Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


If You would like to support My work, My writing and sharing, My PayPal account is:

I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Thursday, September 20, 2012



Feelings and thoughts

Wizard's Log Star-date: 08:40:15 AM

Good morning. Some very fun and interesting play time with some new friends and taking a look at Our desire (or more the lack thereof) to be in a live-in type relationship. Once again We clearly see that We want to be free to pay attention to Our many others and not be distracted by the presence of a single other on an ongoing basis. We are fully satisfied to have the excursions and exchanges that We have in dream worlds.

We had a very interesting night school and We definitely feel a hesitation about typing it up, or maybe more a hesitation to share. We are fairly certain it will not be widely accepted as correct. Can You say: “Fear of rejection”? But there is also the question of putting it out prematurely and then not being heard when the time is more ripe. We are reminded that it is this type of thinking that has been the cause/grounds of keeping secrets and having governments, religions and other societies to “handle” the truth and knowledge that the common people were not ready for.

What arrogance (at best). To think that I/We or anyOne is more ready and capable than anyOne else. This is not to say that an idea/truth/concept will not be rejected by some/many (regardless of whether it is true/accurate or not). It is this judgment (especially pre-judgment before the opportunity is even given) that leads to a place where We do not wish to go. We have been there, done that and burned the T-shirt.

This idea of truth alone is a subject for much discussion and it does relate to Our night school. Truth really is in the I of the beholder. We create and project Our truth onto the canvas We call the world.

We just real-eyesed how out We were yesterday. There was an email We received yesterday which We thought We read yesterday and deleted. This morning Our computer showed it as “not read” and sure enough when We opened it, it was not an email We had read. Boggles the mind.

We got night school typed up and forgot to proof read it before posting, sooooo............

Then reading about some others dreams We remembered some more dreams We had last night. Musta been a busy night. We do theel that this busyness is related and connected to this current download of energy that is definitely happening.

We seemed to have mixed Our school bus driving with shuttling students in space ships in some reality. We went back and forth between a normal” big yellow school bus full of students (going to and from school) and a small ship that carried One student at a time to wherever “they” wanted to go to learn/study whatever “they” were interested in. We can happily say that We prefer taking students where “they” want to go and We most heartily approve of allowing students to choose to study what “they” are interested in.

We also remember pondering that We seem to do sooooo many different things in different realities. We question if this is egotistic. But, We see that what it really is is an experience of Our multidimensionality. We really do All these different things in coexisting realities. There is also the factor that We do logistics and as part of that We are involved in many different projects. Since We don't just sit at a drawing board and plan how We think things should be done, but We actually get out in the field (on the front lines so to speak) this also explains doing All these different things. We are probably not as skilled/expert at any of these functions as someOne who focuses on only One. But We are adequate to establish whether what We plan actually works or not.

We often chuckle at what an obviously better method this is than sitting in an office saying: “Do it this way”. We have lived with and in the world where that goes on and We know first hand how inadequate that is. The planners theories are wonderful but do “they” actually work? By the planners being out in the field We actually get to see and experience the success and/or failure of Our best laid plans.

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