Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


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I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Thursday, May 30, 2013



We woke early

Wizard's Log Star-date: 02:35:03 AM

Good morning. We do not know why We are up so early. Our sinuses and Shadow woke Us and We spent about an hour trying to go back to sleep. We could dream but We could not sleep. We had visions of Our Earthship and plant worlds and other growings and playings. Lots of info about earthships We have many ideas about what We would like to do and these visions We have been getting will be the basis for how We proceed. Our fort is a part and so is the privacy wall We did last summer. Yesterday We noticed a small branch sticking through the wall with leaves budding out. This is exactly the effect We wanted. If We remember We will insert a picture.

So, We real-eyes that We are not fully awake as We think of awake in limitation 3D. That is fine with Us. We went outside and it is beautiful, calm, clear and quiet. There is something in the air, We feel it. BTW, Our sinuses are not bad, not painful etc. like “they” usually are when flaring up over several days but just obvious enough to keep Us from going back to sleep. Or was/is it something else preventing sleep?

We do want to make a quiche this morning but 3 AM is a lot earlier than We had anticipated. We could hurt OurSelf trying to make quiche at this hour. There are lots of things to do, but We do not want to do any of “them” right now, so We won't.

We just found that We never posted Sunday's “Today”. We really thought We had done that, Oneder what reality that was or this is?????????????? Here We go to post it and maybe yesterday's while We are at it. Okay. All caught up of Our postings. We really and truly do remember posting Sunday's “Today”. Another experience of living in and experiencing multiworlds.

The One thing We promised OurSelf when We got up so early is that We can return to sleep and dream any time We want. We theel that time is quickly approaching.

There is definitely something different about Us and Our current world right now. We do real-eyes that We are getting more earthy. This is intentional and welcome. But, the difference (right now) does seem to be more than that. This is more ethereal, less mass and physical. Earthy would seem to be physical and mass. But then again, maybe not.

06:17:26 AM Well, here We are at a somewhat more reasonable hour. We returned to sleep and dreaming. It felt (then) and feels (now) like We were in a slightly different world earlier. BTW, Our tomato plants are perking up. We think that “they” were going through puberty. Some of the younger Ones are still a bit droopy but not so bad. Also, it is a bit over cast this morning which will be good since for baking, won't be so hot.

So, We enjoyed Our dreaming and We even remember a bit. Let's see if We can explain what it was clearly. We were processing some stuff. In the passed (and even still to a lessor degree) We have wanted to bring dream experiences into waking. In this dream We had/got this clear message: “In this world (Our waking world) there is death and suffering. Why on earth would We want to bring anyOne or anything out of the pristine worlds into Our tainted world? Would not it be much better to bring Us into the pristine?”

And really that is what We want AND what We are doing. But, it is not like moving or leaving, it is shifting Our perceptions and awareness. We theel this tainted world will continue for just as long as there is anyOne (any aspect of Our whole Self) that wants it (and We think this will probably mean eternity(. We will probably be able to be aware of it, to remote view it as long as it exists. We can even visit if We want. What We won't do again (please, please God) is fall in and forget how to get out.

The taint is limitation and separation. These manifest in many ways and most people are battling the symptoms without ever looking at or addressing the actual disease. That is the way We set the game up and people are still playing by those rules. “They” are welcome to play that game just as long as “their” little hearts desire. We too are still playing it to a lessor extent because We choose to change gradually rather than go into shock. However, no real and lasting change will ever occur until We release Our limitation and separation.

We did take a picture of Our privacy wall but the effect of the branch (with leaves budding out) poking through the artificial Xmas greenery is lost. Sorry about that.

It feels like We will do some stuff outdoors before We make Our quiche. We just can not quite get into cooking yet. We do hope it does not get really hot before We get a round to baking. It is nicely cool right now.

