More multiD experiences and insights
Wizard’s Log Stardate: 4:21 AM
Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am the divine. Celebrate.
More multiD adventures and experiences with a bit more clarity and memories. This is the second time that We are aware of some of it being about transporting people. We are aware that some are NOT ready to accept and experience All that it means to live multidimensionally but Gaia is. Perhaps We are taking people to other places(?) where “they” will be more comfortable? We are pretty sure that words like “places” are inaccurate. Who knows. More shall be revealed and when We get familiar enough with multiD to remember it fully in/on waking then We will probably be able to be more accurate and clear. Of course: accurate may only be a limitation term too.
We would have liked to stay in dream again this morning but We know that We are more and more able to be awake AND in multiD. We are aware that it is more multiD that We long for rather than just dreaming. Waking AND fully in multiD will surely be as satisfying as being in dream. We are also becoming more and more aware of and familiar with being here AND there but that too is a misnomer. It is All here. There are many depths and levels of here. That is what Our head has a hard time accepting. That is what We have been trained to forget and deny.
Have We mentioned that We are getting the impression that multiD is a lot like digital art? It is like many, many layers of transparencies. Each transparency has a picture on it which is also opaque. We can see through the transparencies into/onto other transparencies but sometimes that is difficult depending on Our awareness AND desire. The transparencies may or may not be stacked perfectly. “They” may be fanned out or slightly askew. All possibilities ARE honored and allowed and provided for.
We ARE more and more aware of multiworlds AND multiD All around Us and absorbing/including Us. Not absorbing as in annihilating Us but as in containing Us.
We are reminded to stay in the now AND allow. Planning and forcing only limit.
The kids continue to be fun, great and helpful. We examine Our judgment and dislike of Our multiworld girl. It really is the volume and repetition that bug Us. It is kinda funny that slipping around in multiworlds would be repetitious but it is. Also she exhibits a lot of anger and violent talk. That is sad. She has been trained and programmed in separation thinking. Very sad. Of course: this too IS Our projection.
Most of the day is smooth and pleasant and We are mostly focused in multiD. The students mostly live in multiD so We can be focused there AND pay close attention to Our students. We notice how hard it is for Our head/brain to accept that Our thoughts DO create Our reality. We have been well brainwashed into thinking and believing that the world and Our lives are much less than “they” really are: that WE are much less than We really are. Getting back to Our true nature is only difficult because We make it difficult. We CAN choose to enjoy the journey. When We do then the time will NOT matter. Who cares if it takes another lifetime or twelve IF We are having fun? Grumping is what makes it seem long and arduous.
There is another incident (not on the bus) at the beginning of Our last school/section and We cling to it and chew it long after it is over like a dog with a bone. We do real-eyes what We are doing and continue to set it free with love, find happy thoughts and repeat over and over. Progress not perfection. We ARE delighted that We ARE aware of what We are doing and that We choose to change rather than argue for these limits. We ARE changing AND We ARE grateful.
We get home early again and do some 3D stuff while mostly focused in multiD. Another light dinner and more “Under the Dome”. We are not sure if We really like it or not. It is still pretty limitation and separation focused. We look forward to projecting Our new thoughts and expanding beliefs.
Good night AND thank You for playing.