Easy does it in 3D within multiD
Wizard’s Log Stardate: 3:32 AM and/or NOW
Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. WE ARE. Celebrate.
Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.
We Allready ARE All that We aspire to be and much, much more. We are ‘tending to be less and We ‘tend very good. It is time to accept and own that We ARE unconditional love and everything that We desire flows from here.
We wake a little early and very grateful. We repeat Our mantra: “We love Us and We thank Us”. This is very important to Our progress and process. It is part of relaxing Our way to success. We ARE beginning to live as who We really are.
We woke from many worlds during the night and played with many new friends. We have been in and out of dream and waking dream for some time. We notice that when We wake and remember a world that We were playing in: it is a world that is fairly similar to Our waking world. The more distant and different worlds are harder to remember clearly. Our head has no frame of reference (yet).
We have visited Our vampire colony quite a bit this weekend. We (and others) have been asking people if “they” wanna visit and many do so We bring “them” in for a visit. Most choose to stay. The love is palpable. Most people’s concept of vampire is quite different from the truth. Some are ready to expand “their” beliefs and many are not. We honor All choices.
We are focused on easy and allowing today. Our kids are great as usual. There are two changes on Our route and We totally missed “them”. Our driver caught One Friday and We found out over the radio about the other. OOPS. Move along. Forgive Us and move along. We got the kid back that We lost last week. This is the One that We enjoyed talking to as “they” rode alone most of the year. Now: “they” ride alone for a while and then We pick up two others. The kid We lost made a lot of progress with Us. “They” tend to wind things up so We do not really miss “them”. It appears that “they” got moved to the behavioral school where We are taking the two new kids. “They” are on a different bus as We do not go near “their” house on that section.
We have lunch and Wifi on Our first break. We do some online reading.
Somehow We are more aware of Our choice between making life difficult and making life easy. When One is caught up in difficult it is very hard to see that easy is an inside job. We knew it. We just had no idea how to get there. We have created circumstances that make life difficult and proof that is the way life is. What a crazy choice. Our head tells Us that We must struggle to get ahead. What a lie. Struggle just digs Us deeper into the rut. Gratitude stops the wheels spinning. Breathe and relax. It IS starting to work for Us.
We only have two riders on Our noon section and “they” are fun and playful as usual.
We take a long hot shower on Our second break. Then: We get gas and some groceries. We have time for a short dream spell before Our PM section.
We observe the contrast between limitation worlds and free worlds. We ARE living “in” limitation 3d and We “do” have the choice of being limitless. Until We accept this and begin to allow it seems impossible. (Like big green eggs from big green bunnies and it takes a three year old to wake Us up.)
Thank Us. We sure did set a good trap for OurSelves.
In Our reading and Our daily experiences there are those (seemingly the vast majority) who still believe in struggle and promote it as the way to succeed. Sad. We choose to take it easy. As long as We hold onto thinking Our circumstances must change before life can be easy: life can never get easy. We MUST change, expand and/or evolve before life gets easy. (Important note: nothing and noOne is left behind. Everything and everyOne are free to play whatever game “they” choose in infinity and eternity. We CAN return here any time We want.) It is pretty amazing to be “in” the/a limitation world and observer All the chaos and struggle that We (each of Us) create and support. We even demand and require it. Until We stop.
It really does seem impossible to stop when We are in it. It seems impossible to relax and create the change that We want to be and see. How many trips around the mountain? Thank Us.
We keep repeating: “Life is meant to be easy”. We will hear it and take it in. We ARE hearing it and taking it in.
A couple of Our PM kids do not ride and Our afterschool shuttle is canceled. We are happy to get home a little early. Our afterschool shuttle takes an hour or more. We still have to wait for the last mother to get home and there is a railroad crossing malfunction on the way back to base.
We are deep in multiD and focused on allowing life to be easy. Breathe and relax.
At home We decide to have a ham and cheddar samich with more “There Will Be Blood”. The tycoon proves himSelf to be a selfish bastard over and over. Our judgment of the rich and powerful reflects back at Us. We forgive Us. No act of attrition will ever clean the slate. Only Our own forgiveness can ever clean Us. We practice lots of pony hopping. We let Our ponyhopping (cleaning) to run in the background when it is not in the foreground. Something that We had forgotten is that We consciously process around six bits of information per second while subconsciously We process several billion bits per second. We need to ponyhop and clean All those bits. We are living in a loop (reruns) of Our own making. Until: We alter the cycle with forgiveness and gratitude. These can never come from any outside source (as We have taught and been taught). “They” must come from within.
Thank Us. We love Us unconditionally. We appreciate Us and All the experiences that We created.
A little playing in multiD and We are ready to let Our “Vortex” take Us to dream.
Good night AND thank You for playing.
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