Much 3D and even more multiD
Wizard’s Log Stardate: 11:53 AM and/or NOW
Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. WE ARE. Celebrate.
Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.
We Allready ARE All that We aspire to be and much, much more. We are ‘tending to be less and We ‘tend very good. It is time to accept and own that We ARE unconditional love and everything that We desire flows from here.
We woke grateful and remain grateful even if We ARE a bit cornfused. We have been up for a couple of hours: first playing in multiD and then doing some email and starting on Our new front steps. We got up because We thelt that We are awake and enough in 3D to start putting Our new front steps together. We keep repeating Our mantras AND doing 3D stuff. Learning how to live in 3D within multiD. How to be in multiD AND function in 3D.
We find many small obstacles in Our path. It makes Us stop, take breaks and reflect. Our batteries for Our cordless screwsticks are NOT holding a charge. We got out Our corded drill and are now using that to drill pilot holes for the screws and nails. Even with a pilot hole We bent One of the nails. Our idea for securing the plastic pallet that We are using for a base did not work at All.
We ARE practicing gratitude. We ARE remembering Our visions of easier worlds, less limited and less separate worlds. We know this IS working together for the very best for Us. Our head wants to plan and force Our way forward. We KNOW that is NOT the answer.
Thank Us.
Once again We ARE grateful for All the tools and experience that We have. If We breathe and relax: We WILL find the easier, softer way.
After Our break things went much smoother. We do see why We drug Our feet All this time. We had thought that We were making the steps too steep and boy were We right. As We were looking online for the handrail height We saw that We had bought the wrong risers (three step) and were using “them” the wrong way. Even though We did NOT want the way “they” would have turned out using the “right” risers (four step) the right way: still…… Another 3D learning experience. We will set it All free with love and be grateful. A little time and a lot of magik and who knows????? We do know that “they” will be perfect (as is) for an eventual place that We want steps. In the meantime We can practice gratitude and leave the old steps in place. We can use the new steps (especially after adding the hand rails that We knew We would need) We just havta be careful. We started painting the handrail pieces.
We also got All of Our tools put away. Now: We ARE a bit tired. We thank Us.
We are resting up a bit before We go to town for shower, milk, Mountain Dew and a few other groceries.
Monday is Our annual day of retraining.
We know that what We really want is to live as Our limitless and connected Self in this limited/limitation 3d world. All these other goals, projects, needs and desires ARE totally limitation and separation. So: We resist “them”. We ARE sending mixed messages to the uni-verse and Our source (which is actually Us of course). We are NOT a vibrational match because We want unconditional love and are trying to do things that are NOT in alignment with unconditional love. We seek balance. Not a “bad” thing just not a vibrational match to who We really are.
We ARE grateful for All of Our insights and intuits. We do NOT know how to live as unconditional love in/using a physical body.
Thank Us.
We open and allow. We breathe and relax.
We have spinach salad for dinner with a salami samich. We finished whatever We were watching and started watching something new. We are too deep in multiD to even remember what it is.
We are ready to let Our “Vortex” take Us to dream.
Good night AND thank You for playing.
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