Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


If You would like to support My work, My writing and sharing, My PayPal account is:

I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Imaginating and doing

Imaginating and doing
Wizard's Log Star-date: 05:54:52 AM
Good morning. We wake to play another day. We wish to report that more and more days feel like play. It seems that We are allowing OurSelf to live in multiworlds more and more.
For some reason We did not seem to sleep well last night. We went to dream around Our usual time and it felt like We remained awake. We were imaginating Our new world and life but it did not seem to take Us into dream. After a while We got up and decided to watch another episode of “Fringe” on Netflix. We Onedered why We were not exhausted after All Our physical activity during the day. The thing is that We did not feel like We were really in limitation 3D.
It seemed like We never really went to sleep and yet We woke several times during the night or was it only Once?
When We woke this morning We were surprised to be awake this early after being awake most of the night. We were obviously wide awake so We spent a few minutes imaginating before We actually got up. We are surprised at how rested We feel when We felt We were awake most of the night. But what were We doing? We do not remember hardly any dreams, or what usually feels like dreams. Neither do We remember doing anything while laying in bed awake.
Was it One of those nights where We were sound asleep and thought We were awake. The only thing We remember was imaginating Our world where the front of Our cabin opens onto everything, We have flying cars, people teleport and shapeshift more and more regularly, youngstars visit Us at Our home and We enjoy it. Now We remember not only imaginating it but actually living there.
Our resis-dance seems to be at work but it is getting to be less and less. We theel that some of what We did during the night is hard for Our conscious mind to translate into 3D words. We are reminded that We can pony hop to clear Our confusion.
We continue to imaginate Our dream world where We are free of need. We also imaginate Our transitional world. There is a reason why We continue to focus on living in limitation 3D but We do NOT have to feel stuck there. We may want to experience and participate in the transformation and that is fine but We do NOT have to feel stuck there. We can transform limitation into limitlessness AND We can fly while doing it. We imaginate having lots of money to play with and share while We transition into being free of need and limitless. We ARE free of need and limitless and now We are becoming aware of it and living it with love.
Remember that We the other day We real-eyesed that We are addicted to struggle? Here is a line from Abraham-Hicks quote of the day: “And so, you sort of wear your struggle like a badge of honor.Interesting confirmation.
As We begin Our day We are reminded to face Our finances and Our fears and doubts and limiting beliefs around money. We do not need to focus on money All the time but neither do We need to try” to ignore money. We can allow OurSelf to love money (as it was/is intended rather than how it is misused) and allow money to love Us. Part of Our imaginating is that We have a lot of money but We do not need it because We are free of need. We are imaginating living free of need and everything We want We draw from the energy field surrounding and within Us. Anything We do not want right now can be (and actually is) pushed back into the energy. When and if We want it again We can draw it out again (create it). Often when We loose anything that is what has happened but We deny it. We are also reminded to set it free with love.
We got the second coat of paint on the first sides of Our wood (We do two sides at a time so We do not need to have a wet side laying down) and will be going to town in a while.
Somewhere We really slipped out of limitation 3D focus (which is One-der-full) and it is new to Us to do that while doing something so focused in 3D as this painting a project is. Progress, We like it.
We made Our usual, Saturday trip to town to visit Our friends and have dinner and play cards. Before We got to Our friends We had the thought(s) wouldn't it be cool (when We start converting existing vehicles into earth-friendly flying vehicles) to give flying car rides (if flying cars are not common yet)??????? We really played with this idea and had a lot of fun with it. We look forward to giving flying car rides AND converting existing vehicles into flying vehicles.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

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