Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


If You would like to support My work, My writing and sharing, My PayPal account is:

I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Much processing and releasing



Much processing and releasing

Wizard's Log Star-date: 09:52:04 AM

Good morning. More interesting realities. Most were similar to this familiar waking reality with some odd twists. “They” are All fun. Perhaps We only remember the realities that are close enough to this One for Our brain to interpret? There is a lot of freedom in the worlds We visit in Our dreams.

We keep pony hopping and We can tell that We are changing. Our waking world seems to remain mostly the same but perhaps We are projection slight and subtle changes?

There are several writers who are now saying things very similar to what We are feeling now. Yes, there are still many who are focused on material/physical change and to those We can simply honor “them” and say: “Not Our job”. We are getting it how there really are over seven billion versions of how We are transitioning. All are right. That is such a new concept to limitation and separation reality. In fact that is the major corner stone of the change. In separation and limitation realities We can not All be right, it just does not fit.

As We continue Our process, it seems that the most important part right now is taking complete and total responsibility for Our life and everything in it AND love. We also read these same words from several others. We started to say many because in comparison to recent years and even months the number has greatly increased. However, in comparison to over seven billion possibilities several is a more accurate word.

This love is NOT the love that We are familiar with or can really even conceive of. Some call in unconditional love, and it IS that AND it is much, much more. We truly can NOT fathom it completely at this time (in Our conscious brain) but We can open to it and as We bring Our heartmind online and activate the dormant parts of Our brain and DNA it will become a part of Our life. Perhaps We should say: We will become aware that love IS Our life. It All-ways has been but We forgot, buried it and denied it.

When taking responsibility the question arises: “Why We do such terrible things to OurSelf?” The answer is probably: “To help Us wake and accept and appreciate All that We are. In: A Course In Miracles it says We (God) went insane. We can certainly see how it would appear so. Even if Our actions and world and lives seem insane, We would say that these are deliberate choices to experience All of OurSelf in individual parts and from infinite personal and individual perspectives. There is (in Our opinion and remember that We are God) nothing insane about it. It is simply impossible AND We have done and are doing the impossible. Insanity is a limitation judgment.

The thought to own it and set it free occurs to Us. We may incorporate this into Our mantras. The idea of being sorry for Our creations is a bit confusing. We are NOT sorry for Our creations but We are sorry that We fell in and forgot who and what We are. We believe this was necessary for Our full experience but We are sorry that We continue to cling to and demand Our thoughts and beliefs about being less than We are. We must pay attention to Our words and be careful because Our mind does NOT deal well with mixed messages. Anything that even hints at destroying or abandoning any part of OurSelf is met with great resis-dance. And rightly so.

We are sorry for Our “erroneous and unloving” thoughts and beliefs. We know that the experience has been important and it is also important to remember that the game is still right here and will remain here AND We can play anytime We want. However, We are much more than the game, We are more than the characters We play in the game. We are responsible for everything We experience and there is no One and no thing to blame. We want and need and desire to remember and this has begun. We ARE in the process and We are learning and growing. (and growning a lot)

Earlier We put Our Nook back on to charge. It seemed that the battery was completely drained (this is new). We returned to dream and dreamt about a world (slightly different from Our waking reality) where We tried to return it where We bought it (not the same as where We bought it in waking). We had partial success after somehow convincing the owner that We were not some kind of con-artist running some scam on “them”. When We got up, Our Nook is working. We are not really surprised. We had a feeling All along that it would happen this way. We do like Our Nook for reading but We prefer Our laptop for email and blogging. We theel it is something similar with the dragon but We do not theel that today is the day to check it out.

There was a saying We used to use when someOne was telling a story from “their” life that sounded a bit (or a lot) farfetched: “They are making it up as “they” go along”. Well, guess what? That IS exactly what We are doing. We still tend to think/believe that We are bound by All these rules, laws and limits. That is how We have programmed OurSelves in this game. We are sorry for All the erroneous and unloving thoughts and beliefs within Us that cause problems for OurSelf and others and Our world. Please forgive Us. We love You/Us. We thank You/Us.

We are reading the latest from Suzanne Lie. It is suggesting (or hinting at) dimensions being living entities. We doubt that too many will pick up on this. It would be easy to take it to mean residences of living beans. We delight in the idea that these are living/loving beans and it is Us. It's All about Us and make no mistake. Funny how Our world tries to belittle and make a joke out of that, perhaps the greatest truth yet.

We have chosen to stay home today because of the possible slick driving. We know that is just an excuse and We really just want to process, dream, clear and release and then process, dream, clear and release some more.

We are reminded of many things which We have incorporated along Our journey. It is easy to think that We have found THE key, THE answer. If We were only interested in One reality, One dimension, One part or piece of the whole this might be true. But, for Us (at least personally) We want it ALL and each key and/or answer is One of the many it will take to complete the puzzle. This recent pony hopping discovery is One of those. It is not the entire answer or magik key. It is another piece(s) of the puzzle. We are unwrapping a marvelous gift to OurSelf. A kind of nesting egg. WE are the answer AND We are love.

We downloaded Zero Limits to our Nook and bought a PDF reader which it looks like We did not need but We could not find One on Our Nook until after We bought the new One. However, it looks like the One We bought may be easier for Us to access. When We opened the book We accidentally (or not) jumped (somehow???) to a very interesting and important section for Us right now. It clarifies a point: It is not Our fault but it IS Our responsibility. Subtle difference (perhaps) but very important to Us.

It dawns on Us that We are having a very productive day: on the inner planes and THAT is what is important to Us. But also in/on the physical We put a corned beef in the crock to cook AND filled the oil tank so that We can (if We choose and We hope that We do) go for heating oil (and drinking water) tomorrow. We may even choose to do dishes (or not).

We really needed that distinction between fault and responsibility. We are glad We downloaded the book to Our Nook too. We theel that We will probably take both Our laptop and Our Nook to town with Us at least for a while. We may find that there are regular days that We want One and other days We want the other. If We find a pattern We can take the One We will probably want each day. Actually, We can do most everything on either so if We changes Our mind, We can cope. We are very adaptable beans when We choose to be.

Whatever happened with Our Nook, We are certain that We choose that for some reason. It is important to Us to acknowledge that We did it. This is All part of Our journey and process and accepting who/what We really are. Another thing We read more about in Zero Limits today is the value of saying I love You to the divine and saying it a lot. We (each of Us) is actually that divine. This ties to saying: “I love Me unconditionally”. Many things/pieces are coming together for Us. Thank ME.

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