Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


If You would like to support My work, My writing and sharing, My PayPal account is:

I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Friday, May 10, 2013



Who needs reality?

Wizard's Log Star-date: 03:55:00 AM

Good morning. After so many years of living in and believing in limitation, it is amazing All the different things We can do and worlds We can it in. As We experience more of this We do find things that We can do but do not want to do. We also find worlds that We don't want to live in. We think that this All being sooooo much and limitation being sooooo familiar is why sooooo many just can not relate to being what We really are. This is why many have to and want to stay in limitation, at least at most levels.

We have seen much disappointment and frustration with Our world, society and way of living. For most, the reaction is to blame others. When We do real-eyes that the only One responsible is Us, that really changes the game. We could then blame OurSelves but that is just as inaccurate and dis-empowering as blaming others. As difficult as it is to live in slavery and limitation and separation, We chose this for a reason and We have done very, very well. But, We fell in and We can't get up. Well, We can but it does seem to be much harder than We ever imagined when We chose this.

We (personally) are happy and frustrated with taking this current expansion and transition gently and gradually. We are finding more and more people online coming into alignment with what We have been feeling and trying to express for quite some time. There were many times that We doubted OurSelf because of sooooo many who believed nearly the opposite version of now. Now, some are saying that “they” may have been mistaken and (of course) there are others defending “their” old beliefs even in the face of tumbling foundations and tower walls. Again, We must, simply must (for Our own joy and peace of mind) remember that it is All perfect. It seems like this is a paradox and conundrum but it is true and only appears at odds with itSelf.

Can You tell that We had some odd dreams last night? In One We were back in the restaurant business in many different settings. It seemed odd to Us to slip and slide through different life versions and back again. It was a learning experience and We All-most missed it. It is probably part of the nights We can not remember. To visit many versions of a similar life and back and forth and back and forth over and over, never really seeming to leave One to visit another seems impossible. It is the stuff sci-fi is made of. Even though We know that We can, We find it hard to “believe” that We can. We find it hard to allow it to be true in Our experience. We are being shown more and more and through repetition the bizarre and unbelievable is becoming familiar.

Most people still resist this but little by little, more and more are beginning to acknowledge the possibility and the experience even if only” in dream. More and more are also real-eye-sing that dreams are not only dreams”. Dreams are real and visits to lives that We thought We were prohibited from living. It was OurSelves who prohibited Us.

Also, more and more in waking this world is appearing very different from what We have All-ways accepted as real and solid. Often, what We feel and see appear surreal.

Reading something first thing this morning reminds Us that there was an experience and thoughts about time and space recently. We truly do not know if it was in waking or night school. It clearly showed Us how space is also as malleable as time. As much as We have resisted fully accepting and allowing time to be malleable, it is much easier to accept than space being changeable. We can easily see how time is merely a construct, a concept but space really does seem real and permanent if not solid.

We spend a lot of time repeating: “Open, let go and allow.” Many of the kids, though still following Our old ways and models also know and experience that there is much more.

Our gradeschoolers were All in a great mood today. The little girl did not want to go to school and cried All the way to the bus. We had her pick her seat and told her if she sat where there were two car-seats One of the boys would probably want to sit with her. She climbed into her seat and told Us which boy she wanted sitting next to her while continuing to cry. We asked if she wanted her banana or sippy cup from her backpack but she was too busy being mad. After a couple of blocks she settled down. Again We asked her if she wanted her cup or banana and she wanted her cup. From then on she was happy. After she finished her juice she asked for her banana. She can usually peel her banana herSelf but she was having trouble and asked for help. We got it started and as usual she did fine. When the boy sat next to her she talked and talked to him.

Except for the non-verbal boy, All the kids were talking and laughing, some to the point of squealing which We had to curtail for safe driving. The non-verbal boy smiled and laughed. He is trying to make a few words but nothing understandable yet.. It is delightful to see everyOne interacting and having such a good time.

It seems like many people are starting to adjust better to the current shift and the incoming energies.

More cool clouds today. Lots of slyphs. It looks like We are actually into spring this time. A lot of snow has melted and We do hope to get some more rock in spots of Our driveway before it dries out, that way the rock actually gets worked into the mud/dirt rather than sitting on top to be caught up by the snowplow.

We do feel like We may be drifting into dream again.

We really do not know where the rest of Our day went. We have finished work and were completely aware of being with the students and having a good time but other than that...................... We really do not know what, where, how Our day went. We had more conversation and laughter with the highschooler and find more and more how We are alike. The boy in the wheelchair was thrilled to get more Magic cards and told Us about “them” even though he could not actually read “them”. (Who needs reality). The middleschoolers were the middleschoolers. We fell in and do not want to get up.

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