Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


If You would like to support My work, My writing and sharing, My PayPal account is:

I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Friday, May 24, 2013



Last day of school this year

Wizard's Log Star-date: 02:45:57 AM

Good morning. We woke early and felt like We are ready to get up. We had many interesting dreams again. We remember having fun. The last dream was in a world similar to this One yet quite different. A student wanted to do something but did not feel “they” had earned the right/privilege to do it. We told “them” that with some “they” might need to earn it but with Us “they” did NOT have to earn rights and privileges. “They” are delighted.

We are concerned about Our tomato plants and that is part of the reason We got up early. It seems that the older Ones continue to wilt. The only thing that We can think of is that first “they” were too much heat and light too quick and then when We moved “them” “they” are not getting enough. “They” drank some of the water and food We gave “them” but not All so We emptied the drain trays after about 24 hours. We just can't think of anything else to do except put “them” in the kitchen window which gets morning sun. Tomorrow We can and will be home with “them” All day. Hopefully We can give “them” the attention “they” need that way without smothering “them” with Our dotering. Spell check does not like that word.

One thing We are learning/experiencing is that We are very attached to the plants that We have grown from seed.

When We talk to the Fae about Our tomato plants “they” are telling Us that: “We need to learn by experiencing and experimenting”, “It is a learning experience for Us” and/or “the plants are actually just fine”.

Another typical fun day with the gradeschoolers. We will miss All the kids but especially the twins. We have had a few rough spots with the fun that cries and screams when he does not get his way but “they” are both just so cute. “They” have both come a long way since “they” started riding.

We were glad that the autist rode the last day. We have a real connection with him so even though We may not have said goodbye verbally he knows that We care.

As We were returning to base We were feeling around the energies and We had an insight about Our tomato adventure: Struggle for survival, following rules etc. are aspects of limitation and separation. Life, growth and flourishing should be normal, natural and easy.

Perhaps Our stress and worry are more Our attachment to limitation 3D than Our attachment to Our plants????????????? The feeling that “they” are fine and simply adjusting got stronger and stronger throughout the morning. We also did some ho'oponopono with “them” this morning before We left for work.

We enjoyed the afternoon ride. We know that We have established a connection with these kids even though We only rode with “them” a few days. It is not a connection that is very visible in the physical but it is deep.

We did not feel like going to the pool or shopping after work. We could tell as We went about Our afternoon route that this is the case. We stopped to get more rock for the driveway and some for the plant pots.

Now that We are home, it feels like We are breathing smoke. We can not see or smell any smoke in the air but, yet, somehow We sense smoke in the atmosphere. It is kinda like breathing in water (or a very mild version of what We imagine that would be like). This is a new sensation/experience for Us. We are reminded of how many of the now children are more sensitive to sensations than We A-dults. This sensitivity may be either positive or negative and “they” do not necessarily follow Our ideas of good sensations and bad sensations. Many/most A-dults in Our culture do try to inhibit and control these sensory experiences in children.

We know/theel that this breathing smoke, though a bit uncomfortable, (a mild irritant) is important in Our evolution. It may be smoke and/or ash from the volcanoes even though the news media says that it is not reaching Us here (interior Alaska). But, We feel that even if this is so it is only part of what is going on. We theel Gaia's atmosphere is changing. This (also) may be a part of slipping into another dimensional realm, coexisting here AND there. We just got it that this may also be a new sense that We are experiencing. Something different from typical sight and smell, yet like a mixture of smell or a deeper sense of smell. We definitely do NOT smell smoke in Our normal manner but when We breathe, it is like drawing smoke into Our lungs.

Since We got home early and do not feel like doing a bunch of stuff We are going to dream early.

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