Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


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I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Sunday, June 14, 2015

About judgments and living multidimensionally, limitlessly



About judgments and living multidimensionally, limitlessly

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 5:19 AM or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate.

We are experiencing judgment and lots about judgment. It is in Our dreams AND Our waking. We just real-eyesed that We ARE judging (or at least Our brain is trying to judge) what We are doing: how We are spending Our days (and nights). In Our waking and dreaming We are facing other (many other) versions of OurSelves, Our twin Selves in many alternate and concurrent worlds, lives, realities, uni-verses and dimensions. We are forgiving OurSelves unconditionally AND accepting OurSelves unconditionally.

This current, waking world is built on judgments and made of judgments. Without judgment this world would be completely different: so different that is would seem to crumble and die. Except that it is energy and energy does NOT die: EVER.

So: to set judgment free is very scary to Our head, Our brain, Our ego and some/many of Our children within. We have given “them” good reason(s) to be afraid, be very afraid. However: those reasons are judgment(s). What a tangled web We wove. We forgive OurSelves unconditionally AND We accept All of OurSelves unconditionally. We love Us unconditionally. This is NOT hard but neither is it easy. There are sooooo many judgments and We have defended and demanded Our judgments for sooooo long. Lots of pony hopping.

We keep returning to that same basic version of OurSelves and reality to forgive and accept OurSelf. We are not quite there yet. Our head throws rocks at Us and We are walking in a mindfield and no mistake. All that We really have to do is stand strong and face OurSelf which IS facing Our fear(s). New insight: We thought Our fear(s) were/are external. WE ARE Our greatest and oldest fear. We let Our fear (Us) pass through Us. Fear is (We are) the mind killer. We seek forgiveness from OurSelf. We forgive OurSelves unconditionally. This could be done in an instant but it goes deep and We choose to go slowly, kindly and gently. We comfort Our frightened and wounded children. We must be gentle for We are who and what “they”/We fear. We love Us. Perhaps that love is also what “they” fear.

There is sooooo much coming up to be loved, accepted and set free. We ARE delighted even if it does not Allways feel good for good and bad are merely judgments. “They” are the foundation and building materials of Our world, Our life and Our reality. In order to live limitless We MUST set Our judgments free with love and there are a lot of judgments to be set free. We choose to be happy now and right now: facing OurSelf (and the judgments We are built on/of) does not seem like a happy time. We are grateful. We are getting what We asked for AND what IS best for Us. Thank Us. Even though it is NOT comfortable.

We are reminded of some visions and experiences We have had (mostly in dream) of infinity. There is sooooo much and sooooo much of it We have negative labels and judgments for/of. We knew then, from the first time We ever looked into infinity that We would have to release judgment in order to fully face and experience and live completely in infinity. We knew it was/is a tall order. In the webinar (that We listened to) from Heartmath and The Shift Network “they” even said that We can not and will not eliminate judgment (and for now, in this limitation and separation world) that is probably true. “They” are going for reducing Our judgment(s) which is probably the best We (masses) can do for now or at least it is where We CAN start.

However: We (personally at least) ARE learning (through experience and not by word and theory alone) to be IN this world of judgment(s), limitation and separation but NOT OF this world. It is not hard but it is certainly unfamiliar. We continue to waver back and forth and that too is an important part of the process. No more rocks please. We have done the rock throwing to death (quite literally). For those who do not remember: We have a passed/parallel life memory of being stoned (rocked) to death when We tried to return to the pack after leaving. Now We know that it was Us that rejected and stoned OurSelf. That is quite a revelation to experience. It is One thing to know it and a completely different thing to live it. We forgive OurSelf unconditionally. We face OurSelf and We love Us unconditionally.

We ARE learning to live here AND there. We are releasing and setting free with love more of what is holding Us back from experiencing multiD. Within multiD there is much that We judged as “BAD” and rejected and denied. How can We fully and consciously enter multiD while holding these fears, angers, rejections and judgments of sooooo much that is there AND IS Us? We fear and judge and reject the dark and yet dark matter makes up eighty percent of the known uni-verse. (Probably the unknown as well). The dark is NOT stronger than the light. “They” are equal and the divine complement of each other. We MUST accept, forgive, love, honor and nurture the dark every bit as much as We cherish and seek the light.

We (personally at least) face OurSelf, Our greatest fear. We merge with OurSelves, Our greatest fear(s). And so: We let it pass through Us. We remember to celebrate OurSelf. We thank Us unconditionally.

The world around Us is very different from what We have Allways seen, thought and believed because We have Allways seen, thought and believed through the eyes/filters of judgment. We have rejected that which We judged, labeled and called bad and/or evil and embraced whatever We judged, called and labeled good. We are learning to theel it All as neutral. Without Our judgment it truly is All neutral. It IS All energy. We even judged OurSelves and that is the most viscous and damaging of judgments. Then We created evidance of great harm done to Us because of Our judgment.

Harm is actually impossible but We created such convincing evidance of harm and how cruel it can be that We believe in it totally and completely. That belief: OUR belief: gives it life and what a life it is living. Now: We set it free with love. We forgive OurSelves unconditionally. We love Us AND All of Our creations unconditionally. We set OurSelves free with love. That is a frightening proposition. We call on Our alternate Selves in parallel worlds who have Allready done this (and succeeded) to aid Us and keep Us safe. We ARE safe but We need to be fully and consciously aware that We are safe. We do NOT feel safe facing All this. We fear the wrath of the gods even though We know that WE ARE those gods. We truly ARE Our greatest fear.

These thoughts came to Us during Our last dream/quantum jumping session this morning. “They” have been percolating a while.

Earlier (when We went outdoors) We recognized that walking around in 3D while in multiD does actually feel a bit like walking on water. Even though (on the surface) it does look like We have been wasting Our time the last few days: We are making AND accomplishing great strides in Our evolution.

Another key (which We have mentioned several times is: staying in the now. In the now Our judgments can still come up BUT it IS easier to set “them” free AND BE FREE of judgments. There is NO magik key but there ARE keys that open doors. Our judgments are based in and on passed memories and projections which We made up to keep Us locked in limitation and separation. We are THE master of that game.

We are reading the latest Quantum Awakening newsletter and her introduction is clearly speaking about what We are going through.

We are going in to town to do laundry and visit Our local friends. “They” too are feeling the current energies and are having a bit of an emotional hard time with “them”. We will just have to see how the visit goes.

We were mostly in multiD AND 3D functional on Our trip to town. We had a great dinner and a good game of canasta with Our friends, did a wee bit of grocery shopping and got Our laundry done. At the store We experienced someOne recognizing Us from “their” dreams and not being freaked out. That was pleasant.

At home: We are mostly in multiD and leave most of Our laundry to be put away later. We meander in Our process. We stay up a little late but can not get to dream so We stay up until Allmost midnight (a time when We often wake) watching “Boardwalk Empire”. We get it that this (or reminds Us of) a version of Us that lived as a rich and powerful person. There are a lot of good reasons (in this series) for Us to shun being rich and powerful. We do a lot of pony hopping. We accept and love that version (and All versions) of Us unconditionally. This really does bring up a lot of Our old stuff. We are enjoying the show so it is a pleasant way of dealing with some issues. These ARE deep issues, Allmost core issues except that “they” are NOT Our true nature and only that is really Our core.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

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