Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


If You would like to support My work, My writing and sharing, My PayPal account is:

I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Bid day for summer school

Bid day for summer school
Wizard's Log Star-date: 04:59:39 AM
Good morning. We wake to play another day. We wish to report that more and more days feel like play. It seems that We are allowing OurSelf to live in multiworlds more and more.
We had a hard time getting to sleep last night, We thought it was probably because We will be going in to work today for bid day and do Our maps and parent contacts. When We did get to sleep, We did visit many worlds and played with new and old friends. There did seem to be more friends from Our waking life than usual. In One of Our transitional worlds We remember that We were typing up Our daily blog entry (like this One) but We were doing it with Our mind not Our fingers. In the last world We were with some AA friends (some from Our waking world and some new) and starting new AA meetings. “They” were very frustrated with a lot of non-AA topics and discussions going on. Then We were helping some of “them” care for an autistic boy.
Then We woke a few minutes before Our alarm was set to wake Us. Interesting that even tough this is not a typical time for Us to wake, still We woke just before Our alarm. When We sat up We spent a few minutes imaginating and feeling what We feel like in expanded worlds. Now We are practicing remembering what it feels like to have the fae around and being playful. We are imaginating having and using Our natural abilities like flying etc. This reminds Us that in One (or more) of Our worlds (last night) We were flying and encouraging others to join Us. Most wanted to ride in Our flying car first. Then some were able to allow “themSelves” to join Us flying without the aid of any mechanical device.
We like imaginating but We like full dreaming even more.
Every time We woke up We are very happy to have Our front window open again. We really like looking at the indoor plants but We also like being able to look out onto the forest. We Oneder if We want house plants in Our front window this winter? We may do that differently.
Pony hopping comes to mind. We ARE sorry for Our old, limiting beliefs and projections. We forgive OurSelf. (Forgiving OurSelf came up in One of Our dreams last night) We love Us unconditionally and We thank Us.
As We ponder imaginating during a work day: Our head tries to tell Us it is not real and We need to be realistic. It is a much fainter voice than it used to be and We easily reply that it is very real and very possible. We hope We remember this while We are working.
It comes to mind that We are sorry that We sometimes think that We do not want what We have. This is part of the human conditioning that when We want to grow, expand, be free and have more then: We must give up, destroy and/or abandon what We have. Therefore: We have learned to make that easier by training OurSelves to dislike what We have. Now: We know that We can have both.
It is misty outside this morning. Our tomato plant is mostly wilted because of the cool temps, the shock and lack of light because of the overcast. We theel and hope it will recover easily. The cutting that We have indoors is starting to really perk up. The outdoor cuttings are still struggling. We are imaginating Our world where nothing suffers or dies.
Bid day took less time than We expected because there were less bidders than usual AND Our route maps were All-ready done for Us. When We got home We did not really feel like getting active but We did a few light tasks around home. We tried to return to dream but it was not quite happening. We got an email (that looked like spam) from a friend so We called “them”. The email was not spam and “they” also need help with “their” Nook so We will go over there after Our dry run (for summer school) tomorrow.
We did do a bit with Our plants and cuttings and made a Onederfull chicken and pasta salad. Then it was time for an early dinner, an episode of “Fringe” and an early night dreaming.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

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