limitlessness.

Quite some time back We began rephrasing a common thought, it started with: “I have to” add in whatever.................. We turned it to: “I have to let go”. As often as We were aware of thinking We needed to remember or do or or or anything. We are being reminded quite often these days that what We need to do is let go. This is harder than it might appear. There seem to be sooooo many things that are required for Our survival but that is part of the lie. We can be free as soon as accept and practice Our freedom. Our fears and doubts (the lie) tell Us this is not possible. We are as free as We allow OurSelves to be.

We just started watching a video by Magenta Pixie click here what she talks about in the first 6 minutes relates to a lot of what We experienced as a child. Much of what We have blocked. We are getting back some of what We had blocked out. Our mantra: “Remembering more of what We are” is paying off.

We only had a little melting here today and We made headway on getting more of the snow away from the deck and back steps so it (hopefully) won't be an ice rink for Shadow to maneuver. It is quite interesting to do these things while walking in two (or more) worlds. It might seem unnecessary and maybe in an hour it will be. However Our old beliefs still hold a lot of power. Trying to resolve specific issues distracts from the over All inner change. Remember that 5D includes 3D, hopefully NOT limitation 3D though.

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