Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


If You would like to support My work, My writing and sharing, My PayPal account is:

I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Lots of 3D in multiD



Lots of 3D in multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 4:06 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate. Dance to the music.

We woke several times during the night and were able to go right back to dream each time: until around 2 AM. We have been to dream since then for only short sessions. We know that We visited lost of worlds and remember some of the nearby Ones. We had fun playing with new and old friends. Many players from Our current world and Our passed and of course: new friends.

We got some insights and intuits which We do not remember. We are starting Our week day in fairly typical manner and We theel a little different. This difference is the knowing that We DO get to choose where/when We wake and play. We can choose to think in Our old mindset which will keep Us in Our old limitation world(s). Or: We can choose to change. We do not really know what to do to change???? That is because it is NOT about “doing” it is about “being”. Relax, open, allow and set it All free with love. That is the way to Our new paradigm.

We were going to download the next unconditional love chakra meditation and find that Suzanne is taking a break from it for Us to integrate what We have ingested so far. We will probably relisten to last One since We skipped several days. We are no stranger to taking time to integrate what We received and learned.

This morning We are aware of being in multiD AND multiworlds. It feels good. It used to feel unsettling. We are adjusting and getting familiar with this. We ARE delighted. We are unconditionally grateful.

This is very interesting: walking in multiworlds AND being aware of more than One at a time.

We got some of Our meatloaf in the freezer. We are NOT as picky as We used to be about such things: it no longer has to look perfect (whatever that is???). We are also freezing food in smaller portions. It is interesting doing such things in a rather “spacey” state of mind. That is kinda what walking in multiD and multiworlds is like” “spacey”, trippy.

We are reminded that the many wakings and returning to dream ARE part of Our process. There is part that is best done in that drifting back to sleep and there is remembering that best happens when We first wake. It is All working together for the best for Us.

Another interesting day: there is a wreck on the main highway into town and We were diverted to back roads. The traffic was really moving slow and We thought that We would be late. We ended up a couple of minutes early. (We ARE masters of time) Our first stop is out passed that area and We got out okay and then stuck for a short time coming back to town. Fortunately our driver new a detour around the detour as by then traffic was backed up for over half an hour. We ended up only being about ten minutes late.

The student who shares well brought “their” own game today so the last student who does not bring a game got to play Our game the whole ride. “They” were thrilled. There is still another student who does not bring a game and another student Allways shares well with “them” and only “them”. If the One student keeps bringing a game and the other wants to play Ours some We will let “them” as long as “they” share with the last student. The last student has NOT been popular.

We finish on time and go for lunch and Wifi. All of Our noon students ride and are fun as Allways. The different personalities and changes are fun to observe and teach Us as We go along. One student is a robot today. We let the teacher know so “they” would be prepared as the care provider had done for Us. We could tell “they” were doing something different and it is nice not to have to guess.

We have time to hottub on Our second break so All is right with the world. We do real-eyes that have slipped into One (or more) of Our less stressful and more pleasant worlds today. Slip, sliding within.

One afternoon student does NOT want to get on the bus for some reason. An aid gets on with “them” and tries to calm “them” and makes some progress. We tell “them” that the driver can NOT drive with “them” screaming like “they” are. The aid is kinda at a loss at what to do. After a bit We can sense the student calming and We suggest that “they” may calm now when the bus starts moving and if not We will return to school. Our last two afternoon students are wired. One seems to be escalating and not settling or quieting when We ask and/or tell “them”. The others are “their” usual quiet or playful Selves. We do theel that the screaming student set the other two off. One tries to calm and behave and the other is off and running. We separate “them” explaining to the One that both have to behave in order for the two to sit together. Shortly: the One calms too. Probably over stimulated and needed to be alone. In the passed when “they” were upset We have asked “them” if “they” want to sit alone and “they” have responded yes. This time “they” did not recognize that “they” were upset by the screaming student and We are not sure. We are certain that We could not have “them” escalating and have a safe ride for everyOne.

As soon as We had dropped off enough students We sit close to One who is trying to behave. We theel that “they” finally got it that We are NOT punishing “them” and that We ARE aware that “they” were and ARE behaving. We talk with “them”, let “them” play (though NOT with the other student) and let “them” change seats at another student stop. Clueless why “they” want to change. It is a kid thing.

After We drop this student the last student is behaving as usual which (of course) is a little different each day. This One plays well alone and often wants to be left alone and that is what We are doing. Sometimes “they” can express this need and other times “they” can not or do not.

We are processing All of this and do not go as deep and as quickly into multiD as usual. By the time We are back to the barn We are fairly deep.

We are delighted to get home as Allways. Our cabin warms quickly and We have dinner a little early. We are surprised that We kinda want to watch more “Mad Dogs” even though We thought that We did not enjoy it. Maybe more to acknowledge, forgive, accept and set free with love. We chose to watch more “Person of Interest”. We thought that We might have overeaten and are happy to find that it feels just right.

Time to dream.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

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