Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


If You would like to support My work, My writing and sharing, My PayPal account is:

I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Friday, June 3, 2016

Lots of dreaming again and multiD



Lots of dreaming again and multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 8:34 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate. Dance to the music.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We are not really up: just tending again. We want to share some of Our dream experience: We are in some kind of war, rebellion or revolution. Probably fueled by watching “Jericho”. There are several friends that are in different locations. We can see each of these friends. Two come together for a meeting and that is when We real-eyes that We can not only see through each One’s eyes: We can also feel and experience through “them” even though We are not “them” (except in the much bigger sense). We are multilocating and remote viewing AND remote experiencing. Very cool.

We returned to dream. We were focused on sending out the vibrational signal of love. No more war or fighting. Play and fun. New friends and new worlds. We had read this and even though We could not really remember the words We focused on vibrating love. We could not remember that words because Our waking is becoming more and more like Our dreaming. The experiment affected Our dream adventures. We were also in multiworlds in those adventures. Worlds that are more free and accepting even if not totally limitless. There are many worlds with less restrictions than Our current waking world. We do Oneder when less limited worlds will be Our primary world(s). When will We choose to live free?

BTW: Our rain barrels are Allmost All full. We are way to deep in dream and multiD (so far) today to do much with Our plants or explore “file roaming”. We can barely read and type. We ARE having fun. Isn’t that what it is really All about?

We seem to be having a hard time returning to dream for some reason. As We ponder Our process We theel about things. We do theel that more and more We ARE vibrating love. Right now We are focused and aware of it. That is not Allways the case. Often: it is more subconscious and in the background. That is probably okay. It does belong at the forefront of Our theelings though.

We slept and dreamt better this afternoon than We did during the night or morning. The only reason that We are up now is so that We can sleep sometime tonight. Lots of worlds and lots of friends and lots of play.

We think that We got Our peabush planted. It wants to fall over and We propped it up. We will see how it does over the next few days. We put it in a broken five gallon bucket and added potting soil because it is sooooo hard to dig a hole here. The bucket is broken enough that the roots should be able to easily grow down into the soil beneath it. That soil has been composting for years so it looks really rich.

We do have the theeling of visiting Our ship a lot even though We have few actual memories of being on/in it. According to this We are visiting it a lot and do have need of a lot of rest during this transition.

More and more We can (and do) theel Our being multidimensional. The only way that We can describe it is like “being” a double exposure picture. Or even more than a double exposure.

We got up hoping to be able to sleep and dream at a decent hour tonight. We are having dinner with “Bitten”. We theel that We stopped watching it because it is slow moving. Hopefully We will find something more to Our liking to watch soon. Maybe some “Star Trek”? Yes and no. We do not theel like looking for anything else this evening.

We are reading more “Sword of Truth” and articles online. Maybe We are ready to dream.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

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