Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


If You would like to support My work, My writing and sharing, My PayPal account is:

I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Friday, October 3, 2014

Another multiD day

Another multiD day
Wizard's Log Star-date: 03:39:39 AM
Good morning. We wake to play another day.
Upon waking Our first thoughts were: “I love You” and “I love Me”. We likes that.
Again We visited several alternate/parallel worlds and lives. We certainly live a wide variety of lives in a wide variety of worlds. Of course most of the Ones We remember upon waking are in similar worlds since those are somewhat familiar to Our waking brain. Upon waking Our brain does try to go back into scarcity and lack mode because that is familiar and habitual. However: Our heart is becoming stronger and more present in Our thinking. We love You. We pony hop and add love to Our thinking and brain. We are sorry for the limits and memories that We have subjected OurSelves to.
In One life (last night) We operate a public shower business in a old fashioned setting but it is present time. The shower stalls are made of pallets that You can not see through. Kids climb up on scaffolding and pour buckets of water on the clients. “They” can have either hot or cold water. In another life We sell hot dogs. Our children like that One. “They” also enjoy pouring buckets of cold water on people but climbing up and down with buckets of water is a lot of work. We need to devise an easier method. Buckets on ropes with pulleys will probably be the first step.
We ARE changing and We likes it.
We are reminded that time is a construct of limitation and separation. We think We are constrained by time and money but that is only memory and habit. We ARE sorry and We forgive OurSelves. We love Us and We thank Us. We wanted to experience limitation and separation to the nth degree and We did good. Now: We are adding love and experiencing being love and connected and limitless in a limitation and separation world. We do hope that this world will soon become a world of love and without limits and separation. We know that there will Allways be worlds of and for limitation and separation and We do want to remain aware of those as part of infinity and eternity but We do NOT want to be focused on and trapped in any from now on.
The reminder comes to set it All free with love. Our thinking and beliefs need love to be free and transform. We are free We just need to believe it and begin to live it.
As We go outdoors We are having thoughts of living in balance and harmony with nature, with Gaia and All of her inhabitants. As far as We are aware: We have never done that in Our waking lives (now We have vague memories of doing so in lives as a druid). What a difference that would make in Our current waking world. That is probably a big difference in some worlds We visit in dream that seem so much like Our waking world yet very different. We are sorry for whatever We did to OurSelf in those lives as druids and in lives as rulers where We persecuted druids and any others. We return to those memories/lives (even though the memories/experiences are vague) and add love.
Love changes everything and it is about time for this change. Adding “I love You”s and “I love Me”s to every memory, encounter and situation IS changing Us AND Our world. We desire to do so more and more. How exciting to think of “I love You” and “I love Me” being Our FIRST and default reaction and thought. That IS real change.
We find OurSelves setting old, limitation and separation beliefs free with love. Some are beginning to fly free and be replaced and/or transformed with love and others still cling tightly thinking “they” will die if We do not hold on to “them”. This is part of the lie. Nothing dies that is One of the biggest fears and lies of limitation and separation. We ARE sorry and We set You free with love. We forgive OurSelf because it was part of the total experience. Now: We choose a new experience.
Another multiD day. We are functional but Once again words are hard. The further We get into Our day the further We get into multiD. Upon returning home We are barely in 3D and not very limitation 3D functional. We did not bother putting groceries away except the refrigerated Ones. We are going directly to dinner and “Merlin”.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

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