Well, Our quiche is baked and cooling, smells One-der-full. Our raspberry plants are tended to for today. Our seedlings are outside enjoying the loverly weather. We set rain barrels and tubs around (One is just uphill from Our raspberry transplants. We think that is a good idea.) The front window shelves are redone One more, One more time to better accommodate Our stevia plant (it is sooooo tall but it should bush out now)

After We rest and dream a bit We may stain the fort cross piece. We plan to leave the seedlings outside All day. We really theel “they” want to be outside more. Maybe We will add more decorations to Our tomato bucket. That tomato plant looks just about ready to move to a bigger home.

Our forest is now All green. There is still lots more growing that it will do and the grasses have not fully come up yet but the leaves are out on the trees. We really appreciate the color over bare tree trunks. We also hope to get some baby spruce transplanted around Our cabin. The power company is going to cut down trees in the right of way this summer and that will probably cut down the spruce We plan to transplant. It will also save Us from needing to trim along the upper driveway for the snowplow.

Oh, yeah, Our cordless weedeater took its charge (it's been so long since We used it We were not sure) and We learned that the head disconnects from the stem, blade and handle for charging. That sure will make that easier because the best place for the charger is behind Our arm saw and what a pain to put the whole thing back there.

Okay, We think We hear Our fort calling.

We got the first coat of stain on the cross piece and were One-der-ing why it took Us sooooo long to start????? Then, We remembered it was not dry yesterday. DUH. This is just another example of slip, sliding around. We also misplaced a razor knife a few days/lifetimes ago. Now, it's not like We do not have plenty of other razor knives and since it is summer All are easy to get to (no snow or cold temperatures between We and “they”). That is not the point. We really hate losing things and We really need to get over it. We knew that We had sent it into another world or that We had slipped into another world or both or or or............... We were reminded of All the shows and movies etc. about building machines to do this and “they” usually fail, at least at first. Maybe because We do it All the time without using machines??????? And We include YOU in that We. We have discussed this before. Often, when something goes missing We (each and every One of Us) sent it (or OurSelf) into another world.

Okay, We know All this and are even getting better at accepting it. Does that stop Us from looking for it? Hell no!!!!!!! Finally, We decided to look where We were certain We had not put it. Guess what? There was a razor knife there, albeit not the razor knife We were looking for. No, this is not another razor knife that We had forgotten We put there. How to better explain? It is a new and different razor knife, plain and simple. It is from a different world than Our familiar world. Or???????? No, We are not going crazy, We are All-ready there. Too late. AND We are slip, sliding between worlds and even when it frustrates Us, We are happy and excited to do it. We are even with finding a different razor knife than the One We were looking for and We think that now We can stop looking.

During this razor knife craziness We were reminded of a statement that We have All-ways thought to be about the stupidest statement ever: “I finally found it in the last place I looked.” Well duh, isn't that amazing. You stopped looking when You found it. Therefore You found it in the last place You looked. Is it just Me or is this an absurd yet common statement?

And with that, it is dream time. Catch You in a bit, or not.

There are sooooo many worlds to explore, and many are much like this One, only limitless. We are creating a world(s) {or is it just a life?} that is in tune and harmony and All is/are connected and freedom. Where plants walk and dance with Us and We turn sunshine and moonbeams into food. We are expanding and We are loving it, even when it frustrates Us.

We just got to face and walk through a fear. We were decorating Our tomato bucket and spilled Our bead tray. As We faced this catastrophe We considered leaving it. “They” did decorate the floor nicely. However, the thought of walking on “them” or Shadow slipping on rolling beads did not appeal. It was rather amazing that picking “them” up was much easier than We imagined when We foresaw this happening yesterday.

We finished putting the beads on the bucket (or is it lime in de coconut?) It was rather interesting All the mishaps and it seemed like the beads or I were resisting. After several days of playing at this with no troubles, why was the last stretch such a challenge? Oh well.

Now, We want to finish a little painting and it will be ready for the tom plant to move in. OOPS. We will need to add dirt first. Silly human.

It looks and feels like a rain/something storm is moving in. We have been anticipating this and allowed/hoped for it in Our activities. Rain barrels and tubs are ready and waiting. We do not have Our tarp up out front yet because We are letting the ground dry from the spring thaw, but We think We have everything covered that needs/wants to be. We get the feeling that Our seedlings may have to play indoors tomorrow.

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