Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


If You would like to support My work, My writing and sharing, My PayPal account is:

I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Our demon(s)



Angels and demons?

Wizard's Log Star-date: 08:56:56 AM

Good morning. Another interesting night of playing and exploring these expanded realities. It feels very important to stop thinking of “them” as alternate or in any way separate. That is another part of the old separation/limitation mentality. We are All connected. We explored and experienced sliding or flowing to expanded versions and parts. The word flowing is fairly accurate. The realities/worlds/realms/dimensions do All flow together like a river of energy. We experienced that.

We are getting the intuit that this common concept of “other” realities and dimensions that are somehow distinctly divided and separated plays a big part in Our confusion about moving between “them”. It also contributes to Our confusion about what did or did not happen on the December Solstice 12/21/12. We expected a move across some “great divide” which does not exist. We made the gentle slide to what lies ahead or beside.

The really interesting part of the night (for Us anyway) was: while We were meeting and playing with old and new friends We met Our demon. Oh don't look so surprised. We All have at least One. We will call him a male because that is how We perceived him. He looked human except his face. He was able to cloak his face in shadow or completely alter it to look human. When We met him, his face was cloaked in shadow. We do not remember exactly how We got it that he was a demon, he may have volunteered the information or We may have noticed his face (cloaked in shadow) and commented. We asked if he is Our demon. He replied: “Not as in You own Me. Nobody owns a demon just like noOne owns a human. But yes: as in I Am part of You.”

We asked to see his face and he was very hesitant. “I will show You a human face.” “Okay, but We really want to see Your natural face.” “Then You won't like Us anymore.” Once again, as with All the new friends We are meeting, We had become instant friends upon meeting. “We may need to take time to get used to Your face, We may not like the way it looks naturally, maybe only at first, maybe never, but We will still like You.”

He went through gradual shifts until he was finally revealing his natural face. It looked, well, demonic. We do not know how else to describe it. Basically humanoid yet definitely NOT. We think (at this point) Our not being a visual person may help: a lot. We would be hard pressed to give an accurate description to any of Our friends, even the closest. It did not take Us long at All to get familiar with his looks and really not even notice. He was surprised that We did not disdain him and try to drive him out. We invited him in, even further in than before.

Thus, We have begun the process of integrating Our demon. We know that it is going to be an ongoing process that has only just begun. We asked if he knew other parts of Us that We are unaware of. He said that he most certainly does. We asked if he would bring “them” to meet Us so We can invite “them” in. He was delighted. With an evil grin (the grin of a very mischievous little boy) he said: “Some won't want to come You know. And even some who do come willingly won't want to join. This will be great fun.”

Do not force anyOne to come.”

We never 'force' anyOne to do anything. That is actually quite impossible You know.”

Can You make sure that “they” do not feel forced, please?”

No, that is impossible also. That impression is completely up to the person. Each person chooses to believe what “they” will.”

Okay, but please be gentle.”

We will be as gentle as is demonically possible.”

When 'they' arrive 'they' will have 'their' choice whether or not to accept Our love.”

EveryOne does.”

You are a very smart demon.”

All demons are very smart. It is a requirement. Sort of.”

We get the impression that the process of integrating Our demon will be One of the most interesting adventures of Our life. Maybe the very most exciting.

After that We All returned to playing together. EveryOne accepted Our demon just like another of Our human friends. We wonder how many other demons there might be in Our group?

There were more insights into OurSelf and Our aspects and versions many of which are just below (or above) Our conscious memory. We recognize more contact with Our friend from Our school years. This is contact with him in a version beyond what he is playing at in 3D. We are uncertain how aware he may or may not be (in 3D) with his expanded Self. We think this will unfold a bit like the integrating Our demon will unfold. Is there a connection?

We were actually excited to get up and begin the waking side of these adventures.

We are rereading yesterdays “Today” (something We rarely do) and We had forgotten that We wrote about this distancing OurSelves from Our expanded realities that We dreamed about last night. Time Warp?

We are having another beautiful snowy day today. Yesterday We got less than One inch so not too much snovelling. Today it is One of those heavy, steady but very fine snows.

We seem to have fallen into You Tubes of Simon and Garfunkel again. See You in another life?

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