Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


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I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Monday, May 13, 2013

ET Contact Report for


For 5/11/13 event

It seems that Our contact started early again this month. In many ways We are feeling that We are having daily and nightly contact or even constant contact. Yet, on Sunday 5/5 (We just noticed the actual date) We had visible 3D contact.

Recently We have noticed many more clouds that look distinctly like an armada of ships and many slyphs in the skies also. Many more of those wispy clouds than We usually notice. We would point out that the importance really does lie in what We are aware of.

So, here is what We have typed so far about Sunday's contact:

We met a youngstar who was definitely noticing Us (maybe even checking Us out) as We are putting Our clothes in the driers. We made a little conversation and since “they” were just putting “their” clothes in the wash We hope to make more connection when We return from hot-tubbing and maybe a little shopping. We had a nice time hot-tubbing but when We returned to the laundromat the youngstar was gone. We are sad but it is okay. Just as We were leaving another youngstar seemed to alter course and walk up to Us looking Us in the eye. We nodded at each other and said hello and We walked on by each other each looking back over Our shoulder at the other. We opened Our car door (the dragon) and when We turned back around the youngstar was gone. We drove around the lot and building but the youngstar was nowhere to be found.

We were disappointed Once again but real-eyesed that both of these youngstars are visitors who just wanted to get Our attention (and check out the human) for some reason. We are reminded that this coming weekend is another contact weekend. It will probably be an interesting week. There is also something important going on astrologically but We forgot what that is.”

The cloud formations are amazing this week. It looks like an armada of cloud ships is surrounding Our horizon and there are many, many slyphs moving in and out and about the armada. This is probably nothing new but Our awareness is new.

This morning (Wednesday) We experienced (in dream) a good friend working with Us and being very supportive of Our inner changes. “They” are doing the same and We are helping and supporting “them”. On waking We feel this friend is One of the youngstars from Sunday. We recognized “them” but “they” are not anyOne We associate with (in 3D) regularly. Again, We do hope to have more 3D contact but that may or may not happen.

As We go through Our week We continue to notice very interesting cloud formations surrounding the area at the horizon. Some look and feel like cloud cities. We do feel this is somehow significant.

Through the week it seems like We are getting messages/intuits about our galactic friends and family. We feel that these monthly contacts are definitely having an affect. It seems “they” are working with Us and letting Us know this. Most of the contact is still at a mental/psychic/intuitive/ telepathic level but that is a good place to start and build from.

It does seem like the contact and support is increasing. It may just be Our awareness that is increasing but in Our life that is really what matters.

05/11/13 02:47:48 PM

We continue to get messages and feel and sense (different from feeling somehow) the presence of galactic friends and family. There are many messages but the main two seem to be: 1. We are here 2. You are One of Us

There are many parts and pieces relating to these two messages. We theel (think/feel) that there are also other messages that are perceivable to Our sub or super conscious but not yet to Our waking consciousness.

We (personally and probably collectively) being called to examine Our beliefs, Our thoughts and actions to find All the different ways We use to keep OurSelves trapped. It served Us well to pretend that We are what We are not but the time has come to begin being what We are. Part of that is that We are the Ones We have been waiting for. There is also much misconception about what ETs are and how “they” should appear and reveal “themSelves”. Again, We are reminded that We ARE One of the galactics. What can We learn from that alone???????

We (everyOne and personally) tend to nay-say and poo poo Our thoughts, intuitions, dreams and the messages We receive telepathically. If We deny the contact We All-ready have, why do We think We should/could/would receive more??????? Whether We see “them” or not, the galactics are right here, standing beside Us and walking among Us. “They” are simply vibrating at a different level. Perhaps, Once We acknowledge this and say a simple: “thank You” then We may get more. Then again, We may no longer feel We need it.

These are some the messages We (personally) are getting and We do feel the galactics and youngstars presence. We had many spring tasks and chores We wanted to get done but last night We knew that We had to make “paying attention” Our priority. Sometimes that has meant going back to dreaming, other times it meant experiencing doing 3D things while not being zoomed in and totally focused on limitation 3D. That is where the galactics are: everywhere.

Sometimes, as We are getting familiar with being in this expanded state and doing 3D stuff it is very frustrating. We tend to forget how to do simple tasks and We do things in a way that does not seem to work well. We know that We will adjust as being multidimensional (as the galactics are) becomes familiar. We know We are being lead and shown how but it really is like learning to ride a bike and no training wheels.

The galactics have much to share with Us but again, if We can not believe in and accept the little things, how can We expect the big things. Maybe not All of Us here are starseeds, but many are and do not know it. Many who have felt it, thought it, wondered if it is possible are in denial. It really is Our choice and whatever choice We make will be honored.

The galactics/ETs want to and are trying to help Us and work with Us. However, many of Us (if not most of Us) cling to and even demand Our old preconceived misconceptions. We often call it reality. We are often mistaken.


We know We had more contact during the night but so far it is not really clear what that was. Today the clouds mostly cover the sky but rather than just a solid gray cover it is a mix of gray clouds with fluffy white clouds beneath. We get the feeling of looking at a cloud city from the bottom. It feels like this is descending upon Us IF We choose to embrace it. Of course Our first reaction is: “We can't live in the clouds” and the answer is: “Why not?”

Again, We choose what We accept and therefore what We receive. We are open to receiving and living in a futuristic cloud city. It is actually quite exciting when We open to it. Or a bummer if We believe it is not possible.

With that We returned to dreaming. Immediately We had visions of living in cloud cities and then advanced earth dwellings where We were piloting hover craft. The hover craft is very maneuverable and We were practicing running an obstacle course with it. This was in waking dreams, a vision of what is possible if We allow it.

As the day progresses the sky is clearing to scattered fluffy clouds (still look like various types of ships) and eventually All-most completely clear skies. We feel We have had Our contact and messages but there may be more tonight in dream.

We recognize that these messages and visions are not for everyOne (not now, maybe never) and We hope that We have not implied that “they” are or that there is any hierarchy implied in “them” or accepting and embracing “them”. Each of Us is doing/creating this journey, this process in a different way. That is why there are seven billion plus of Us. No way/method/journey is better or more advanced than any other. Different certainly but not better. Each piece of the puzzle is required and important and should be honored.

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