Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


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I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Friday, March 28, 2014


Wizard's Log Star-date: 04:00:19 AM
Good morning. We wake to play another day. (All-though admittedly, some days do NOT feel like play) We do not remember where We were or what We were doing but We sure do NOT wanna stop and return to waking 3D. Even knowing that We do not have to return to limitation 3D and that Our world is changing as We change does not really help.
We are going to let OurSelf drift a while so this may be another short entry.
As We go through Our morning: We get it that how We are feeling (on mornings like this) is because We still buy into the old beliefs and lies that We must fully wake up (which is actually a drugged sleep and programing) and return fully to limitation 3D. We do NOT want to do that. Sometimes: it seems that even being able to type here is more limitation 3D than We are willing to experience. The old thinking and beliefs ARE softening and We real-eyes that We have options even out of bed.
For a long time We thelt that the only way We could experience and explore multiworlds and multi-D is to be in dream. That was Our preparation grounds, Our training camp and remains the best place to fully experience multi-D. We are also beginning to explore and experience multiworlds and multi-D in Our waking life. That is good news.
Our thinking and beliefs are changing. We are in the midst of Our complete psychic change. As We have stated before: it is One thing (and much easier) to experience and explore multiworlds and multi-D when in dream in Our safe place in the mountains (actually foothills) in Alaska. It is quite another thing All-together to take it to the streets. AnyOne can do it in isolation. It takes a true master to do it out on the streets and in the work-a-day world. That is where the real challenge is.
To be “in” the world but not smothered by it is truly a challenge and it is something that We have chosen (unconsciously) to do. We appreciate the help Our children give Us even though “they” too are confused and distracted by All the mixed messages “they” get. We love Our children unconditionally and We are sorry for All the harm that We have caused “them”. We ask for forgiveness and We thank “them” for being part of Us. We go gently to allow Our children to feel safe and loved.
We have decided to type out Morna's prayer again to help Us memorize it to use at any time rather than having to read it. During Our day We often adapt/expand the four phrases and the part of Morna's prayer that We remember to fit Our circumstances and feelings at the time.
Dear spirit, superconscious: please take Me to the origin of My thoughts, feelings and beliefs about limitation and separation. Take each and every level, layer,area and aspect of My being/bean to this origin. Analyze it and resolve it perfectly with God's truth and love. Come through All generations of time and eternity. Healing every incident and its appendages on the origin. Please do it according to God's will until I Am at the present filled with light and truth, with God's peace and love, forgiveness of MySelf for My incorrect perceptions. Forgive of every person, place, circumstance and event which contributed to this, these thoughts, beliefs, memories and feelings about limitation and separation.
We have forgotten and then denied what powerful and magnificent creator beans We truly are. We imagine that something about Us is regrettable and ugly, then We project that judgment onto Our world/others and then deny it. We forgive OurSelf. We love Us unconditionally.
As We were pondering and letting Our mind drift around the multiverse We thought about Our ideal world that We envision and All the possibilities in between here and there. We got it that We do NOT want to try and plan any of it because We would still be planning from a limitation perspective. Our mind IS expanding and Our mindset is changing but We still think from a limitation default setting. The vision of Our cabin opening onto everything is from a dream and it is limitless. What else happens maybe like turning a dial and zooming in on All the degrees and nth possibilities in between here and there.
It feels like We will experience some of those possibilities on the journey to Our vision but many will be explored after We real-eyes Our ability to experience Our vision, Our power AND Our abilities. We do not think We will just make the jump from here to there but rather We will make a smooth transition, more like a slide than a jump.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

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