Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


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I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Sunday, December 29, 2013

A hopping We will go



A hopping We will go

Wizard's Log Star-date: 08:03:39 AM

Good morning. Again, lots of interesting and fun worlds to explore and experience. There was One where the physical bodies of people and animals were quite different: more like cookie shapes or blobs than in Our familiar waking world. The animals were called beasts and whatever “their” specialty was: there were runner beasts and cargo beasts etc. These beasts served people out of desire not requirement. Runner beasts love to run and run and run. People do not ride “them”, We attach to “them” somehow and “they” are happy to run to wherever We want to go and then “they” are off to run free. We just ask another runner beast when We want to go somewhere else. It is fun to just watch “them” run because “they” take such delight in running AND “their” little round legs do NOT look like “they” run anywhere. It's the same with cargo beasts and other types of beasts but those are the two that We really noticed.

In another world We met a teen who was visiting his Gran and We were visiting her too. We thought We knew him but We were thinking of his brother or cousin. This boy had One leg shorter than the other. We asked if he had hurt his leg. We wondered why We asked. We replied: “Your limp.”. That is when he showed Us that One leg is shorter than the other. We invited him to visit Us and did some very intense ho'oponopono with him and his legs grew even. He was delighted and ran to show Gran and everyOne else.

There was another world where We able to do a lot of ho'oponopono and change Our view of that world even though it was All-ready much more about freedom and equality. We real-eyes that this is implying that We heal people etc. That is NOT the case. We heal OurSelf. Whatever it is within Us that shows up as these needs in others is owned, loved, and released (set free). The only reason We see sickness, infirmity, inequality, poverty, slavery is because of what is within Us. This remains a hard pill to swallow at times but it is becoming more and more automatic for Us to get it. Our world IS Our projection. We love it because We created it BUT We have forgotten AND denied that We created it. We think We hate it because We think We are its victim. It is quite the opposite. Again, hard to fathom but We know in Our heart that this is true. We do NOT have to fully understand it yet, We do not even have the capability to fully understand it yet. We can (however) accept it.

We really are masters. We theel that where ho'oponopono may fall short (or maybe it is just Us) is that it is easy to get stuck in Us being the problem and miss the point that We ARE the solution (it is NOT some outside force or bean). We ARE love and love is what heals Us and then Our world. It is easy to focus on healing others and Our world. That is another trap We laid for OurSelf to keep Us stuck in the game. We are truly masters of the game. We have yet to remember (acknowledge) how to master getting out of the game. Then: We will have to find how to play without falling in and getting stuck. That may be (probably is) the stage We are at right now but because We keep getting stuck We forget that We ever got out. We get out in Our dream lives. Those are real and We know it. However, We still tend to believe that waking is more real. Oh the silliness of Me.

The message We are getting now is that We have remained focused/expectant on/of outside change. As much as We know it must start within (and We have been starting there) Our outer world continues to grab Our attention (or We easily throw Our attention to Our outer world). We use it as Our barometer of change and THAT is frustrating because Our old proofs” remain (apparently) solid. It is easier to not focus on those when We are home alone in Our safe place. We probably need to learn to take Our safe place with Us. There remains much to learn and remember and heal and own and set free and love.

Now, We are focusing more and more on healing Us. It is not something We have tried” to make happen perse but rather a natural result of the process We are living. Pony hopping is a big part of that. We love You. Please forgive Us, please forgive OurSelf. We thank You and We thank Us.

According to Mayan Majix today's Galactic Tone is 12 and it speaks of connecting disassociated parts which is what We have been theeling that We ARE doing.

We got some behind email caught up (or just deleted) and have been pony hopping OurSelf. Now, it feels like it is time to go back to dream.

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