Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


If You would like to support My work, My writing and sharing, My PayPal account is:

I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Saturday, June 18, 2016

Dreams, 3D and multiD



Dreams, 3D and multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 6:49 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate. Dance to the music.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We are not really up for the day. We are just tending and We wanted to share a little about the worlds We have been visiting during the night. There have been several and there are two that We remember the clearest. It is funny: even though We clearly remember the worlds and the new and old friends there: the words are hard.

In the first We went to some kinda recreation center that had lots of games and toys. Like an indoor amusement park. Lots of the games and activities were to assist in people bonding. The people looked exactly like how people look in Our waking world. The thing is that “they” are much more malleable. Like several A-dults could (and did) fit in an average size clothes dryer and go for a tumble (literally). Now that is bonding. There were/are lots of games and activities like that. Something from Our familiar waking world used in a totally different way. A way that would be impossible in Our limitation world.

We woke from that world and were not quite in 3D enough to type about it. We remember lots more images and theelings from there. The words just are not adequate to describe it.

The other world is another catering world for Us. We really do Oneder why We visit and/or revisit that era sooooo much. Some of Our friends and employees from Our waking experience were/are there and there are new friends and employees too. We had some construction project going and several of Us had gone to get lumber. We were late getting back to load up for the day’s catering event and the Ones We had expected to be there to cover for Us were also late. In fact One of Our main employees was badly injured and came to work anyway. We were thrilled to see “them” and quite concerned that “they” were not really able to work without hurting “themSelves” more.

Then We woke and got up to share.

We have slept and dreamt well All night. Very deep and We theel that We are going through some more transition that requires much rest. Our body is going through more transition and We can definitely feel it. That may be why We are needing more rest.

Back to dream and more worlds and more friends. We do not remember as clearly so “they” must be further away from the familiar. People that can adapt to fit in a dryer is pretty unfamiliar so something even further away would be interesting to experience and remember.

We will be going back to dream soon.

More worlds and more friends. Not so much clear memory. All that We know for certain is that there is more transformation going on. We are taking All of Our parts and pisces with Us. Nothing/noOne is destroyed and nothing/noOne is left behind. All of Our children within are invited and included. No more castaways and rejects and no more orphans. Imagine (a) world(s) without any orphans. Every child is honored and cherished. Each child gets ample attention.

We ARE love.

Here is another message that tells about Our life. It helps explain why We may sometimes sound (and theel) less than happy and excited about Our life. We truly have a Onederfull life. It is just that We have remembered that there is sooooo much more: that WE ARE sooooo much more. We know it and We have yet to consciously experience it and that can be very disappointing. We know now (and We live) that even this “falling short” is no reason to NOT be happy. We are not really “falling short”. We make choices to experience. That is All everything within limitation and separation are: experience and only experience of an impossible illusion. Our belief makes this impossible illusion real. We ARE that powerful. We forgot. We denied. Now We remember. Now We begin to choose to live more of who We really are.

A little reading and a little playing in multiD and We are ready to do some more dreaming. BTW: it is quite warm/hot outside. We have a window and the back door open with Our fan running in the back door (the shady side).

We theel that We only got to waking dreams. We got up and decided to sit out on Our porch for a bit. We cut that a little shorter than We had intended because it was/is just too hot. When We came in We find that are way deep in multiD. Walking is a challenge. Sitting not so bad. Sometimes (like now) in multiD We do not have much 3D equilibrium: another trap We set up to keep Us locked into limitation.

We had dinner and started watching the movie “Synchronicity”. It is about time travel and much more up Our alley than what We have watched lately. A lot of it does resonate with what We have intuited. It still believes in time being real. There is a line/theory that is repeated about there are infinite versions of reality going on simultaneously. It also talks about some of these versions being close and the differences so slight that “they” are easily ignored.

We went back to dream a couple of times and finished “Synchronicity”. We had some waking and dream experiences of the vibrational shift that is what We (those in 3D mindset) would call “time travel”. “Time travel” is definitely a misnomer. There is no travel. Travel is also an illusion based in limitation and separation. Our head is beginning to get around these concepts just a little bit. The duir has opened just a crack.

Now: We go dream.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

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