Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


If You would like to support My work, My writing and sharing, My PayPal account is:

I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Monday, August 8, 2016

Insights and experiences in 3D within multiD



Insights and experiences in 3D within multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 10:12 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We are asked to remember this question: “What can be more important than planetary assension?” We agree. The only thing is that: the word assension tends to imply “going somewhere”. We prefer words like “waking”, “evolution”, “expansion” and such. Unified and limitless: next stop on the planetary express.

Just ‘tending again. We have woken from a couple of different worlds this morning (with different new friends) which merged as We woke this last time. In the first Our new friend is living nearby or with Us. “They” are some kinda ninja, defender of the weak and downtrodden. “They” want Us to assist “them” and We try One time. We explain that We just are not the ninja type. We save the world in different ways: with Our heart and mind (heartmind) rather than Our physical strength. This does not lessen Our friendship. In the second Our new friend is a faerie who likes to visit and play together. Faeries are very childlike when it comes to play. In the blending We All three play together and the faerie gets ninja with the ninja and “they” go out together to defend the helpless while We stay home and do Our version of saving the world on a deeper level. Just like Our being a healer: We are a healer of hearts and minds not bodies.

We just wanted to share this with You. Once again: the difference between Us and lots of other people is that We know that these other worlds/lives/realities ARE real and that “they” coexist with this One. Same place and time: different frequencies. What many call assension is simply learning to use Our frequency tuner correctly.

We thelt Our dreams calling and put on the “Aetherium”. We lay in bed thinking about the inadequacy of words for a bit. Words like dimensions, density, vibration, frequency and on and on fall so very short of describing multiD. We had thought that maybe frequency would be more better. Love has a frequency and so does each place. People can change frequency. One can be in/at the frequency of love and visit a place that it is mostly unloving. Unconditional love is the over frequency, the energy of everything. Each person, place, thing, etc has a signature frequency. We can find each of these and visit “them” by matching that. Is it a vibration? Is it a frequency, a density, a dimension? There is no One accurate word for that signature. It is NOT a written signature that is for sure. It may be palpable enough to be seen or not. It can certainly be felt/thelt. And with these thoughts We drifted into dream.

Another fun world. We met several new friends and played well together. We were a bit surprised that there was some competition and disagreement. We did quickly move through it. Some of Us were working (kinda) others were tourists or visitors on assignment of some type. It was connected to trains and We were traveling around. We found a really interesting restaurant to dine in and met more new friends and playmates there. Work IS more like play there.

Later (in this world) We plan to BBQ some chicken breasts hoping to imitate the way an old family friend did that when We were a child. It was delicious and We think the secret was a lot of garlic butter. If it rains then We have some bleucheese to use up and We can bake a breast or two that way. We also wanna trim more trees around Our chimney later. Right now We are too deep in multiD and close to dream to even think about doing that or BBQing.

We get it that these other whatevers (All here and now) must be thelt for. We can not think Our way into multiD. Words ARE highly overrated. In dream We do not think about where We are gonna be and who We are gonna meet and what We will play. It just flows. Anything else is part of the limitation and separation illusion. Certainly: some/many of the worlds that We visit are still limitation worlds. We can be in limitation AND BE limitless and multidimensional. We are NOT controlled by the world/reality that We are in. That IS part of the lie: being controlled.

More “Aetherium” and more worlds and playing with new friends. We do not really remember what We did so it may have been too unfamiliar for Our waking head to cope with. Just vague memories of having fun. We were focusing on theeling as We went to dream. Theeling: the key to multiD.

We think (used that word intentionally) that We will trim the rest of the trees by chimney in a bit. Pretty sure that along the drive will wait. We will probably do the upper drive One day and the lower another day or only One or the other or not at All. There is really no pressure. We do get it just how much pressure We have put on OurSelves in the passed and We are setting that free with love. We are forgiving OurSelves. As We were drifting off to sleep (or maybe even in dream) We remembered some old stuff (this waking life) that We judge OurSelves for. We forgive OurSelves unconditionally for both the actions AND the judgment. We ARE setting OurSelves free with love.

We remember focusing on vibrating love, on being at/in/the frequency of love: unconditional love. For: that is the world, life and reality that We want. That IS Our true nature. We have lived for sooooo long pretending to what We are not. We ARE returning to Our true nature. We ARE learning/remembering how to live as love in the physical. It is One thing to live as love in the non-physical: We have done that forever and ever. It IS another thing Alltogether to live as unconditional love in the physical. If We have ever done that before then We have completely forgotten and even more important lived in deep De-Nile for eons. Plus: We judged OurSelves and that really created a mess.

We forgive OurSelves unconditionally. We love Us unconditionally. We thank Us unconditionally.

Okay: the tree trimming is done. We are pretty tired because We really are out of shape physically and it was All reaching up overhead and some of the branches were pretty thick. It did start raining a little as We finished. We still think that We can BBQ: just not sure yet. Gotta rest some first.

Thank Us for being okay with taking breaks.

Our chicken turned out great. Not quite as good as Our friend’s. It is the first time that We have tried it and he had been doing it for years and he used actual charcoal BBQ and We used propane. Maybe next time We will try charcoal.

We finished “Awake”. It ends open ended yet seems finished. It could All have been a dream OR he finds himSelf in a third reality. It is the viewers choice.

Towards the end the two realities take quite different tacks. In One he is exonerated and in the other incarcerated. In the incarcerated reality he has a kind of dream experience (certainly otherworldly) where he gains information that he remembers in both realities and solves his mystery. We have wondered if it is possible to bring stuff from One reality/world to another. When We saw him incarcerated in the One world We were thinking about how nice it would be to bring something from the other world into that world. What he brought was knowledge. Really: it is the mental stuff that We need to take back and forth. If We only take the material without the mental it won’t last. Just like trying to change the world from the outside in. It does NOT last.

When We went outside WE find that We ARE definitely here AND there. Very much here in Our familiar waking world (or at least it sure looks the same) AND We ARE clearly in multiD where multiworlds coexist. We theel like We are ready to go dream and We do hope that this is not gonna be a late night since We have bid day tomorrow.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

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