Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


If You would like to support My work, My writing and sharing, My PayPal account is:

I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Monday, January 6, 2014

Open to love

Open to love
Wizard's Log Star-date: 08:24:24 AM
Good morning. Yet another fun night of exploring Our process. We woke from a dream that is kinda odd but there was a lady trying to teach kids by having the kids draw pictures and make play dough sculptures.
We did a lot of pony hopping and We thelt that We got a kind of message that modern method of pony hopping (called SITH) tends to end at removing the blocks and memories and programs. We need to add something to replace those. (This typing could get quite extensive). This has All-ways been Our personal experience. Perhaps this is the very reason for those experiences???? We theel that this SITH method is great but even the developers feel that We need more, that it is only the beginning. It is certainly a great beginning because it works.
There is more and more We could type, but We do not want to. What We do want to type is that it feels like Our mantra: Open to love, set free with love and allow love might be that missing part (at least it is for Us personally at this time). We need to add new thoughts, beliefs and especially experiences Once We set the old blocks and memories and programs free. Love can handle this. Our brain will just add more of the old (interesting variations to be sure) to fill the gap (empty file folders and memory space).
We may have ideas: things like multiD experiences, acts of love, blah, blah, blah but love has answers and solutions that will truly work. SITH speaks of living from either memory or inspiration. We theel that Our mantra allows Us to be inspired by love then We can replace old erroneous memories with new love inspired memories. Yes, those are still memories and We will have the choice of living from old/passed memories (even the last word typed, even these words and All the words following are in the passed Once “they” are typed) OR We can live from current inspiration. We can have memories, We can revisit old lives AND create brand new lives.
That is Our big point: most programs tend to want to banish or destroy the old (good and/or bad). This does NOT work for Us. We want to set it free and SITHing and pony hopping are the first methods that We have found that do this. Even setting memories free leaves empty room/space in Our filing system: Our brain. People say that nature abhors a vacuum. Perhaps it is Our brain/computer that abhors a vacuum???? Therefore We need/want to allow love to fill Our files/brain with love (whatever that may be and/or look like).
There is a theory that Our current lives and worlds are a vacation in limitation. That is what We can use Our stored files for in Our present and future: in Our NOW. The difference can be that We do NOT have to fall in and forget what and who We are. It is quite likely that this is exactly what IS happening but since We turned off ninety percent of Our brain, We do not have access to the files that allow Us to remember who and what We are. We created a never ending vacation (a never ending story????). However, All limitation has an end, a boundary. That is what makes it a limitation. What We actually created is a never ending loop. We are getting bored with Our hula loop.
This is really some great information and possibilities. We might even put it into a “Night School” but We have the distinct feeling that We will need a nap first and We do not really feel inspired at this time to type up a “Night School”.
We are remembering a bunch of things from last night and there is just too much for Us to even want to type it All up. We will get some but nowhere near All of it. Our thinking is changing and THAT is exactly what We are after. That was what We wanted to spend this vacation doing and it is obvious that We ARE a huge success. We also get it that how We see Shadow aging and getting weaker is Our own projections of Our beliefs and Our memories. We are sorry. Please forgive Us. We love You and We thank You. What a gift Shadow has given Us.
We get it that what We are doing is really starting to get into Our role of healing hearts and minds. We are receiving lots of ideas and even inspiration. We could develop and market a lot of this BUT We prefer giving it away freely. This is a part of Our dream work, the work We have been actively doing since long before We began remembering Our dreams or were even aware that We were dreaming. We ARE on Our path. This change happening is bringing up some conflicting beliefs and ideas within Us. We have to make choices. Some choices are band aids and some are healing. The band aids are VERY sublime and appealing and alluring. Healing remains Our long term and ongoing choice.
We are reminded that more money is really only more problems. Learning how to mannerfest (We theel We like that new word) and create TRUE abundance is what We are really after. Most of Us (masses and personally) see/interpret money as abundance. Maybe it is and maybe it ain't. We are after inner change, at least first.
Another thing that We easily forget is that We are masters of time. We easily fall back into bondage to time and this frustrates Us and breeds discontent. We are also reminded what a powerfull and affective tool money is. We used to have a saying: “If God wants to get Our attention: the fastest way is through Our wallet”. We could easily make a slight change and apply it today. It really is true. We (probably everyOne) tends to think that more money will change this. It just ain't true.
We are a healer of hearts and minds. That is what We ARE doing and We are learning more and more about how to do it more betterer. We are also tempted to fall short of Our highest goals. We are tempted to “sell it”. We are pretty certain that We could develop a very marketable program. We prefer giving it away freely. This connects to All Our money stuff. We really ARE putting the pieces together. Maybe We will even go ahead and begin putting together a program but (hopefully) We will give it away (offer it) freely and not try to sell it. It would be sooooo easy to loose Our focus and focus on money instead. That is the pitfall that We want to avoid.
We are finding that We really do prefer Our wireless keyboard. Not because it is wireless but because of its key configuration. So, We had the thought to get it out and try it again. It seems to be working but it is hard to tell for sure because We are also running Our virus scan which messes with everything. Even so it is working better than it did yesterday. Even tho We are a bit surprised We are not fully surprised. This is part of Our process. Learning that everything in Our life IS Our projection and that really does mean EVERYTHING. We can break things with Our mind and since this is so then We can also heal things with Our mind IF We use love and Our heartmind. The thing is that We MUST be open to whatever love sends/gives. Often it does NOT look like what We want but it IS part of the big picture and it IS an IMPORTANT part.
We have chosen to begin setting up “Our Program” because that is what We feel inspired to do at this time. We will just see how it goes and what happens. We are setting free Our expectations especially those which are old paradigm. (BTW: Our virus scan finished and this keyboard seems to be working fine YAY!!!!!!) We are finding lots of things to set free. So many limiting beliefs and that is what We are looking for help with setting free. The thing is that most of the help (that We find or have found) available is still clouded in old beliefs and pair-a-dimes.
Somehow We are getting mind boggled by doing some downloading and sharing files between Our desktop and Our laptop. Time for a computer break.
We just got it that One of the things that is happening is that We are experiencing multiworlds. We also want to type: We do NOT theel that more money will change Our life much. We DO theel that changing Our BELIEFS about money will change Our life a lot.
As We watch some more vids and read some more about removing Our blocks and such We continue to find money to be such a huge focus. Of course We want to blame everyOne else and All that. But, We really do know that it is Our stuff coming up to loved and cleaned. Sheesh. What a tangled web We weave. Or is it just a mess? Of course it has a purpose: to wake Us the F up. We know there is really nothing wrong with money but without changing Our inside and deep beliefs more money truly will only bring more anxiety. We do NOT want to focus on money and yes We have been and these reflections We see certainly are. We are sorry for All the erroneous and unloving thoughts, beliefs, doubts, fears, memories and programs that are within Us. Please forgive Us and please forgive OurSelf. We love Us unconditionally and We love You unconditionally. Thank You.

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